Hellooooooo my lovelies!!! I'm not dead!!!! Sorry I haven't posted anything for a while! You all probably thought I was gone; at least... those who bother to read my crap...... T_T

Moving on.... I hope you all like! This is dedicated to xnightmare'sxnightmarex, A.K.A. Ariqa the best authoress and person. X) For her love of Bakura ^-^


The tangerine sun slowly wept,

The ruby sky felt piercing shame

Over memories I hatefully kept

Of my life and world going up in flame.

The sunset glowed to the coming of her love,(1)

Oblivious to my lone sorrow below.

I wish I could fly, soar above,

Above Kul Ena into the sky aglow.

I will tell you, if you wish to hear,

a story so horrible you will cover your ears,

of the day I lost something dear.

This is the day full of my worst fears.

It was a usual day, full of life.

This was the day I would turn nine.(2)

It's such a shame it was over in a trife.

After all, the beautiful day started off fine.

I laughed and played with my only friend(3)

under the hot desert sun.

I even forgot the day would have an end.

We danced and twirled and had great fun.

I will be discreet, for you are all young.

When the Pharaoh's guards came in, it was a horrid sight.

Not one scream didn't shatter it's lung.

I hid in a corner while blocking out the blight.

I blindly stumbled out when they dispersed,

under the hot desert sun.

after surviving this, my life was sure to be cursed.

I stared in tears at my ignited village, before into the Sahara I began to run.

I was shocked to see, when I finally stopped, the sunset so aglow.

As if it didn't have a care as to what happened below.

To this day, I always, and will always, run.

In search of my village, under the hot desert sun. (4)

The tangerine sun slowly wept.

The ruby sky felt piercing shame

over the memories I hatefully kept

of my life and world going up in flame.

(1) The sun's love is the moon. ^_^;;

(2) I heard that 'Kura was nine when..... IT happened. *cries for Bakura* Anyway, I also heard that in Ancient Egypt, nine was the age boys were considered to be adults or something.... Correct me if I'm wrong!!

(3) I figured he didn't have many friends.... because..... why did I think that again....? This was pretty useless.

(4) He's either insane and thinks his village is still surviving, or he is searching for the Millennium Items.

I hope you liked!!!! I sure didn't..... I just posted this... just to post something, but I kinda like it....

Hmmm..... Please REVIEW!!!! It makes me soooooooo happy!!!!!!!!