Note: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist.

Oh and english is not my native language. If I made mistakes please tell me.

So this is the corrigated chapter. And it was revised by Kame-tan. Thank you Kame-tan


A new mission

Edward Elric was angry. No, as a matter of fact he was furious. The Colonel Bastard wanted to see him. Again! Just after he had arrived from his last mission and given his report. Just before he and Al could go research. That bastard. He absolutely hated him. He stormed in angrily through the office, not noticing Hawkeye's resigned look, Havoc's smile or the grinning Hughes who was searching for something in his pockets. Maybe more photos of his daughter? Hell no! He stormed in, slammed the door and stood before the Colonel Bastard not too politely.

"What do you want?" he said. The man just looked at him smirking.

"Are you here Fullmetal? I can't see you over my paperwork."

Edward's fury reached a boiling point at the teasing.


"I never said that, but it's true."

"What did you say? I will…"

"Easy, Fullmetal. I am your superior. I'm very lenient on you, but if you attack me… You know the possible consequences," the man said with a smug look.

"Just shut up, and tell me what you want!"

Mustang's smile grew bigger. "You have a new mission."

"Absolutely no! I just got back! We have some new leads on the Stone; we need to investigate!" Ed shouted.

"You will be able to, but only after the mission. It's really important," Mustang replied. His face became stern and serious. Ed, knowing he lost the battle, sighed. "Fine. What do you want?"

Mustang drew out some papers and gave them to him.

"There is a new criminal in East City."

"Aaaand? I'm not a stupid policeman."

"I know, Fullmetal. But the perpetrator is an alchemist."

Edward eyes grew wide at that. "And why don't you handle it, you lazy bastard?"

"I will, but with you," Mustang said. Ed looked at him perplexed. What kind of crime could need two elite state alchemists?

"Why do you need me, hero of the procrastinators?"

"Because he attacks children."


"I never said that," Mustang said, amused, but he quickly wiped the smirk off his face. "He attacks children, tortures them, and after that he kills them."

"How do you know he's an alchemist?" Ed asked, his voice becoming more professional as he read the papers. It seemed to be a serious case.

"From the transmutation circle he left at the scene. He used it to restrain his victims."

"And why is he attacking children? Is he experimenting? Is he trying to make chimeras?" Ed eyes became haunted by the memory of Nina. It was half a year ago, and he still couldn't escape from the nightmares.

"We don't know. Maybe. Or maybe he is just a psycho. The sure thing is that we must stop him."

Ed nodded at this. "And what's my job?"

"Don't you know? The victims are children. You are a child. Are you dumb? Of course you will be our bait."

"What? No fucking way!"

"Don't forget who you are Fullmetal, you are the dog of the military; you received an order. You are entitled to follow it." Mustang said, his voice becoming more intimidating. Ed clenched his fingers angrily and grunted, but he only said:

"I understand."

"Good. So the details. The alchemist has killed four children so far. All of them were between ten and thirteen. All of them were boys. The fist was killed a month ago." Mustang gave him a picture and Ed nearly became sick. On the photo was a dead boy in the middle of a blood puddle. The boy looked to be around the same age as him. He was horribly beaten, his clothes were torn, and Ed could see the edges of an array.

"He was found in an abandoned warehouse a week after his death. He had broken bones, lot of cuts on his body and ten stabs in his stomach. The second victim was found a week later, not long after he died. The murderer left him hanged up on a bridge, after he had been beaten half-dead. He had to leave just before the commotion, but nobody saw him." Ed received another photo. The boy's face was bruised and bloody.

"The third one found a week ago on a dirty street. His fingers and toes were removed and he was left to bleed to death. He was found hours after his death." Ed's stomach jumped angrily at the sight.

"And the last one was found today, at morning, just in front of the base. Somebody threw stones at him until he died, than brought him here just to play with us. Are you okay, Fullmetal?" Ed felt like he needed to puke, but he nodded absentmindedly and stared at the photos.

"He's just a sadist," he muttered. Mustang nodded.

"I agree. And he wanted some excitement, so he provokes us."

"Maybe he was a state alchemist," Ed said.

"We can't exclude the possibility," Mustang said.

"So what's my task? Just roaming on the streets, maybe he will see me, and choose me as his next victim?"

"Something like that. You are in his age preference. And we know that he abducted his victims at night. So you will only have to walk on the streets at night. And we will be watching you closely to capture him. Maybe it will take some time, but we hope that he will walk into the trap. We will also put on an act in case he observes his victims. Hawkeye, you and I move into a similar flat, like the other boys lived. They were all moderately poor. You will bring Black Hayate for a walk every night, and you will go alone. Havoc, Hughes and everybody else will be watching you."

"And if he knows who I am? Or recognizes you?"

"I don't think it will stop him. He will see it as a challenge." Edward wasn't sure about this.

"You're speaking as if you know him."

"I just know enough about psychopaths."

"And Al?"

"He can't participate. He's too conspicuous. You can leave him in the dorms, or he can visit your friends in Resembool. Maybe some break will be good for him." It was true, but Ed didn't want to be separated from his little brother and he was sure that Al also wouldn't like the idea.

"He won't go, if he knows that maybe I am in danger."

"It's your business, but he can't intervene. I won't risk the investigation because you can't cool down your little brother" Ed gulped, but only nodded.

"When will we start the mission?"

"After you say goodbye to Al." He expected this answer and knew that he didn't have a choice, so he only grimaced as he accepted his fate.

"I understand, Colonel Bastard."