ConsequencesPrologue- Bella had a one night stand with her best friend's older brother. Bella left Forks, removing all contacts from family and friends. Now she balances collage, work, new friends and a babies on the way

~*Chapter 10*~

"Oh my….."

"A tad bit grand for my taste but I was the one that let my mom arrange my move to Seattle" James said sheepishly

All I could do was nod and stare at his beautiful home the front had a small lawn with color flowers lined up all the way up to the dark grey stone steps that led to the two massive two story house, looking more closely I noticed James house wasn't the only house on the block that screamed "money" all had a similar design but too each its own unique twist.


"When Emmet said he lived with you …..I didn't picture all of this?"

"What? Did you picture us living in a tiny bachelor pad somewhere in U Dub district? Well that was the original plan until I made the mistake of putting my mother in charge of the move in location…."

"I dint mean it like that!" I said hurly "It's just not what I had in mind it all looks so…

"Bella I am playing it's actually a blessing Emmett is close to the precinct and I am to "Casa Bistro" said James his posture looked relaxed than earlier….when the "almost kiss" happened

"Bella did you hear what I said?"


James face showed concerned browse creased his plum bottom lip into a thin line.…

"I said I think we should go inside the curtain window moved at least twice since we've been out here Emmett's growing antsy too see you.. Are you alright your being a little spacey" his voice was so low yet I can still hear the concern in his voice.

"Sorry I am just adjusting that's all let's get going before Emmett rips the car door off"

I start grabbing things off my car while James gets out and comes around to open the car door for me offering me his hand I had a split second of hesitation touching his hand and feeling the butterflies again are things I have to push deep down from now on I can't start having feelings for James not now and definitely never in the future.

"Well get the other things from the car after we get you settled in, watch your step" James never let go of my hand but instead was guiding me up the steps to the front door

"You ready for what Emmett has instore for you" he asked me quizzically

Taking deep breath I nodded my head "It can be that bad…right?"

James gave the biggest cheshire smile "You never expect ordinary with Emmett"

He opened the door to reveal said person standing in the middle of the beautiful brown stair case in his hand where not one but two light blue stuffed teddy bears with white t-shirts that read (Seattle Seahawks) and (Seattle Mariners) that instantly put a cheshire smile of my own.

"Welcome Home Bella!" Emmett boomed

I am back once a week to update….