Disclaimer: I don't own FTTD, although I wish I did....^_^
Author's Notes: This is only the second fic I've written (The Naga's Den), so please don't flame me!! Thank you so much for all of your support! Now, on with the story!!

The Fabled Were-Sara

If you walked along outside, you would think that the ratty little shack with the sign 'Buereu of Time and Space' would be relativly peaceful. Normally, things would be the complete opposite of that, but now, everyone is standing attention (especially Dr. Goodman ^_^) to the monotonous voice of Ms. Gillian Grey.
"The time shifter you are ordered to locate is the mysterious Lupie. The only powers we know of so far is that he is able to control any lupine or canine around. We don't have anymore information about him, so be careful, time detectives!" Dr. Goodman put on a lop-sided grin.
" Hey, Gillian! Why don't you and I go to a nice sushi bar this weekend?" Ms. Grey didn't change her expression.
" No thank you, Dr. Goodman. And one more thing," Bernard's eyes lit up.
"Yes, Gillian?"
" Don't ever call me that again. Address me as Ms. Grey, please. Do you understand?" Bernie the bachlore sighed.
" Uh huh." The golden time card was delivered to them. With a quick swoop of his hand, Flint took it.
" Oh boy! Time to find another friend!" he exclaimed. Tony was equally excited.
"Yeah, Flint! A time shifter that can control wolves! How cool is that?!" One of the other time shifters bounded up.
"Oh boy! Another dog in the house!" smiled Lynx, wagging his tail. Flint grinned at his friend.
Sara nodded her head, just not as enthusiastically.
"Yeah, it'll be cool....I guess." As Get-A-Long danced around with Flint and Tony, Pterri silently glided up to his female friend.
" Sara, is something wrong?" inquired the vermillion pterydactyl. The young girl looked startled.
" Oh, no Pterri. I....I just have a feeling that something is going to go wrong. I just know it." Pterri slowly nodded.
" Well, follow your intuition, just don't get paranoid, okay?" Sara smiled and nodded.
" Sara! C'mon! Sometime this century!" Tony shouted from the time cycle.
" Alright, already!" she huffed. She gave Tony a swift smack on the head for his earlier comment.
" Setting co-ordinates.....co-ordinates set for Northern Europe, the year 1724." Flint waved his fatherly hammer around triumphintly.
" Let's GO!!" Flint's young and childish voice could be heard as the endless time portal closed for certainly not the last time.

Well, what didya think? Please r/r!! Thanks a million!
Ly the werewolf