Hey guys! So, this is going to be another multi-chapter fic from me. I'm thinking it'll be better than my first one. Hopefully, you guys think the same. However, I'm open to any ideas you may have. I may be able to update every week or 3-4 days depending on how much time I have. (My teachers are ruthless!) Anyways, I hope you enjoy this!

Disclaimer: You know the drill… I don't own anything… wish I did…

"This is our third pregnant vic this month, H. I'm starting to think we have a serial on our hands."

Horatio and Ryan stood over yet another woman, mid-thirties, and pregnant. They were out in the Everglades; a group of hunters had discovered the body.

"I agree, Mr. Wolfe. If I'm not mistaken, this murder looks almost identical to the other two."

The woman, whose name was not known yet, had brown hair and hazel eyes. She was 8 months pregnant, as were the other two victims. Tom had discovered yet another similarity; she had given birth hours before her death. So far, all three women had been found cradling their dead newborn baby.

"Have we found anything new?" Horatio asked, praying that the killer had left something behind. "No, not so far… I mean, everything looks completely identical to the other two. The mother's stabbed, the baby's suffocated… it's just inhumane, H."

The team had no suspects in custody, yet. Horatio had suspected Rachel's husband, Brian Williams, but when he saw the state of him upon the news of his wife and child's death, he suspected no more. Sarah Hunter's husband, Joseph, had been in Iraq at the time of the murder.

"We have to catch this guy," Horatio said, shifting his footing. He looked down at the bodies, then back up at Ryan.

"We know one thing Mr. Wolfe," Horatio began. "Right now, being pregnant in Miami buys you a serial killer's interest."

Jesse carried all six victim's clothes into the lab for Calleigh to process. She wasn't allowed in the field, being 5 ½ months pregnant. Everyone in the Miami-Dade Crime Lab knew that Calleigh, of all people, should not be working this case. But, there was now a serial killer walking freely around Miami and it was all hands on deck to find him.

"All right, Calleigh," he began, placing a box of evidence on the table. "I've got six outfits for you to process. Think you can handle it?"

She rolled her eyes as she snapped on a pair of gloves. "Jesse, please. Just because I'm pregnant does not give you the right to talk to me like a little kid. I can handle anything."

"Mhm, sure… Anyway, I'm staying to help you," he told her as he put on a lab coat.

"Fine. But—hey, I already processed those last week, didn't I?" she asked, eyeing the older evidence.

"Yes, you did. However, Horatio believes we have a serial, so he wants going over everything again. Some guy's kidnapping pregnant women and killing them and their newborn baby. Which makes you think, he's gotta have some kind of medical experience or something … Seriously, labor is messy and painful regardless of the setting, which in this case is probably his basement or something. Not very sanitary…"

Jesse eyed Calleigh and noticed how panic-stricken she looked. The truth is, she hadn't breathed since he had said "some guy's kidnapping pregnant women."

Her heart dropped after every word that left his mouth following that statement.

"Oh God, Calleigh I'm sorry," he began, his voice full of remorse. "I didn't mean to drop all that on you…"

She slowly shook her head, not totally 'there' yet. "It's fine… I have to know about the cases I'm working on after all…"

She scanned the room for a chair or stool, preferably a chair, and found nothing.

"I need to sit down…" she trailed off, one hand gripping the table and the other resting on her resting on her swollen belly.

Jesse ran to find a chair; desperately hoping Calleigh would not faint while he was gone. He doubted Eric would restrain himself from shooting the man who made his pregnant wife faint.

Calleigh, on the other hand, was not thinking about Jesse or Eric. There is a killer loose in Miami targeting women like me, she thought. Knowing my history, I'm probably next on his list. Don't think like that! You're fine; besides, he'd never go after a cop…

"Here, Calleigh sit down…" Jesse urged as he guided her to the chair he brought in.

Before she sat down, she quickly peeled off her lab coat revealing a blue and white maternity top. Jesse didn't have the heart to tell her, or even mention, that that was the same shirt their victim was wearing. Calleigh sat down and took a deep breath.

"Thank you," she gave a small smile and ran a hand through her hair "I'm sorry about that… I don't know what happened."

"No, don't apologize, Calleigh. It was my fault you went into panic mode," he assured her.

She caringly ran a hand down her tummy and took another deep breath. "It's not your fault… being pregnant does that to you sometimes. It's just scary to know that there's a guy out there going after people like me."

"I'm scared too, Calleigh. We all are. The important thing to remember that we will catch him," he reassured her, also reassuring himself in the process.

She nodded, "We have to."

For a few minutes, they both said nothing. Jesse was feeling as guilty as a murderer and Calleigh was feeling as sick as a dog.

"Alright," she began, standing up and arching her back. It was becoming more and more painful to sit without the right support on her back. "We should get back to work. I'll start with our latest victim's clothes and—"

"Calleigh, on second thought, why don't you go take a bit of a break? I could finish up here."

"Oh Jesse, thank you for the offer but, I'm going on maternity leave in about two months and I want fit all the work I can in. Thank you, though," she said and began to sort through the evidence.

If she sees our vic's shirt, sitting down will not stop her from fainting, Jesse thought.

"Please Calleigh, it would make me feel so much better if you took a ten or fifteen minute break. Go sit down in the break room, or something," he offered.

She sighed with defeat. "Five minutes, that's all."

She hung her lab coat up by the door and threw her gloves out. "Thank you."

"No problem." He watched her walk down the hall towards the break room before packing up the evidence. Then, he went to go find Natalia. Jesse was so relieved she didn't see their victim's shirt.

So, what'd ya think? Should I even bother to continue? Does it spark your interest? Please give me your honest opinion! Before I go, one more question. What'd everybody think of backfire? (I loved it!)
