"Yo, this is Chris McLean, comin' at you live, somewhere in Burlington, Ontario... Dropping season four of Total Drama! We've taken you to a deserted Island... An abandoned film lot... And even, all over the world," A man in about his thirties with wind blown raven black hair, and a plastic grin plastered across his face exclaimed. He was wearing tan dress pants, a red coat, and white dress shirt with a black tie. He stood out in front of a tall black gate, with hedges blocking the view of the side.

"You've followed Owen, Gwen, Courtney, Duncan, Heather, Katie and Sadie, Justin, Cody, Noah, Eva, Tyler, Lindsay, Beth, Izzy, Trent, LeShawna, Harold, Bridgette, Geoff, DJ, and Ezekiel throughout the seasons, and now they're Total Drama Legends. And our newest cast members, Sierra and Alejandro. But now, who else is going to join our rein of Total Drama Kings and Queens? You! That's right, you at home have the chance of winning a full term scholarship for the school of your choice, and A HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!" Chris yelled, waving his hands in the air.

"So, if you're 16-18 years old, need some cash, and want to become a celebrity, send in your application ASAP!"

"Chris! EVERYONE knows you're going to put the kids you pick through SO much crap! It won't work!" Chef barked from off screen. Chris' smile faded, and he glared at the cook that can't cook.

"Shut up, Hatchet! It'll work, trust me!" Chris swore.

"Trust? You! The only time I thought I'd here those words together in a sentence would be if the sentence was 'I don't trust you'"

Chris pouted, then plastered another fake grin on his face. He chuckled nervously. "Don't listen to ol' Chef here, he's a bit..." Chris said to the camera. He made a sign like Chef was crazy. Suddenly, Chris got hit in the head with an unplugged blender. "Nyaaaaah!" Chris yelled, as he fell to the ground. He got back up, and smoothed out his shirt. "So send in your application to be a staaaaaar... On TOTAL! DRAMA! SCHOOL!!!!!" He shouted, making grand gestures.


I have a few rules. I ask that you don't submit an ORIGINAL character please. No OCs that have been repeatedly submitted, cause wheres the fun in stories about the same characters? BORING!!!! Also, they all can't be cool goth guitar gods and stuff. BORING!!!! And no, they can't be related to the original TDI cast. BORING!!!



Unwanted Nicknames:

Age (16-18):



First thing that you notice when you see them (ex. pink hair, height...):

Hair colour:


Any Accessories?:

Skin Colour:

Eye Colour:






Everyday 2:




Gym Clothes:





Favourite Sport:

Favourite Colour:

Favourite Subject:

Best Subject:

Extra Curriculurs?:

Instrument they play (Okay peeps, they all can't be a rockstar guitar player. I need some classical instrument players. If they can't play an instrument, thats cool too!):


Friends with who?:

Enemies with who?:

Paired up?:

If so, who with?:

Flirting type:

Why TDS?:

Family and Friends:

Short History:


Audition Tape:


Here are 2 of mine.

Name: Maxine Robertson

Nicknames: Max, Maxi, Maximus, To the Max, Sax Max, Preferably Max

Unwanted Nicknames: Mini,

Age (16-18): 16. AND A HALF!!! (has a spazz attack if you call her just 16)

Stereotype: Crazy Fun Girl

Personality: Hyper, loves fun, free wheeling, and gullible.

First thing that you notice when you see them (ex. pink hair, height...): You notice her tye dye bandana

Hair colour: Dirty blonde

Hairstyle: Shoulder length wavy hair, with bobby pins pulling back her bangs. Sometimes in a high ponytail with bangs out.

Skin Colour: White, but tanned.

Eye Colour: Green

Build: Muscular legs, curvy hips, small bust, and no upper body strength whatsoever...

Height: 5'5''

Weight: 120lbs


Everyday: Black hoodie with a magenta spaghetti strap shirt underneath. White short shorts with a pink handprint on the right upper thigh, and black and hot pink flip flops with a grey smiley face on the heel.

Everyday 2: Blue baby tee, with flair jeans and lime green and white skate shoes.

Any accessories?: Sometimes wears a tye dye bandana

PJs: Baby blue and pink pinstripe pajama bottoms, with a grey tank top that says 'Grey is the most FANTABULOUS colour!' in white bold letters.

Swimsuit: Grey, white, and light blue plaid bikini

Gym Clothes: Maroon soccer shorts, white loose t-shirt, orange and teal striped socks and pink and black Puma running shoes. Hair tied back in a ponytail.

Formal: White sparkley dress, with a gold bodice. Hair straightened, and long.

