This is a Charlie Bone/Hetalia crossover! I hope you enjoy this!~

i apologize if this is seen as OOC or AU or any other initials... i decided to write this when i found all my old Charlie Bone books.... for those that do not know Charlie Bone series is about Charlie Bone who discoveres he is endowed with the gift to travel through pictures. He is then sent to Bloor's Academy a school for the artistically/musically/preforming artsly type and those wo are endowed with special powers. Charlie then meets a bunch of people who become his friends and the they all use their powers t try and over come stuff...

i do not claim to own anything! neither author belongs to me nor either story!

they will be yaoi in this i believe... i implied it a lil bit at the end!~

i hope you enjoy this and please comment and give constructive criticism on how i can improve later chapters...

He hadn't wanted to go to a new school. Much less one that was full of strange people. He was just fine where he was. He had normal friends, normal classes. Who knew what went on at Roma's Hetalia Academy? He certainly did not belong there.

People went there if they and strange powers, or if they wanted to be a professional musician, artist, or actor. Ludwig didn't fall into any of these categories. But he was now being forced to leave his own country to go to some school... because people got it stuck in their stupid heads that he was strange too.

They're gonna see the second I reach that door, and they will straighten out this mess so I can get back to my life... It'll be fine....

Ludwig looked up at the tall doorway of the Academy for a second, impressed with the architecture, then walked inside hoping the mess would be fixed and that he would go home.

The hallway was empty as the German teenager walked in. He heard sounds from down the hallway and his instincts told him that he should go there. As he walked down the hallway he noticed a blonde girl in a skirt up ahead of him walking away.

She could probably tell me where to go to fix all of this... Ludwig ran after her.

"Frauli- umm... Miss?... Can you help me?" trying to remember not to slip into German here.

The blonde turned around and Ludwig was unsure what was going on.

A-a guy?.... Cross dresser?...

The young man just smiled and replied, "Like, ya sure. Everybody's all, like, in the gym for this drag of a pep assembly. I'm totally Feliks! Like whats your name?"

Confused at the valley girl way of speech the boy had used, he answered the guy named Feliks, "I-i'm Ludwig..."

The valley boy frowned at his name but then smiled again, "Eh, whatever... c'mon, like the assembly rooms this way," as he grabbed the German's arm and started pulling him to where he had heard the noise from in the first place.

Scheisse... This is going to be stranger than I thought it would be...

Feliks opened the door and, while still holding Ludwig's arm, ran across to where a small group of people were sitting. Ludwig eyed them all cautiously, looking for possible threats, a habit of his since he was little. There were two other blond boys, and a few brunettes. There was also a Japanese boy.

"Like, hey guys! This here is... ummm... like what's your name again?..." Feliks looked at him expectantly.

"Ludwig....." He was starting to get really annoyed with the way he was acting. He never wanted to meet his friends. He only wanted to go home.

"Hey, man! Nice to meet'cha! Name's Alfred!" One of the blondes stuck out his hand, expecting Ludwig's in return. He slowly reached for his hand, sensing no threat.

"You're such a bloody git, you know that right?" The other blond started yelling at Alfred, earning quite a few shh's from nearby students and glares from a teacher nearby.

Alfred laugh, "Iggy, c'mon! Be nice to the guy! We don't know anything about him yet! Well all of us except Kiku, that is." The teenager then looked at the Japanese. "Eh, Kiku how 'bout it?... you don't mind right?" He looked up at Ludwig.

"Was- what?..." He looked confused and tried to stay in English, which seemed the common language here.

"Alfred, you twat! He obviously is new and doesn't know!" The Englishman was yelling again.

"I can tell everything about you. It's my... gift..." The Japanese boy looked uncomfortable but explained to the German.

"Oh... You're one of them..." Ludwig grew uncomfortable, not knowing who else was an endowed here.

"Well you must be too! No one comes here in the middle of the year unless they are for sure!" the American teenager exclaimed.

"I-i do not sense any endowments within him..." Kiku seemed confused. "Why did you decide to come here then?" He looks up from where he was sitting with calm blank eyes.

"People at my last school thought I did and sent me here... I'm going to talk to the Headmaster here to sort it out. Then I'm going back to Germany." Ludwig looked away.

"Veeee~ That won't be any fun~!" one of the younger looking brunettes finally looking up at the newcomer after having been distracted by his twin by the looks of it.

