Disclaimer: The characters and canon situations in the following story belong solely to JK Rowling. I am not making any money from the publishing or writing of this , I make no profit whatsoever from this fanfiction. Harry Potter and all characters belong to J K Rowling.

This I have been working on for the Masquerade Ball challenge for Carapheonix over at Granger Enchanted. I will be multi chaptered and fun. :) Please read and review!

Paper Faces

Chapter 1

To say that Hermione Granger was annoyed would have been a severe understatement. She was furious, livid, slightly embarrassed, but mostly she was in a full blown rage.

Here she was, twenty five years old, a successful woman with her own business, a heroine of the wizarding world, the brightest witch to graduate Hogwarts in many years. She had it all and she was content, but for her family it wasn't enough. She didn't have a man.

Her family, when she had first shown a twinkling of magic, had been shocked. They were an old family, full of aristocratic blood, descended from royalty, with an untainted lineage. Well, until she was born. They hadn't been happy with her choices to stay in the wizarding world, but they were going to make sure she continued on the Granger line.

That was why she was standing here in her bedroom at Chevening House. Her grandmother, the Countess of Chesterfield, was throwing her a masquerade ball with the hopes of catching her granddaughter a husband.

During a lunch that Hermione's mother had thrown for the Weasleys, her grandmother had bore down on Molly and Ginny, forcing them to make a list of all the influential and eligible men in the wizarding world. The traitors, as Hermione now thought of them, were only too happy to comply. Between the three of them, along with her mother and she was sure Harry Potter, the masquerade ball was scheduled and shaping up to be the event of the year.

Hermione had protested until her face turned red and she ran out of words. She was sure she would win, but defeat came only too swiftly. If she had taken into account her grandmother's scheming mind and ability to coerce, she might have drawn up a better battle plan.

Without any say, the plans trudged ahead. Black and white damask invitations had been sent out to almost every person in the wizarding world. There was no process of elimination. All who had political influence, money, good looks, and outstanding ability were invited. Collette, her grandmother, acting on Harry's advice, did not advise her granddaughter of who would be there.

Hermione looked in the mirror at the girl reflected back at her. She was at her final fitting and ready to pull out the mass of chocolate curls that graced her head. The gown she was wearing seemed to suck all the breath out of her body, making it impossible to breathe. She had to admit, the gown was beautiful, but too much for her simpler tastes.

It was a screaming scarlet red satin number that fell to the floor. The bodice was corseted tightly and plunged lower than she would have liked. It created a point at her waist and then fell gracefully in articulate folds to her feet. The back had a deep V with satin ribbons to hold it closed. The one thing that she did agree with her grandmother on was the bustle at the back that led to a short train that she could hold on her finger.

At that moment Collette walked in the door and brought a hand to her face.

"Oh... don't you look lovely?"

Hermione held back the curse that was building in her throat. She was ready to get out of the constricting garment and get the hell out of the house. She had been away from her bookshop for too long today. Parchment and Bindings was a hit in the wizarding world.

After going back to school to get her NEWTS she was offered a job at the ministry in the Care of Magical Creatures department. She had loved her job at first, she threw everything she had into it. Her position was her passion, her heart, her soul. She was promoting better welfare for those creatures who had no voice, working towards the end of enslavement and prejudices that had gone on for too long. It was her dream and she was fulfilling it. However, Lucius Malfoy had ruined it for her.

She was sure that the Malfoy family would be sent to Azkaban, but with the testimony of Harry, they had been let free. They laid low, but continued to donate to important causes. Eventually they had re-emerged on society and were still looked up to as gods. That had been the final straw.

Hermione had been sure that with Kingsley at the helm, the ministry wouldn't fall prey to those who would take advantage of it. She was wrong. He welcomed the Malfoy's and their money with open arms.

He once told her that it would be a good image for the ministry to not show partiality, therefore the Malfoy's held the seat of power once again. Draco was at the head of finance and Lucius still made his way through the different departments, bribing with vast sums of money for legislation he wanted passed and denied. The only Malfoy not on scene was Narcissa. It was rumored that she had pleaded with Kingsley for a divorce from the elder Malfoy on the grounds of desertion, but Hermione had no proof that the marriage had been dissolved. It was never in the papers and the family had kept it all quiet.

After a year of failed laws from her department, mostly do the fact that Lucius Malfoy's bribe shot them down, she called it quits. She had looked back at the lifts of the Ministry of Magic, stuck up her middle finger and never looked back. She secured a loan from Gringotts and bought George Weasleys old shop. He, along with Ron, as his new partner had purchased a larger storefront for the increasing business. She worked for weeks on end getting the store into shape. A month later the black sign with gold calligraphy had been hung and books sat on pristine shelves, ready to be pursued and opened.

Hermione was proud of her shop, and even prouder of the profit. When she first opened she ran the store on her own, but it didn't take long to build a large enough client base to hire others. The best thing she had done was take on Luna Lovegood. The girl that she had once made fun of had turned out to have a good head for money and a knack for drawing the customers in. Parchment and Bindings was now up to a point where they rivaled Flourish and Blotts. They carried rare books, invisible books, miniature books, and even Hogwarts school books.

"So, you have a waxing appointment in three hours and then Christophe will be here at six to do a deep conditioning on your hair. After that, why don't we have dinner?" Her grandmother asked, drawing her out of her reverie.

"I'm sorry Collette, I have to get back to the shop. I will do the appointments, but I have a shipment of extremely old manuscripts coming in this evening and I need to be there to ensure their proper storage." Hermione lied with ease. There was no shipment coming, but if she didn't get away from her grandmother and the Weasleys, she was going to jump ship and run as far as she could.

