A/n- A drabble definitely. Enjoy if you may. :)

Disclaimer- I do not own Blood+

Saya never ceases to surprise me. And she does so when I least expect it, unfortunately.

I never understood how or why she acted the way she did this morning. When she woke up.

Normally she's easy to handle when she wakes up from her tranquil repose slumber. The routine goes accordingly. Her eyelids flutter open slowly, adjusting to the light in the small room we share together. She smiles up at me, I smile back softly. She then squirms underneath the sheets, making her way over into my lap. I hold her close, she buries her face in my chest. And we stay like that for at least until she fully wakes.

That's how it has been every morning.

Until THIS morning that is.

It started around 5:30 a.m. She usually slept in until 6:00. so I prepared some hot milk and a couple cheese omelets for her breakfast and decided to bring it to her room for her. I felt generous that morning, it was the least I could do for my Queen.

As I arrived at the last stair, the door opened rapidly in such a fast pace, I couldn't tell what was going on. The sudden craze startled me, sending the breakfast everywhere, including on me.

"HEY HAGI!!! GUESS WHAT!!!?" She shrieked.

I sighed, rising from the floor, covered in mushy omelet and milk. My suit was a mess. "Saya, what's going on?" I asked. I really wanted to know why she was acting so hyperactive out of nowhere.

"Nothing. Just wanted to ask if you wanna go outside and play with me. It's such a nice day today! Oh, why are your clothes all wet and mushy? Is that eggs? Oh Hagi, I'm sorry if I caused you to spill breakfast! I apologise! Anyway, I saw a really cute kitty outside when I was looking out the window and it meowed at me! It was so adorable! You have to see it Hagi! C'mon go change and I'll meet you outside!"She replied in a fast tone. She reminded me of one of the auctioneers I saw on television the other night.

She bounced away down the stairs. My mind was spinning in a hundred directions, my clothes...were ruined. I needed to take another shower. And on top of that, I found something I didn't want to find when I entered the bedroom...

"Red....Bull? What is this?" I read the can label. An energy drink can, empty and crushed slightly, was sitting in the wastebasket on top of a bed of used tissues. If I recalled, an energy drink was something people with jobs used to get instantly energised to start the day without feeling groggy. And if remember correctly, Kai and his friends drank this beverage a lot at parties. I learned that information from Mao. But why in the world was Saya drinking this?

I showered, dressed, and headed outside as quickly as my legs could carry me, hoping my Saya wasn't in any trouble. I looked everywhere, but couldn't find her in sight. This started to make me panic, slightly.

"Saya?" I called but didn't get a reply.

After about a good twenty minutes of searching, I ran back inside to see if maybe she went in looking for me.

She wasn't in the kitchen.

She wasn't in the living room.

She wasn't in the bathroom.

Last place the check was the bedroom. I arrived at the door, seeing the door shut again. "That's odd...I don't remember shutting the door when I left."

I entered slowly, making sure not to go too fast, unless Saya was in here, changing clothes, or something of the sort.


There she was, curled into a ball, under a small blanket in the chair. I smiled softly at the sight before me. She looked so pleasant and peaceful, I didn't dare wake her up.

My mind suddenly wondered why she was asleep if she drank that energy drink. I picked the can up again, reading the side to see if there were any side effects to this stuff.

"Warning, may cause consumers to crash after energy has subsided."

A/n- Reviews are very much appreciated. :) Thanks for reading!