Small England parked his bicycle by the tree. The boy locked the padlock and went into the park. It was a very warm day, sun shone brightly and the park was filled by many people like usual. Most of them are family. England sighed as he went to the middle of the park, where a man selling Taiwanese-style pearl tea with his small trailer was surrounded by a long queue of people.

It was America's sudden whim. His mother was busy between her paper works (she was a high school teacher) and his father never came out from the house (he was a computer programmer). So it was always him who tended his little brother. While sometimes America could be a very adorable baby brother, nevertheless he was selfish spoiled brat most of the time.

"I wanna drink the Taiwanese drink! With the pearl and all… it goes really nice with my chicken nuggets! Get them for me, Iggy?"

He lost to those ridiculously blue eyes. America's eyes were as blue as their mother's while England's were greenish like his father. England scowled as he waited in the queue. It was quite a long queue. Apparently the Taiwanese style tea seller was quite famous. He looked around the park, staring at the background, trees and grass, flowers and … a boy. An Asian boy, small and dull, sat under the tree by the isolated corner of the park. England noticed the boy because he was wearing a red Chinese-styled top, which is quite a bright colour. Other than that, he blended naturally to the background.

Despite the children running all around the park, it was apparent that the Asian boy was alone and waiting for something. England guessed why he was alone to kill time. Maybe he was waiting for his parents or his siblings to get him back home. Maybe he was lost. maybe he didn't want to play. Maybe...

"Hey, what do you want?" A voice asked him rudely.

England stopped guessing and turned around. It was his turn. England asked for a honeydew and Blue Hawaii, each for him and America. Suddenly the man asked what other flavour that he wanted. England, irritated as ever, told the man that he only wanted two. The man explained that if he bought two, he would get one for free. England was amused and embarrassed at his initial fury. Maybe that's why this stall is so crowded!

England thought for a while, but he didn't know what to get. People behind him were getting irritated since the queue was quite long. Felling distressed, he remembered the red colour of the boy's top.


"Here. For you."

The boy looked at England as if he was crazy. England started to question his kindness to give the boy the free drink he got.

"… What drug, aru?"

"Huh?" England was lost. "Drug? This is tea."

"I know its tea. But what drug did you put inside, aru?" The boy sounded frustrated, like England was an idiot.

"Drug? You are not sick, are you?"

"… Who gave you the drink?"

England innocently pointed at the crowded stall. "I bought two pearl teas and they gave me one free. I don't need it, so I give it to you, is that wrong?" England hissed, feeling angry since his goodwill was treated as threat.

"Don't try to act innocent, you fool." The boy coldly answered, staring back at England. England was spellbound for a moment. The boy has golden eyes. It looked pretty with the coal-black straight hair tied in ponytail.

"I won't fall for your silly trap. You need more than this to fool me, aru."

"I don't want to fool you. I just want to give you this since I think you want it. And I have mine, look!" England pulled out his own milk tea in the plastic cup, and hastily pushed the straw into the liquid. He drunk it greedily and when he got choked by the pearl, he stopped. "See? I drink it and it's OK! I don't know what drug you meant! And since you don't want it, I take it back! You impolite…!"

"Wait, aru." The boy grabbed England's hand in his. The hand was icy cold. "I am sorry. You are genuine, aru."

"Thank you for acknowledging me. But this is not yours anymore!" England mocked.

Suddenly the boy chuckled. England felt his cheek blushing deep. He was really pretty.

"Sorry. I am Yao. Wang Yao. Nice to meet you, aru. What's your name?"

"Arthur. Arthur Kirkland."

"Arthur. You are kind, aru." China smiled. "So give me that, please? I am really thirsty right now."

Eventually England gave the plastic cup back and China drunk it like he was deprived of water for years. By the time England drunk halfway through his tea, China was already eyeing the other cup.

"What is that, aru?"

"It's Blue Hawaii. For my brother."

"Oh." China slumped back. "So I can't drink it, aru?"

"Yes. Don't be conceited! I have given you one!"

"Well, thank you, really." China smiled. "It was so good, it was my first drink for the day, aru."

"What? You haven't drunk anything since morning?" England asked in surprise. "You might get dehydration, you know!"

"But it is better than getting drugged and woke up to found my body filled with… never mind, aru."


"Nothing. You won't understand anyway. You are still a child aru."

"You are a child yourself!" England was pissed, started to fume. "How old are you?"

"I am 10, aru. I am not as small as you think."

England admitted in his mind that he thought China was only 7 or 8. He blushed before asking back (because he didn't want to lose)*, "What are you waiting, anyway? Where are your parents? You can't stay here without your guardian!"

"How about you, aru?" China shot back. "Where is your guardian, aru?"

"I am big enough to get here alone. Hmph! I am older than you, you know!"

"Liar. You are as small as me, aru."

"I am already 13, you know! I may be small built; but I know I am bigger than you, Yao!"

China suddenly stopped moving and looked dreamily at England. "Say it again, please?"

"W..What?" England blushed, preparing for a fit or cry. He could fight because he is a good fighter (at least he believed that).

"Call my name, aru. Please." China smiled sadly. "Call me again."




"Again, aru."




"Again… No. Stop. Ok." China suddenly stood up right, kicking the empty plastic cup in front of him. "Thank you, aru. I think I should go back too."

"You are going?" England asked, feeling half sad half amused. It was clear that China was waiting for someone yet he just went like that? Has he given up? Was his companionship that boring? "You think you can go just like that? After making me calling your name so many times like a broken answering machine? Hey, what are you waiting for, actually?"

"Nothing, aru." China walked away, kicking the cup as he moved. "I have regained what I have lost, aru. Thank you, Arthur Kirkland 13 years old~!!!"

And he left. England just noticed that the boy was actually wearing a girl's dress as his skirts flew around his thighs. China ran so fast and he was soon out of sight.

England was left alone in the park.

"What took you so long?" America pouted, grabbing his plastic cup and started to suck the blue liquid.

England sunk into the sofa.

"I was held back by a fairy."

"Stupid Arthur and his imagination." America laughed loudly, but this time, England ignored the mockery.

It was (maybe, maybe, maybe) his first love.

That was what came into his mind when he saw China 5 years later by the back of the dark alley; moaning and panting like a wild animal while a man England didn't know took him from behind.

To be continued.

A/N: I am not sure where this is going, but I think it would be fun to have some Russia x America in it. LOL!