Disclaimer: I do not own any characters 'cept Charge. All others go to Sega. Baby universe idea goes to StarVix. Ace Combat and Pixy/ ADFX-01/02 Morgan rights go to Namco Bandai. All songs mentioned are owned by their respective bands/owners.

The whole Ace Combat rant was actually based on an actual thought that I had after I came so close to beating Pixy… I SWEAR, I WILL NOT REST UNTIL I SEE THAT MORGAN EXPLODE!!!!!!!!! AND TAKE THAT TRAITOR PIXY WITH IT!!! THAT'S FOR KILLING PJ, YOU STUPID SEPERATIST!!! *pauses to cough and come back to senses*…………….wait, was that out loud?

And yes, I did have to include Canada somehow. Don't like Canada? Too bad, so sad, sucking a lollipop! CANADA IS AWSOME!


BOLD is writers opinion

A normal day dawned on the Planet Mobius. Sonic the Hedgehog was running for his life from his "girlfriend" Amy, Tails was in his workshop improving the Tornado X, Knuckles was guarding the Master Emerald, the Chaotix were in their office, where Vector was counting dollar bills, Espio was meditating and Charmy was on a sugar rush, the Babylon Rouges were flying around causing utter mayhem, and Shadow was standing on a huge skyscraper staring into space.

Oh, and Charge the Cat was at his house listening to alternative rock on his massive stereo system.

Eggman, however, was busy with coming up with a brand new Eggafier to change Sonic and co. back to toddlers. He was laughing manically all the while, connecting wires and slipping doohickeys into their respective places. He finally put in the final part in, closed the hatch on its side, gave it a pat, and hefted it to his shoulder.

The gun looked like a TAR-21 assault rifle with a glass pod on top containing the fluid needed to turn Sonic into a baby. Eggman tested out its accuracy on a target he had asked (read forced) Metal Sonic to collect for him. He fired a round straight into the dead centre of the target.

The doctor laughed "HAHAHAHA!!! Perfect! Now, those little pests will finally be my minions! Metal Sonic!!!"

The respective robot stuck his head into the room, sighed deep within his voice box, and stepped into the room. He was wearing one of those stupid French maid dresses. "You called, Master?" Oh, how that last word was like acid to him.

"Yes, I wish for you to toddlerize and kidnap the following list with my Eggafier Ray Mark 2." Eggman replied stroking his bushy mustache. "If you return with all of them, I will not ask for your assistance for the next … uh… 24 hours."

This sounded like a good deal to Metal Sonic. Not a day went by without a single command from Eggman, ranging from cooking meals for the maniacal doctor to stealing various items from Sonic. He grabbed the list and made a quick check of the names, storing them in his memory banks. However, there were a couple of names that he felt should be on there.

"Master, shouldn't Silver, Blaze and Charge be on this list? Do they not pose a threat?" The bot asked uneasily, unsure of what the reply would be.

Eggman's face turned a deep Venetian red, as he snapped, "Don't question my logic! I know what I'm doing!"

Metal Sonic truly wished he could roll his eyes. It was what he truly wanted to do at this exact moment, as with many moments that he had when he was around Eggman. The only reason that he didn't leave the future nuthouse patient was his programming to help the doctor in any way possible. He once again cursed this programming and grabbed the ridiculously named ray gun.

(Seriously! Who the heck calls a toddler-creating ray an Eggafier ray, besides Eggman! No offence, Star!)

With that, the robot took of for his first target.

Charge's POV:

Ah, it was good to sit back and listen to a little Linkin Park now and then. Currently, I had Numb on, while attempting to beat Ace Combat Zero on my PS2 (Darn you Pixy! You and your stupid ADFX-01/02 Morgan! I SWEAR I WILL PUNISH YOU WITH MY F-22 ONCE I GET TO YOU AGAIN!) After I was shot down for the tenth time in a row, I sat back and wondered why Sonic wasn't here. He was coming over to pick up some artifact that I had picked up while up north visiting Canada. Apparently the Native Americans (that is the proper term for any culture that lived in the Americas before white settlers!) thought it cured them of some sort of disease. Frankly, I was more interested in the artifact than the story. It looks like some sort of kid carved out of solid jade. He was smiling and holding something aloft that no one could figure out, least of all yours truly, Master of Light and Electricity.

Anyways, why wasn't he here? It's not like Sonic to be late for most things. However, I have had to cover for him on numerous occasions on missed/late dates with Amy, and suffered the Piko-Piko hammer for it. But usually he was there on time. I looked up at the clock. My clock told me it was 12:31. Sonic was supposed to be here half and hour ago! Either he forgot, which was unlikely, or he was fighting something. I decided to go with the latter and left to search for him.

Now, being electrokinetic and the master of light to boot, it really isn't hard to move from point A to point B. I just simply step into a light source and the light takes me there instantly. I like to call it Light-Warp. Anyways, I Light-Warped to the park, where I can usually find the blue dude, but today I was in for a shocker.

The park looked like it had been hit by a hurricane, then a tornado, than a solar flare, all the while with an 8.0 magnitude earthquake shaking the place. There was a blockade around the whole park. Station Square SWAT was everywhere. Either we were headed for an early Apocalypse, or Eggman had been here. Since I saw no Angel of Death, and my Christian senses weren't tingling, it was Eggman, or one of his robots. People and Mobians were milling around in terror. Some of them recognized me and looked like they expected an answer out of me. I, however, had none.

