Facebook Madness

Chap. 2: Relationship Status

Note: I am sooooo sorry! The update is sooo late. I am truly sorry. It's just that I'm in my Senior Year and I got into a "Smart People Section" and the pressure was eating me up. Plus my exams just ended. sigh I dunno what to do anymore… :P ANYWAY I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as you loved the last one… I'm really thankful to all those who Alerted, Favorite-d and of course REVIEWED!

The weekend morning came like no other in the world of the homunculi.

"Lust… Lust…I'm hungry" Gluttony bothered the gorgeous female in front of her laptop.

"Please Gluttony… can't you see I'm busy." Lust growled in her ever so seductive voice.

She logged into her Facebook account and scrolled down to look for information about certain people. Suddenly, something caught her eye.


Edward Elric is Married to Winry Rockbell

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Alphonse Elric: Congratulations again brother! And Winry! =^-^=

Roy Mustang: Who ever thought this kid would ever get married?

Riza Hawkeye: Could you cut him some slack, sir? Congratulations Edward!

Maes Hughes: Congratulations Ed, Winry! Now Elysia can have playmates!

Gracia Hughes: Don't you think it's a little too early to be asking for that, hun? Ahahha Congratulations!

Jean Havoc: Congratulations! But I'm still a bit bitter about you marrying before me (even surpassing the chief!)

Roy Mustang: Havoc!

Winry Rockbell: Thanks everyone!


"I can't believe the Fullmetal Shrimp actually got married…" said a voice from behind them.

"Oh Envy…What are you doing here?" Lust asked.

"Hurry up and get off the computer… I have trees to harvest." Envy insisted.

"Yeah like your head" Little Selim Bradley appeared from nowhere.

"Shut up you little…." Envy growled and started chasing him.

"What the heck are you two doing!" Lust exclaimed.

On the other side of the town….

"Sir…Sir…Mustang….General… ROY!" Hawkeye screamed for the first time.

"Yeah scream my name Riza Hawkeye!" Roy smirked.

"GIVE MY LAPTOP BACK SIR!" she knocked on the hardwood door.

"No way…" Roy laugh from the other side.

"This is childish, sir, please give it back." She calmly announced.

The doorknob turned and Riza eagerly waited for the General to return her possession.

"In one condition." Resounded his voice from behind the door

"What will that be?" Riza sighed.

Roy laughed and faced her with his signature heart melting, knee weakening, playboy smile.

Lust was getting annoyed by the mess the other beings were making in their hideout.

"Will all of you just shut up!" she roared but gained no attention from her company.


Lust (Homunculi): I hate having kids as allies. They drive me crazy!


"Envy will you stop being soo fing annoying and just use the computer." Lust exhaled and laid down on the bed.

"Finally the b***h is done." Envy laughed.

"I heard that you idiot" she mumbled before turning her back on him.

Envy logged in and checked out the activity stream.


Lust (Homunculus): I hate having kids as allies they drive me crazy! 2 minutes ago.

Envy (Homunculus): b***h Xp

Mei Chang is in a relationship with Alphonse Elric

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Winry Rockbell: You FINALLY made it official.

Mei Chang: ^/^

Olivier Armstrong is single.

15 people like this

Roy Mustang: :D what? XDDD

Jean Havoc: mmmhhhmmm?

Alex Louis Armstrong: I am sure you will find the one someday, sister. *Sparkles* It has been passed through our gener…See More


Winry Rockbell: Honeymoon's over back to Risembool for me and Ed'll continue traveling (again)

3 people like this

Roy Mustang: Sooo was the shrimp a little SHORT on the package? XDDD

Edward Elric: SHUT UP MUSTANG! And for you information MY PACKAGE IS GOOD!

Denny Brooch: ooookaaaayyy…. Too much information. -_-

General Grumman: I find my granddaughter very pleasing but I really want to see some great grand kids running around. Could you Roy Mustang possibly fulfill such wish?

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Roy Mustang: Who is this granddaughter anyway?

General Grumman: Oh you know her alright.

Roy Mustang: Really… What does she look like?

General Grumman: She's very beautiful, warm and kind.

Roy Mustang: Hmm…. I got a LOT of women in mind. (but there is one specific lady...) xD

General Grumman: Well I guess, you have a LONG way to go. ;)

Kain Fuery: Does anyone know where I can buy those things for puppies to chew on? My dog is eating my shoes… T^T

Heymans Breda: Hey! Someone took my sandwich!

4 people like this

Kain Fuery: I think I saw Black Hayate chomping on it a while ago.

Heymans Breda: I am gonna kill that dog!

Riza Hawkeye: What's that Lt. Breda?

Heymans Breda: Nothing… Nothing… ";


Envy stared at the next relationship status change that suddenly came up.

"Hey Lust… I win!" he grinned.

Who do you think is that person who changed the relationship status and made Envy a happy (palm tree) Homunculi?

I can't believe that I had to rewrite this 4 times. The first one was just BAD. xDDD I do hope that this is okay. I WILL find time to add more parts to this I AM SOOO SORRY! Please forgive me. m(_ _)m Reviews are WARMLY ACCEPTED! :D Thank you for taking time to read and I really AM superdiduper Sorry for not updating sooner. =(

[You can suggest a MILLION ideas. I need them baaad xD]