Okay so heres the prologue of my new story. It was orginally called 'We Meet Again' but then I heard the song 'If We Ever Meet Again' and it was PERFECT!!!

Summary : Edward saves Bella from Tylers van & leaves Forks the next day. Bella is attacked and when they meet again she's a vampire.

Will Edward finally make a move on Bella when she's like him or will he let her get away?

If We Ever Meet Again by Timbaland and Katy Perry:

I'll never be the same

If we ever meet again

Won't let you get away

If we ever meet again


I walked into the school with my head down. I had no doubt that everyone would want to know what had happened yesterday. I just wanted to forget about the almost accident.

Jessica rushed towards me.

"Bella, guess what?"

"What?" I asked, relieved that she wasn't asking me for details.

"Edward has run away!"

I froze. "What?"

"Yeah. Apparently he had like a massive fight with his dad and he left Forks."

I stared at Jessica uncomprehendingly.

"He left?" I echoed.

She nodded. I tried to act normal.

"Hmm. Sounds very interesting," I said.

"Are you okay? You look kinda pale. Well, paler then usually."

I decided to play sick and go home.

"Yeah. My head still hurts. I think I'll just go home."

"Okay. I'll call you later," Jessica promised.

I smiled weakly and left.

Days passed and then months. Edward Cullen never returned back to school. I watched everyday as his siblings arrived at school. They didn't seem very worried about him.

As time grew on, I began to feel more and more certain that I was the reason for his departure.

He should have just let the stupid van hit me, I thought angrily. I didn't understand why he bothered to save me if he was going to run away. From what I had seen, Edward and his father had a good relationship. I was positive that he had ran away because of me. I just didn't know why.

6 months after he left, it happened.

It was a Saturday and Charlie had gone fishing. I decided to spend the day outside since the sun was out.

I was reading 'Wuthering Heights' when I heard a rustle from the trees near the house.

I paused and looked up. Nothing looked out of the ordinary.I went back to reading, only to stop again.

It sounded like the rustling was getting closer.

Worried that there might be a bear or something equally dangerous nearby, I stood up. I picked up my book and noticed a flash of white. I froze.

There was another flash of white and then I felt something sharp sink into my arm.

I fell down, not knowing what was going on.

The last thing I heard was a malicious laugh.

Its short but I'm posting the next chapter now.