SUMMARY - An old friend of Rory's is moving back to Stars Hollow and is going to go Chilton.
DISCLAIMER - Gilmore Girls and its characters belong to Dorothy Parker Drank Here Productions and Hofflund/Polone in association with Warner Bros. Television.
AUTHOR'S NOTE - This is just something I made up. I hope you like send me feed back and i will continue it... Hope you like it.

"Chilton's Not Ready For Magdalene"


Rory, Lorelai, and Lane are waiting for Rory and Lane's old friend, Abigail, who had to move away when she was 10. Rory, Abigail, and Lane were all best friends.

"I can't believe she's actually coming!" Rory yelled.

"I know when my mom found out she started look for places to move too."

"I know why your mom doesn't like her, she's not that wild," Lorelai said. The three laughed.

Out of the three of them Abigail was the wildest, never afraid to try something new, but she also had the brains and the looks. People started getting off the plane and they looked for Abigail, but they didn't see her.

"Hmm... That's weird, I didn't she her get off," Lane said.

Someone tapped Rory and Lane on the shoulder, "Looking for someone?" the girl asked with a smile and wink.

"NO WAY!" They all screamed and turned around.

"Hey Gilmore Girls!" Abigail said. The all started to scream and hug her.

"Look how big you got!" Lorelai said as she stood back to look at her.

Abigail laugh, "It's amazing what how much a little plastic surgery can take you." They all stared at her in disbelief. "KIDDING! Come on girls, me get plastic surgery?! I don't think so." They all smiled.

"We have so much too tell!" Rory said!

"And have I got news for you," Abigail said.

"What?!" They all stopped and looked at her.

"Guess who will be the new prep at Chilton Preparatory School?!"

"You're joking?" Rory said.

"Now do I look like a girl who jokes?" Abigail said as she flipped her jacket over her shoulder and started to walk, "now lets go get my luggage." She smiled.

God, I've missed this girl, Rory thought to herself and run up to catch her. They got the bags and made their way to the car.

Rory's House

"Thank you so much Lorelai for letting me stay here with you, and when you get tired of me kick me out so I can use up my parents money." She said with a smirk. "So Lane when's your mom coming over to see me? Come on tell me how fast after you told her I was coming back did she start packing your bags?"

"AB!" Lane said.

"Come on we all know that your mom thinks that I'm 'not a good influence on you', I think those were the words she used." Everyone laughed.

"It's so great to have you back," Rory said.

"It's great to be here!"

Chilton Preparatory School

"Here's the Headmasters office," Rory said as she walked with Abigail. "Do you want me to wait?"

"No, it's fine I don't want you to be late or anything."

"Okay, well good luck, see you at lunch."

"Okay, thanks." She gave Rory a fast hug. And Rory was off.

"The headmaster will see you now," he secretary said.

"Thanks," Abigail said as she walked in.

"Hello Miss De Fanto."

"Hi," Abigail said as she shook his hand.

"Nice grip."

"You too."

"Please have a seat."

"Thank you."

"So I believe your aware that Chilton--"

"Is the best school around, the standers are high, if I start to slip I'm out faster than a hot potato. Tartness will not be accepted, and I better be on my best behavior or I'm off to and year round boarding school in Tibet. Did I leave any thing out?"

"No... Although I'm a bit confused about the boarding school part."

"Oh right sorry about that, that was what I heard from my mother before I left to come here."

"Oh alright, well we are very happy to have you here. Here is your schedule, if there are any problems please come and see me. Other then that I will you the best of luck and Welcome."

Abigail got up, shook his hand, yet again, "thank you very much." And with that she walked to her first class. Classes had already begun and 1st period was half way over. She walked into English, with Mr. Max Medina. Rory waved to her, some guy said something to Tristan, and Paris gave her a look. She walked over and gave her pass to Mr. Madina.

"Welcome," he said to her. "Everyone this is Abigail."

"Well hello Magdalene!" Tristan said.

"Oh good one!" Abigail said as she walked towards Tristan, "how I loath fresh meat. Give me five!" She said as she came face to face with him. He just looked at her. "No? Maybe later we'll get to know each other," she said with a smirk and a wink and then sat down next to Rory. The rest of the period went by fast. The bell rang. Everyone started to get up.

"There letting anyone in now a days," Paris said to her friends, but loud enough so that Abigail and Rory could hear.

"We obviously, um... like hello they let you in, didn't they!" Paris looked at her. "So I guess this means we not gonna be best friends, huh? To bad." Abigail said with a fake pout on her face. "Lets go Rory." And Abigail and Rory walked out.

"That was so great!" Rory said to Abigail.

"I hate people like that, but they're so fun to piss off!"

Chilton- Lunch Room

"My God, what kind of food is this?!" Abigail asked Rory and they stood in line.

"It's really not that bad."

"Ok, tip for the future, don't use 'not that bad' when describing food."

"Gottcha. Sorry."

"No apology needed. Just a helpful tip."

They paid for their lunches and sat down. "So who's Mr. 'Well Hello Magdalene'?"

"That would be Tristan."

"Nice name, cute face, bad attitude."

"You got the attitude right."

"Okay and what about Ms. 'They Let Anyone In'." Abigail said mimicking Paris.


"Well there's not really anything nice about her, now is there."

Rory laughed, "nope, nothing at all."

Tristan walked over to the table. "Hey Magdalene! Hi Mary!"

"Wow rich boy what's up?!" Abigail said.

"How bout you call me sometime," he said to Abigail.

"I'll think about it." Tristan smirked and left.

Just then Paris and her friends Madeline and Louise walked over to Abigail and Rory.

"Well hello girls! How are we today?" Abigail said to them.

Paris rolled her eyes. "Look stay away from Tristan."

"You seriously aren't trying to start something with me right?" Abigail said.

"I'm NOT joking!"

"You have to be. It looks like you got dressed out of my side of the closet today. We look exactly the same."

"No we don't."

"OH your right I have better hair and skin." This is too fun Abigail thought to herself.

"Just stay away from Tristan."

"Is that an order?! HA! OH TRISTAN HONEY!" Abigail yelled to him across the lunchroom. He looked at her, "Come here." They started to walk towards each other.

Abigail kissed him. She kissed him hard on the lips, and he kissed her back. "Mmm... You're good." She said as she turned and walked away.

"Talk to you later girlfriend." She said to Paris as her and Rory walked out. All eyes were on them. Once they got out Rory screamed, "that was sooo funny! Can't believe you did that!"

"It was funny wasn't it. Did you see the look on Paris' face? It was classic! I wish I had my camara."

"If ya want to get one I'll do it again." She smiled and hugged her friend. "It's good to be back Rory, It's good to be back in Stars Hollow."

Back in the Lunchroom

"Tristan! Man who was that chick?!" some boy yelled at Tristan.

"Oh that was just Magdalene," he said with a smirk.

Paris was watching Tristan talk.

"I'm gonna get her back," Paris shakes her head at her friends, "I'm gonna get her back if it's the last thing I do."

To Be Continued...