Sorry I disappeared. I just do that sometimes, I guess.

No, no horror. Too hard for right now.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia: Axis Powers (or is it Hetalia: World Series? Aw, who knows?)

Little, chubby legs ran as fast as they could, towards her ever-moving goal. A big smile was on her face. The fluttering bug was so pretty and colorful. No matter how much she tried, though, she couldn't catch it.

This didn't stop her, however. She valiantly went after the lovely creature, following it everywhere. If she fell down, she'd get back up. It was that important to her.

The whole way, she was laughing and giggling.

When it stopped, it landed on a furry white lump in the middle of the field. She leaped for it, but her face connected with fur instead. The creature moved again, landing somewhere else on the lump. Said lump turned to look at her.

Said lump wasn't a lump at all. It was some other creature with a black nose. It stretched to sniff her.

"Who are you?" It asked. She responded with laughing and grabbed its soft ears. She liked this new animal, and it wasn't going anywhere right now.

"Kumajiro! Kumajiro, where did you go?"

Canada had lost his pet polar bear. He turned around for only a second and he was gone. The quiet, hard-to-notice nation was frantic with worry. He looked everywhere for Kumajiro, and for once, he actually remembered his name. Where could the little polar bear have gotten to?

"Where are you?" Even while shouting, Canada's voice was barely above a whisper, so it would be no surprise if Kumajiro didn't hear him. Still, he had to try to keep looking for him. He looked everywhere, from the treetops to the bushes.

After a while of fruitless searching, Canada finally found Kumajiro in a clearing. But Kumajiro wasn't alone. Someone else was with him, pulling on his ears. The little child was obviously enjoying being with the little bear.

"Kumajiro!" Canada ran over to his pet. Kumajiro turned to him, momentarily forgetting that his ears were being pulled. He looked up at his owner and asked the usual, "Who are you?"

Canada sighed and smiled. "I'm Canada. Who is this?" Kumajiro restored his attention to the little girl. "I don't know." He tried to sniff the little girl. She giggled, and as she did so, she lost her grip and fell down. Canada got a better look at her.

She clearly wasn't an infant. She had to have walked here. Her hair was in two pigtails sticking out from atop her head, and her eyes were big and blue. She looked over at him, and it seemed as though she could read his thoughts. He could not resist her cuteness, and his heart practically melted.

"Oh, come here, little girl." The quiet nation picked her up into his arms. The child still looked at him. "Where are your parents?" The girl said nothing.

"Are you lost?" Still no response. Canada was about to ask her something else when she smiled again, and grabbed a hold of his nose. Quite a strange girl, this seemed to be.

She had to belong to someone, though. She couldn't have just materialized from nothing. She looked at him, still keeping a hold on his nose. It looked as though she had no intention of letting go. Canada almost had to forcefully pry her fingers off.

"I guess you don't belong to anyone, little girl. Do you want to stay with me for a while?" No answer, but then again, he didn't really expect one. He couldn't leave her here, though. He would have to bring her with him. She would at least get to play with Kumajiro more.

Holding her with his left arm, and picking Kumajiro up with his right, Canada left the area and started for home.

I'm hoping to try to update this as much as I can, though it likely won't be daily, like with Interno. I'll try though.

This is just to start up the story, I guess. Again, I'll try to get the next chapter up soon.