When he looked up, the young Italian sounding boy paled severely. Ludwig thought that he looked as if he would be sick.

"Is something wrong with him? Is he okay?" Ludwig actually seemed a bit worried about the smaller boy.

He watched as he started digging through his satchel and pulled out a bunch of sketches. He paled even further. "L-lovino??..." He handed the pictures to his twin. "Feliciano... these are decent... Oi you... potato bastard... Does any of this seem familiar to you?" the other Italian inquired, ignoring the fact that he had just insulted the German. He handed the pictures to Ludwig, giving one of them back to the one called Feliciano.

What Ludwig saw made him pale. There was an image of him, when he was told he was going to come here by his principal. As he turned to the next page, he saw an image of the fight he had gotten sucked into by his old friend, when he had found out that Ludwig was being sent to a school populated by 'Freaks' as he called it. And right after that was an image of him under the doorway of the academy, admiring the school's architecture.

"H-how... How did you do this?" Ludwig looked at the small boy sharply.

"I-its m-my g-g-gift...." the little brunette looked as if he would implode under the gaze of the German.

"Feliciano Vargas, born in Rome, Italy. Aged 16. endowments, painting the future." Kiku said quickly and emotionlessly.

"What the fuck, potato? Quite staring at us like we're fuckin' freaks! You can't handle it then leave us the fuck alone!" the guy, Lovino, started yelling at Ludwig. Strangely enough, everyone seemed to get angry or depressed, then Ludwig felt a spark of anger in himself that wasn't there before.

"Ay Lovi!~ Calm down! You don't have to get so twitchy... Your getting everyone ansy again!" the other brunette started hugging Lovino, and suddenly enough, the anger was leaving everyone.

The tanned brunette stood up to shake Ludwig's hand.

"Hola! Me llamo Antonio! Bienvido a la Academia de Roma!" he smiled so largely that ludwig felt happiness start tugging at him now.

"Hmph... Your one to talk about self control, Antonio..." Lovino started to pull the Spaniard back down next to him.

"Antonio and Lovino are very unique," The guy that Alfred called Iggy started to explain. "Lovino is endowed with negative emotions and influences people by how he feels sometimes, and can sense how others are feeling. Antonio is the exact opposite, being endowed with positive emotions and influencing others," He glared at the two being discussed, "They both have yet to get a handle on it, so they have to either stay with each other all the time or have others remind them to try and tone down their emotions."

The English student looked up. "My name is Arthur Kirkland, by the way."

"More like Harry Potter..." Alfred sniggered and Feliks joined in with him.

"Shut up, you twat! You too Feliks!" the green eyed blonde started to flush.

"Arthur Kirkland, born London, England. Age 17. Endowment, wizard." Kiku looked up again with a blank look on his face.

"Not to be rude but I don't plan on being here much longer. I plan on seeing your headmaster as soon as this assembly ends, and sort this out so I can come home."

The small Italian boy looked up at Ludwig. "you won't be leaving. I drew you here. That means you are officially a new student here!" he smiled as if he hadn't just said the strangest thing on Earth.

Ludwig tried to make sense of what he said, until he felt his gut start to pull him in another direction. He looked upwards and saw a tall man walking across the floor. He knew that this was the Headmaster that he was waiting for. It seemed as though the assembly was finished, so Ludwig got up and started walking after him.

"Where's he going?" Feliciano looked up after him, a sad look flitting across his face.

"He saw the Headmaster, so he went after him." Alfred smiled at the smaller boy.

"How did he know it was Roma though? I thought he had never seen him before?" Arthur wondered aloud.

The friends all looked at each other, realizing,then looking back at Kiku.

"Impossible... I didn't feel anything from him..." the Japanese boy looked very disturbed.

"Hmmm... Well you heard what he said... He doesn't think he's endowed.... Maybe your power only works, Kiku if the other knows the information themselves, or accepts it." Arthur tried to rationalize this as a possible explanation.

"Ve~ He is endowed... and he is going to stay too!" Feliciano looked happily at his last picture, the one that Lovino didn't show Ludwig. "I can't wait for this to happen..." he sighed, seemingly at peace with the future.

"Lemme see it!" Alfred yelled out, grabbing the picture. As he looked, his eyes widened.

On the sketch, Feliciano was in the arms of none other than the large German that had just left, kissing his lips.

how did you like this? i will get up another chapter sometime... please comment and prussia will donate awesome to the needy!~