Likes: Running free, chocolate, playing video games, laughing.

Dislikes: Shoes, the Twilight series, Twi-hards, and shaved cats.

Fears: Swimming in a lake. AT NIGHT :O

Favourite Sport: Soccer

Favourite Colour: Neon Purple

Favourite Subject: Music, DUH!

Best Subject: Music, DUH!

Extra Curriculurs?: Band, volleyball, soccer.

Instrument they play (Okay peeps, they all can't be a rockstar guitar player. I need some classical instrument players. If they can't play an instrument, thats cool too!): Alto sax (hence her nickname, 'Sax Max'

Talents: The alto sax, and flexibility.

Friends with who?: Sarcastic and fun loving girls, and cute and musically talented guys.

Enemies with who?: The bitch Heather-y type girls, and the jerkish douche nozzley guys.

Paired up?: Yuppers!

If so, who with?: Someone romantic and sweet, and isn't afraid to be corny.

Flirting type: The FAIL type.


Josh: Hey Max!

Max: Uhm... Did you know that 60% of the female population masturbates?

Josh: *backs up*

Max: Wait, I'm not one of them! *sigh*

Why TDS?: To get money for her college education.

Family and Friends: Maxine's parents are really sweet and mean well, but often say embarrassing facts about how Maxine used to run out of the bath tub and run around the house butt naked. Her biggest brother Michael just graduated from University for law, and used to always teach Maxine about how to defend herself from her other brothers, but never hesitated to pick on her. Her second oldest brother Mitch is a senior in college, and always orchestrated dog piles on his younger siblings, and tried to con Max out of her Halloween candy, but Max always found ways to get back at him. One time, she stole all his underwear, and spread them all around his highschool! The middle child Mark, a recent graduate from high school, is the silent one of the family. When he's not pwning noobs online, he can be found reading in the living room, where Max would usually approach him and ask him what he's doing. Max and Mark would usually end up yelling at each other and having wit battles, until Mitch (when he's home, mind you) would threaten to give them both swirlys unless they shut up! Max's older brother by 10 months Marcel is the gentle man of the family, unless Max is involved. Marcel and Max often get into fist fights until they get yelled at by Mark or their parents. They have their moments, but they're usually loud or irritating ones.

Short History: Maxine can always stick it out. Being the youngest with five older brothers teaches you wonders... Maxine can switch from happy, to sad, to bitchy in the blink of an eye. But she usually is optimistic and happy go-lucky. Getting good grades throughout school was one of her most prideful accomplishments. Her favourite class was music, no doubt. Her and Lucky (her alto sax) go way back. When she's depressed, she'd always go to her room, and play sad tunes on her sax, eventually making them happier and happier until her sadness had withered away. When she was a little girl, she got a kitten for Christmas, and loved her to death. Her name was Georgie... Maxine sold her favourite Barbie doll to buy Georgie her first cat bell... But Georgie got sick, and had to be put down. Heart broken, Maxine kept the collar as a memoire... For her 10th birthday, she got Stitch and the world seemed to be a little bit more brighter again.

Other: Max can't keep a secret to save her life, and when she's under pressure, Max becomes really snappy and mean.

Audition Tape:

Kimmie: (behind the camera) And Action!

Max: Wait! I'm not ready!

(turns around, zips up her fly.)

Max: 'Kay. Hi Total Drama producers! Wait... there might be other people watching this... Hi everybody else! My name is Maxine! I should go on TDS because... Well... I can do this! (Max does the splits, does a back flip, then pulls her foot over the back of her head.)

Kimmie: Uh, Maxi? I'm not sure that's a legit reason why you should be on TDS...

Max: Oh... Anyways, here are a few things you should know about me. I'm the head of my schools environmental club... Our motto is 'We help Earth! You destroy earth, and WE DESTROY YOU!' Hehehehe, I'm also on the schools gymnastics team, soccer team, volley ball team, chess club, debate team, swim team, and sax quartet. If you pick me, I promise to be friendly!

Mark: (off camera) In what world!

Max: Shut up, butt brain!

Mark: (off camera) Oh yes, that insult truly hurt me. Now I'm gonna go cry to mom... Ha.

Max: Say that again, and I'll burn your comic book collection!

Mark: (gasp) You wouldn't dare...

Max: Oh, I would dare... Halloween of '99 ring a bell?

Mark: (off camera) You are evil, PURE evil!

Max: Mwah ha ha ha ha ha!

Kimmie: (behind the camera) Uh, can we get back on topic?

Max: (squabbling with Mark)

Kimmie: MAX!

