{{White walls surround us

No light will touch your face again

Rain taps the window

As we sleep among the dead}}

She seemed so peaceful, lying there, the cold beginning to seep into her physical skin. Of course, he knew she was talking with the Conductor, now, in spirit, but he couldn't help but watch her body, laying, motionless, in the white-walled morgue, so peaceful. He leaned over and kissed her lips, one last time, knowing that there was no way she'd ever make it out of the Game alive. Either she would be erased, or she'd come around to his point of view. Those were the only two options in his mind. His black, intricately-designed wings beat the 'air', and he smiled, listening to the rain tap the outside of the building.

{{Days go on forever

But I have not left your side

We can chase the dark together

If you go then so will I}}

From the moment he'd first seen her, they'd never been apart, ever. Whenever they parted, he'd just slip back over to the UG to watch her graceful form, in her house, on the streets; wherever she was, he was there, too. Her love of exploring the dark alleys and underpasses of Shibuya was one he'd shared; now, they'd chase the ultimate darkness in the monthly hunt of those fallen young to death's claws. She went; he would follow. Just like he'd always followed. He would be there for her, even if she didn't want him. She'd come around. She had to.

{{There is nothing left of you

I can see it in your eyes

Sing the anthem of the angels

And say the last goodbye}}

He left the morgue, then, watching her discreetly. She had gone to the Conductor. She was waiting for her chance. He could see into her eyes from where he sat; there was no hope. Nothing. Just emptiness; dead, cold, empty, hatred. She wouldn't be hard to break; he'd take her resolve, then her heart, and keep them all to himself. He thought of her musical talent, and he smiled, then. An Angel among Reapers, he thought, his smile growing. He'd give her a chance to say goodbye to her family; she would love it with them, he knew. She'd be so happy, singing for the Reapers. Karakura had been looking for someone to help her, hadn't she? He knew she'd love them all.

{{Cold light above us

Hope fills the heart

And fades away

Skin white as winter

As the sky returns to grey}}

The sun wasn't nearly as warm as it should be, he reflected the day before the Game. The day for the collection of Fees. She'd gone to meet the Conductor with eyes full of hope... and left with a heart full of despair. He shook the tiny bottle he'd taken, the beautiful liquid inside shining with a light all it's own. The essence of tears... who'd have thought it would be so pretty? He looked down, once again, from his perch. Her skin was a creamy, pale color that made him want to run his hands along her arms and then... other places... and hear the sweet pleasure in her voice. She was so beautiful. The day became cloudy again, obscuring her figure as she walked away, but the image lingered long and sweet in his mind. He needed her.

{{Days go on forever

But I have not left your side

We can chase the dark together

If you go then so will I}}