Dramione/ Hermione's secret, Draco's plan.

Draco watched Hermione from across the great hall while she ate her dinner and talked to her friends. The thing she did before they entered the great hall played on his mind. It was unusual for her to do anything like that.

Flash back

Draco stood out side the hall not wanting to go in and be ambushed by Pansy. The obsessed girl drove him insane. Hermione rushed around the corner with her head down and bumped into Draco.

"Hay watch it Granger." She must have been at the library.

She looked up to his face and flushed red; Draco put it down to anger. "Move Malfoy."

"Manners mud."

"Don't say it Malfoy!" she looked into his eyes, which were filled with anger and something else Draco couldn't put his hand on.

"Why not mudblood?"

Hermione pushed Draco, "I said don't say it!"

Draco grabbed her arms and pushed her against the wall closest to them. Her breathing quickened and her expression on her face was panicked. He put his hands on the wall ether side of her head.

"What you gonna do about it…mudblood?"

She looked into his eyes again as he smirked down at her. The thing that happened next surprised him. She moved too fast for him to react in time. He had no idea what was happening before it was too late.

Her hands was at the back of his head and pulled him towards her fast, then her lips were crushing down on his. After realization kick in for Draco her pushed her away.

"What are you doing Granger?" After a few seconds of silence he asked, "Well?"

"I…I just…" She turned and walked into the hall before he could do anything.

End flashback

As he sat there watching her he wounded what was going through her head at the time. 'Maybe she did just want me to shut up' he thought. 'No. That's not Grangers style. It's weird, I should feel appalled the way my farther a tort him but I wasn't. I was just surprised, this was the girl I've bullied for 7 years and made cry for fun. She should hate me not kiss me.'

She looked up and met his gaze, flushed red and looked away. A smirk spread across his face has another thought hit him 'She wants me, well that's understandable who doesn't, but this is mudblood granger. Potters best friend. If I could screw her there is a chance I could brake the group up. Yes. Plan time.'

He stood up and hurried of to the Slytherin common room where he could think of a plan in silence. He sat down in one of the chairs while he thought.