"Oh darling, no worries. I talked to your little friend, Luna isn't it? She told me that she would take care of the shop tonight and that anything that needed taken care of would be waiting for you when you get back." Her grandmother said with a saccharine smile gracing her lips.

Hermione wanted to throw up. There went her excuse. Maybe she could convince Harry to lie for her and give her an excuse to get away. She made a mental note to talk to him as soon as Collette left the room.

"So, dinner? Molly, Ginny and your mother will be joining us." She fixed Hermione with a daring glare, begging her to try and come up with an excuse she would believe.

"Sure thing. You can bet I will be here." Hermione said while crossing her fingers behind her back. "Just let me pop out for my waxing appointment and then I will be back."

Collette nodded her head in acceptance and backed out of the room to leave her granddaughter to dress.

Hermione flung the dress from her as soon as ties were undone and dressed herself once again in her summer dress and robes. She collected her small bag that held her wand and threw her curls up into a haphazard knot on her head. She hung the red creation on a satin hanger and placed it on the back of the bathroom door so as to pull the wrinkles out. Merlin forbid there be a crease in her gown tomorrow night at the ball.

She took one last look at the room and rolled her eyes. She flicked her wand and dissaparated with a pop, landing in her office at the store.

She leaned back in her large leather office chair, flicked off her shoes and placed her feet up on the desk. She didn't know how she got suckered into this whole ball idea, and frankly just thinking about it was making her nauseated. The stupid party had taken over her life.

Over the past month Hermione had been forced to listen to endless bands audition, sample foods that were too rich for her tastes, been plucked and prodded, and forced to go on a diet by her grandmother who said that a girl could never do wrong with losing a few pounds. She had to admit that Collette had been right about the extra weight. She had slacked in the exercise and diet department for a few years and had gained a few extra pounds on her once slight frame. She had lost ten pounds and was back down to her Hogwarts size. She was even able to fit into her old school uniform.

She looked across her office and checked the clock. She only had an hour left until her waxing and she needed to get some work done. She pulled out the account books and poured over them, scrutinizing every incoming and outgoing expenditure. This was one of her favorite parts of her business, the pride she took going over the numbers and having proof that her business was doing well. She was so engrossed in her work that she didn't even hear the door of her office open.

"Don't you have an appointment to get to Hermione?" Luna's airy voice interrupted her stream of thought.

Hermione glanced up at the clock once again and groaned. She had fifteen minutes to get to her waxing. She couldn't wait until this damn party was over. She would finally have control over her life again.

"You know Luna, I would rather face down Voldemort again rather than have the hair ripped out of my skin." She said, the aggravation in her having finally reached a boiling point.

She turned to look at her friend. Luna still had the waist length blond curls, the frail feminine frame, and still carried that dreamy, far off look in her eyes. The only thing that had changed was that she wasn't insistent on the existence of nargles.

"Oh, and by the way. Thanks for blowing my excuse to get out of dinner tonight. I really appreciated it." She tried to express the sarcasm, but apparently Luna thought nothing of it.

Luna just shrugged her shoulders and smiled. "It was no problem. Besides, I like your grandmother. She's spunky. She reminds me a bit of McGonagall with her quick wit. Anyway, you better get out of here so that you aren't late."

Hermione gathered up her bag and wand. She applied a thin layer of gloss to her lips and headed out the door, looking back at Luna starting to tidy up the desk.

"Hey Luna," she said, her lip caught between her teeth. "Thanks for all your help."

She waved and emerged onto the streets of Diagon Alley, her legs carrying her faster as she checked the time on her watch. She ran into a small cafe to grab herself a sandwich that she could eat while she was waiting. She almost screamed her order to the girl at the counter and tossed the money on the counter.

She was within sight of the salon when she ran into a solid block of muscle and expensive clothing. The impact disoriented her and she fell back, her bottom landing with a smack on the street.

"If there is anything else that can make my day more enjoyable, please let it happen to me now." She said to herself, not realizing that the words actually came out of her mouth.

A pale hand reached out in front of her to help her up. She brushed off her robes and dug her fingernails into her palms as the man who had helped her held out her bag.

"I am happy to oblige you. Certainly my presence will now make your day complete." The laconic voice of Lucius Malfoy taunted her.

Hermione couldn't hold back her frustration any longer and shot out at him. "Mr. Malfoy. If you were in prison like you should be then I can assure you my day would be complete and most wonderful."

He held his serpent handled cane to his chest as a ridiculous look of fake hurt crossed his face. "Miss Granger, you wound me. Here I was rescuing a damsel in distress and this is how you repay me."

"Thank you for your assistance, I no longer require it. I'm late and I don't have the time to deal with your rudeness and conceit. Good day." She turned to walk away, only to have her wrist grasped within his large hands.

"It's only fitting for me to escort you to where you need to be. An appointment perhaps at the salon?"

She nodded her head yes and allowed him to lead her to the door. Her thoughts were a jumbled mess. She didn't even notice her surroundings or the looks she was receiving. The only thing she could concentrate on was the burning touch of his hand on her skin and the fact that it wasn't unpleasant.

He opened the door for her and lead her to the reception desk.

"It was a pleasure running into you Miss Granger. I will see you tomorrow." He gave her a sly smile and then went to shock her further. He raised her shaking hand to his lips and placed a gentle, yet searing kiss on her hand.

She was unable to speak as she watched him leave. She followed the receptionist into the spa a thought finally forming in her head. She looked at the receptionist, who she was sure thought she was crazy.

"Did he just say he would see me tomorrow?" Hermione asked with something akin to horror in her voice.

Please read and review! I make no promises on how quickly updates will come out for this one seeing as how I've been working on it for about, ohhhh, a year. LOL. Enjoy though as this is my favorite portrayal of Lucius and Hermione that I've done!