I walked straight up to the barrier. A big, fat cop eating a donut noticed me on the other side of the tape and started towards me.

"Hey, you cat there! Nobody is allowed to cross that line! This is a crime scene!" he bellowed, finishing his donut and licking his fingers.

"Well, I'm certainly not Nobody, so I'll just…" I said quietly, carefully ducking under the tape and popping back up on the other side.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!? GET BACK ACROSS THAT TAPE OR I"LL…" he stopped suddenly. The reason he stopped was because I had raised my finger to point at him. That was one of my ultimate scare tactics.

"Ah, you recognize me now, don't you?" I chuckled "Don't forget I have more volts in this finger than a nuclear aircraft carrier can produce in a million years. Now, run along to your superiors and tell them that Charge the Cat is here to look for his friends."

The cop waddled off as fast as his stubby legs would carry him, looking back every few meters in terror. I continued towards the centre of the park. All the hills were flattened, run through with gouge marks, like something had been dragged slowly over it, and there was a strange green slime on the trees. Suddenly, I heard assault rifle fire and cries for help. I ran as fast as I could towards the source of the noise.

Dozens upon dozens of SWAT officers were crouched, weapons cocked, targets locked on an ice cream stand that looked like it had been hit by a whole truckload of explosives. As I watched, a metallic blue blur appeared out of nowhere and hit one of the officers. He collapsed, knocked out, and the other officers started to fire on the blur. The bullets all missed, however, and the blue blur disappeared into the building.

I ran to the nearest officer who turned and looked at me tiredly

"Officer, what is the situation?" I asked quickly.

"One of Eggman's robots has disappeared into that building. We think it already took damage, because all of its jet boosters aren't functional. However, there have been cries coming from the building, which have led us to believe that the robot has children hostage." the officer finished.

Only one robot would stoop as low as to harm children.

"Metal Sonic." I growled, turning to the officer. "Keep your men out here and be ready for anything. Big emphasis on everything."

"Fine by me. Just get those kids to safety." was the reply I got.

I levitated slightly off the ground and flew towards where the robot had last entered. Landing softly on the ground, I noted that it was strangely dark in here. Walking forwards, I tripped and fell over something. Cursing and rubbing my now-sore knee, I reached out to grab whatever I had tripped over. However, after summoning light to see what it was, I had another shock.

It was a yellow screwdriver. That was not was scared me though.

On it was the initials M.P.

Tails' screwdriver that I gave to him for his birthday…

I scrambled up. Suddenly, I heard a very light snoring, followed by a sneeze. Very light, mind you. However, only one person I know snored like that.


I sprinted into the room where the sound originated. There, on the floor, were all my friends; Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Shadow, Espio, Vector, Charmy, Jet, Wave, Storm.

As kids…

Eating ice cream…

"What the great name of God?" I yelled, drawing their attention to me.

Twenty-two pairs of eyes turned and fixed on me.

Then all Chaos broke out.

All of the little guys charged me and knocked me over. The sheer number of children overwhelmed me. They pinned me down, and Shadow stood on my chest. He looked deep into my eyes with his crimson ones, arms crossed, looking like a shorter, cuter version of his adult self. Then he slowly reached forward, pinched my nose and then collapsed giggling once he saw the expression on my face.

"OW!" I yelped, glaring at him while he laughed on the floor "That was not funny, Shadow!"

"Hwow you knows me?" he asked in a high-pitched voice, now focusing on me.

Before I could answer, a shorter version of a familiar blue hedgehog pinched my nose for the second time. A similar result happened before a cold, metallic voice interrupted my lecture.

"So, the Master of Light is not able to defeat a few toddlers. What a pathetic sight."

All the children dove for cover screaming.

I already knew who it was. I rolled over and stood up to face Metal Sonic. I noticed he was wearing a maid outfit.

I cocked an eyebrow "Pourquoi utilisez-vous un équipement de bonne?" speaking in one of the many languages I learned in my travels

However, he was programmed to understand and speak French. "What I am wearing is none of your business! Now, prepare to be eliminated!"

He fired at me with an ion cannon. I create a magnetic field to reflect the shot back at his stupid metal hull. He took the blow full on. He flew backwards and crumpled against the wall. I walked up to him and picked him up with one hand.

"Now you listen to me very carefully." I hissed in his auditory system "You tell blubber-butt that if he so much as tries to touch one of these kids, I will personally come and fry that genius mind of his to dust. UNDERSTAND?!?" I roared loudly into his ear. He nodded.

I then threw him out the window. When I turned back, all the kids were staring at me with wide eyes. No one spoke for about a minute. Then Baby Shadow stepped forward, clearing his throat.

"Tank you, he no very god to ud." he stated

I sighed and gathered all of the kids together.

Today was not going to be peaceful.

Okay, Chapter 1 is done!!! WOOHOO! Like I said, all credit goes to StarVix for the whole idea. If you have not read any of her baby stories, then go to the following address.

Warning: beware of Master Cantaloupes, banjoes and plenty of randomness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
