
Things had calmed down in the week since the invasion of Washington D.C. Sure, everyday you left the comfort of the base did you run the risk of losing your head to a crazed Russian who'd been holding out but the risk was getting less everyday. It was Friday, which happened to be the Squad's day off so the group found themselves sitting in a small pub enjoying a few beers.

"I can't believe they took away my stripes." grumbled Dunn, rubbing his sleeve where his Chevrons were. He'd been promoted to Sergeant after the battle, but had lost the extra stripe after he'd stolen a case of Marshall's 'lemonade'.

"Well, you shouldn't have stolen Marshall's booze." replied Allen, taking a sip from his beer. "Com'on, Ramirez. Are you going to drink it or just stare at it all day?" he asked, referring to the still full beer sitting in front of the Private. Just as Ramirez took a swig of the drink, an MP marched up.

"Private, how old are you?" asked the MP, in his gravely voice.

"Look, man. We're just here for a few beers we ain't here to cause trouble or nothing." said Dunn, raising his beer.

The MP glared at him, "Are you a Private or is he not able to answer for himself?"

"Uh, I.." started Ramirez, unsure of how to explain this whole situation.

"He's with me." said Foley, "He's my son."

"Your son?" asked the MP, not noticing any resemblance between the two.

"Yes, he's my son. My adopted son." said Foley, lying through his teeth. "I gave him consent. Doesn't that make it legal?"

The MP grumbled and then tromped away.

"Told you we got your back." said Dunn, slapping Ramirez on the back.

"In other news, the body of General Adrian Shepherd was found last Friday. Based on evidence discovered at the crime scene, responsibility falls on two men. John Price and John 'Soap' MacTavish, both are considered armed and highly dangerous. If you have any information please contact-" The TV then went black.

Soap sighed, "Can't believe this, now we're higher on the most wanted list then Makarov.."

"Oh, the irony." muttered Price, tossing the remote to Nikolai.

And so it ends. Special thanks to everyone who reviewed! It's been thirty long chapters but it's finally over. I hope everyone's enjoyed the ride, it's been a real trip!

Review if you please.