a/n: I'm afraid I've been slacking on my duties… Let's blame the IB program but I really do apologize for making any of you wait. Hopefully, this will be worth it.


Rowena Ravenclaw has flooed Helga Hufflepuff with some information on tectonic plates and magical ley lines in the middle of the night. Though we are not entirely sure what the point of their conversation is, both seem very excited by the discovery Rowena has made. They both floo over to Salazar Slytherin's apartment where, after explaining the situation and more than a couple pleas, Rowena convinces Salazar to help her with her project and move to "the middle of nowhere in Scotland" with a promise that Godric Gryffindor will be there – competition between the two wizards leads Salazar to try besting his friend through any means possible. Convincing Godric has followed the same path and the four have now begun their voyage.

But a day later, 2 wizards and a witch were following their much exited companion across the Muggle world, attracting many strange looks from those they crossed. Well, that was no surprise. After all, how often did one see men in dresses or women in fluorescent colors? However, it was of no importance to the travelers; they would soon arrive to their destination.


"So what do you think? Isn't it simply darling? Oooh, we're going to have so much fun! The labs will go here and we'll place the herbog–"

"You're pulling our legs right?"

Rowena looked up with surprise at Salazar who was scowling at her.

"Well, I know right now it needs some work but in –"

"I'm not living here. I don't care what you say but either you were dreadfully wrong, or you've gone mad. Either way, I'm not staying."

Salazar did not mince his words but well described the area he was in: the ground consisted of mud in the middle of a flea infested clearing. This was no place to build a school for the fine arts of wizardry. Not only was it in the middle of nowhere, but the appeal… was nonexistent. Nothing would come of a project on these grounds.

Perhaps Rowena was wrong interjected Helga. Rowena was certain. Well, perhaps they ought to venture a ways from the clearing and see what they found. Perhaps they'd come across something then?

"Cut the perhapses Helga. Rowena is wrong, and we are going to look around. And if we don't find anything within the next few hours, we go home and start again."

"But my robes…"

"Scared of a little mud Gryffie?"

"Of course not! I simply think that…"

The voices of the two men faded as they left the clearing, Helga and Rowena following them closely. Fifteen minutes after, the two men were still at it, Helga was singing loudly and Rowena was getting a migraine.

"Will you two shut up already!"

The banshee had struck again. And for the two men who resolutely ignored her, things did not bode well. Indeed, a flick of the wand later, they both found themselves hung upside down by a foot and dumped in a murky body of water.

By the time the two men came spluttering up, ready to rant and rave at their attacker, Rowena was off a ways with a look of awe on her face. Helga had the same expression and softly spoke, as though she were afraid of fracturing an illusion.

"I want to settle here."

Before them lay a grassy cliff sloping into a lake. Behind was the forest they had emerged from. The whole was basked in soft orange light from the setting sun.

Salazar was the first to break out of the trance.

"You look ridiculous Gryffie. Last I checked, lily pads were neither suitable nor fashionable substitutions for headwear."

In a repeat of the previous performance, Salazar found himself submerged, finally coming up with decorations of his own.

"Gillyweed isn't considered proper substitutions for necklaces Salazar. Now hush, we've got some catching up to do if we want to stay on the same level as the genius."

Rowena had indeed wandered off and was climbing the softest slope of the cliff. With a cry of "Race you there Slytherin!" and "Bite me!" the two men were off, clambering up behind each other with the occasional war cry and tumble in the patches of grass. Let us just stay that Helga was not pleased when Godric decided the muddy victor ought to get a victory hug from the witch of his choice. Salazar for his part went trumping back to Rowena, mumbling about 'bloody traitors' and 'slippery eels.' As for Rowena? Well, the outline of a formidable batisse was already well on its way.


Formidable ideas only come to fruition with formidable people. And yet sometimes, things happen that are beyond our reach to control, beyond our reach to grasp and comprehend.

a/n: I know, I'm horrid and you ought to hit me upside the head for the wait. While this isn't meant to be a filler chapter, I'm not altogether pleased with the progression of the story. Hopefully this gives you a better insight on the characters and relationships they have. Next up, a sleeping dragon. Oh what shall we do?

urgent: I'm still on the prowl and in need of a beta. Anyone interested? Anyone? Please?