Max: What? Oh, right! I promise to be friendly. At least until push comes to shove... I am a master of disguise, and revenge... Also, the show would be a perfect platform to dive off of into the real world... (Max stares off into space. She runs up super close to the camera.)

Max: So, pick me for Total Drama Prep! I'll push it to the Max! (she winks.) We can edit this... Right?

Kimmie: (moves the camera up and down, in a yes motion.)

Max: (sticks up her thumb and smiles) Awesome, thanks...

Name: Ariana Adams

Nicknames: A, Anna, Ari

Unwanted Nicknames: Hairy Nana

Age (16-18): 16

Stereotype: The Gossip Crazed Follower


First thing that you notice when you see them (ex. pink hair, height...): Her obsession with bubble gum

Hair colour: Dark brown

Hairstyle: Straight and down, and sometimes in a ponytail

Any Accessories?: A pink and white hair clip

Skin Colour: White, and pretty pale.

Build: Skinny, and un muscular. Moderate chest size, and nice hips

Height: 5'1''

Weight: 112lbs


Everyday: Pink tank top with a white persian cat on the stomach, a denim mini skirt and beige wedges with a pink crystal butterfly on the tong.

Everyday 2: Gold tube top with black jeans, and white wedges.

Accessories?: Small silver hoop earrings

PJs: Orange and white silk pj bottoms, and a baby blue button up cotton shirt.

Swimsuit: White bikini with a single pink stripe on the bust.

Gym Clothes: Grey short shorts, and a low cut fitted pink tank top. Hot pink and white knee high socks, and baby blue sneakers.

Formal: Cotton candy pink knee length dress, with ruffle skirt, and pink strappy shoes.

Likes: Chewing gum, singing, acting, being popular, and rich.

Dislikes: Work, dirt, being second fiddle, and being unpopular.

Fears: The dentist.

Favourite Sport: Uhm, she hates sports? DUH! She's girly.

Favourite Colour: Cotton candy pink

Favourite Subject: Drama

Best Subject: English

Extra Curriculurs?: Cheerleading

Instrument they play (Okay peeps, they all can't be a rockstar guitar player. I need some classical instrument players. If they can't play an instrument, thats cool too!): Clarinet

Talents: Lying, blowing bubbles in her gum.

Friends with who?: The queen bee and her followers, and the jocks.

Enemies with who?: The weirdos and freaks

Paired up?: Yes

If so, who with?: Someone acceptable on her list.

1) Must be at least 5'7''

2) Must have a 6 pack

3) Must have green, blue, or brown eyes

4) Must be able to pull off the colours lime green, white, grey, black, red, and maroon.

Flirting type: Smooth, and teasing.

Why TDS?: To become a celebrity. Let's face it. Ariana won't be using the money for school. And to outshine the Queen Bee at her school, and become the new one!

Family and Friends: Ariana's parents are very successful buisness people, and are usually off somewhere far away to DO buisness, so it's usually her, and her annoying little sister Veronica. Veronica is the 'angel' of the family, but is really from the other direction. and spends her free time tormenting her older sister. Her family is from france, so she speaks fluent french. mostly cause they live in quebec...

Short History: Ariana lives in QuƩbec, so she can speak fluent french and english, and has a slight QuƩbecquoise accent.


Audition Tape: (The camera fades in, showing a pink room with numerous Justin Bieber posters on the bright pink walls, and other hunks. Ariana walks on screen.)

Ariana: Bonjourno! That means Hey there, sugar! If you want someone who will bring MAJOR publicity with her total cuteness (she fluffs her hair) I'm your gal! I can totally dominate (blows a bubble in her gum) this game! And I'm pretty, smart--

Veronica: (shoves her and comes on screen) Pfft, as if. You FAILED english, math, history--

Ariana: (off screen) Um, hello? This is MY audition you little brat! Not yours! And who needs history anyways? It's SO yesterday!

Veronica: (face palms) I'm starting to doubt that we're from the same family...

Ariana: (stands up) I know, right? I guess I'm lucky, I got the beauty... Your stuck with the brains, and that fat **!

Veronica: (gets into a battle stance and glares at her sister) Oh you REALLY wanna go there?!

Ariana: (scoffs) Please, I own a SUMMER HOME there.

Veronica: (tackles her) UGH!

Ariana: (off screen) OW! LET GO OF MY HAIR!

The camera falls off the table, and onto the ground cracking the screen, and showing the cat fight. Ariana smiles weakly at the camera.

Ariana: (strained) So pick me! I promise high rait- Ow! You bit me!

Veronica: Good!

Ariana: Oh you little bi-!(shoves Veronica into the camera, causing static, and ending the audition)