This is the 1st major Narnia story I've going to write. So please be kind and tell me what u think of it even if its just to tell me its crap and how to improve it. I own nothing but Alice and Ila who are my own creation.

IMPORTANT PLEASE REAS: ok so this story has a bit of a back ground which I was most likely be including in the story at some point but just in case- takes place after Prince Caspian, the pevensie's never left, Susan married Caspian and they all ruled together, each being in charge of a different part of Narnia kinda like they each had their own state. Anyway everything is fine and everyone is happy until Aslan tells them all they each need to make up one law each, they all make up the normal happy laws to improve Narnia until Susan who is secretly jealous decides to turn all the nymphs into slaves. Caspian hates this tries to get her to change her mind. In the end he leaves her. The pretty much everything is up to date from when ILA and Alice show up.


Chapter one

The music was blaring and there was people everywhere; smoking, drinking, swearing, shouting, fucking and getting high. Oh god she hated parties like this. It was bad enough she went but why had she did she have to bring her little sister along. She cursed herself for the 50th time in the last hour when she saw Billy Tucker hitting on her obviously uninterested sister for the 6th time in the last 20 minutes.

Alice looked up and saw Ila standing on the other side of the room just as Billy came over to her again. With a groaned Ila got up and walked over to her little sister. She caught the end of what she was guessing was a really bad pick up line as she reached her sisters side
"hey Alice time to go yeah?" she said putting her arm around her sister's shoulder, Alice nodded pushing some of her long wavy brown off her face. The two turned around and began to walk before Billy grabbed Alice's arm
"hey where you going baby your meant to be hanging with me tonight" he said in his lame seductive voice making Alice cringe as he tried to wind his arms around her waist
"I...I said no" she mumbled trying to pull away, but Billy just laughed and held tighter. The look on Alice's face was the one that always made her protective side come out, make her want to hurt whoever but that look there, take her sister away to a safe spot then go back and deal with the motherfucker. It was a look of fear.
"Hey cock face she said no" Ila said shoving Billy off her sister
"Ila" Alice whimpered almost hiding behind her sister
"sshh here" Ila said slipping the car key in her hand "go sit in the car and lock the doors" Alice nodded before running away.

At 16 Alice was more fragile than any of the other girls her age but then again most of them haven't been through as much as her, if being diagnosed with bi polar wasn't enough losing their parents in a car crash last year had turned both their lives upside down and almost broken them into so many pieces they were worried they'd never be whole again. just two years older than Alice Ila had been the strong holding things together while Alice broke down. Their uncle had adopted them. Taken them from the city they loved to the country. A new place for a new start he'd said. To tell the truth he was hardly ever around and that's how Ila had started going to the parties. As much as she hated them she loved them. The feeling of freedom they gave her. Drinking, dancing, until the sun started to rise. It made her feel alive when she felt dead inside. Billy Tucker was the reason she'd never let her sister come along before tonight and she'd rather wake up covered in vomit...again then let him anywhere near her sister again.

"I told you to stay away from Alice" Ila snapped throwing her can of beer at Billy
"watch it bitch I was only doing what she wanted to little slut probably would have got into the back of anyone's car" Ila slapped him. Hard and over and over again until his face was a red as the paint on her walls
"stay away from my sister" Ila hissed before storming out of the party to find her car.


Ila found her car at the end of the street with Alice curled up in the passenger's seat looking like she was almost asleep.
"Alice" Ila called tapping on the class, Alice almost jumped out of her seat clamming down when she realised it was just Ila
"oh" she said sleepily "sorry" she murmured unlocking the driver's door, Ila just laughed sliding into her seat
"dude don't worry about it just go back to sleep" Alice mumbled an agreement before curling back up. Ila rolled her eyes before starting the car.


It took Ila 10 minutes to realise there was a car following them. It has to be following them cause none of the so called 'friends' she hang out with knew where she lived and she bloody doubted that anyone that lived near them would be driving such a shitty car. She speed up hoping to loss the car but to her horror the car speed up as well
"shit" she cursed
"Ila was wrong" Alice is said wiping her eyes
"nothing" Ila smiled turning around for a second, fuck the car was still there
"ILA" Alice scream. Ila turned back around to see a truck driving straight for them, the sound of its horn blasting in her ears, there was nothing she could do, it was too late to turn and too late to break. All she could do was scream as they crashed. The last thing she's remembered was the sound of Alice's scream before everything faded into nothing.