This chapter reveals everything!

Hope you like the ending of 'Dirty Dancing'!


Chapter 7: the Dream

The blonde boy opened his eyes slowly. Feeling how a cold feeling ran over his body. His legs didn't move and his eyelids felt heavy. When he finally found the strength to move a terrible pain ran from his opening, all the way up his spine.

The boy groaned painfully at the feeling letting his weight fall on his bed. He tried to remember. Remember what happened or why everything felt so painful, when the door opened.

Kanou's face stared towards the boy's and when he realised the blue eyes were staring back he sat down next to him.

"You're up…" he whispered and Ayase sensed something was wrong. Kanou's face looked pale and the normal happy face he had shown towards the boy was gone.

He looked sad, worried and sort of lonely. Like something was really bothering him and wouldn't let him go. Ayase took a deep breath, smiling weakly.

"Hi." he said. Kanou grinned his teeth, smiling back.

"Hey." he said. "How're you feeling?" he asked. Ayase shook his head slowly.

"Blank." he said. "Empty."

"You remember what happened?" Kanou asked. Ayase closed his eyes. Recalling every tiny detail of the night before and again he wanted to cry, but once again couldn't, maybe his tears all got lost the night before. Crying was a thing he never did, until the night before.

Kanou held his blonde closely as he nodded his head.

"Ayase…" he whispered in the boy's ear. "… I have to leave today. I'm fired." the boy looked straight up in the man's eyes.

"I have to be gone before noon." the man smiled again but didn't dare to look in the blue eyes. Ayase was silenced, unable to figure out what to say next.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help you. But if it makes you feel better, I kicked his fucking ass." Kanou's voice sounded dark and the boy simply looked at him, shaking his head.

"I don't want you to go." he whispered.

"I have to. I can't stay." Kanou replied quickly. The blonde sighed deeply, feeling a pain in his head.

"You think that you leaving actually makes me feel any better?" he said sobbingly, feeling like crying, but again they didn't come. Kanou raised his eyebrows.

"I don't have a choice." he said.

"I don't care! I can't do this without you!" the blonde sat up, showing a pained look on his face. Kanou stretched his arms to help him but Ayase slapped his hands away, ignoring the pain in his back. He placed his back against the wall the bed stood against and sighed deeply, closing his eyes.

"Why do you leave me? I need you now." the boy whispered. Kanou showed a pained face.

"I don't want to leave you! I have to!" Kanou screamed suddenly. Ayase's eyes opened to stare in the dark brown ones.

"Then go to my house, With me…" Ayase said. Kanou shook his head.

"You don't get it, do you? We both knew this would happen someday. This was the risk. I can't to Japan, Ayase. I don't belong there."

"Then I'll come with you." the boy said. Kanou smiled while shaking his head.

"No you're not. You're going to Japan." Kanou said. Ayase shook his head quickly.

"No!" he yelled and he pushed his blankets away, standing up quickly, too quick so he fell in the man's arms feeling the stabbing pain.

"Don't leave me…" the boy whispered softly as Kanou petted his golden hair.

"You really don't get it…" Kanou whispered back and Ayase looked up. "Me being fired means we won't see each other again. This is like a summer love, Ayase. It's over now…" Kanou took a deep breath, staring in the beautiful blue eyes. "I have to go."

The blonde nodded slowly, pressing his lips on the other's. Kanou then stood up, placing the boy back on the bed and kissing him intensively. He smiled, caressed the cheek again and then turned himself to leave the room.

"Come to the parking lot in half an hour. That's where I'll leave." Kanou said and he then left, leaving the blonde boy by himself, lost in his thoughts.

Kanou closed the trunk of his car, sighing deeply. This was the end. He turned around, noticing the main building on his left side and the cottage he once lived in on the other. He now shook his head.

He had lost everything, and the one thing he still had lived on the other side of the world, in Japan. He sighed deeply in his hands and again felt another wave of guilt over his body.

The one thing he hadn't lost had gotten in trouble because of him and was now almost unable to stand.

His thoughts were disturbed by a hand on his shoulder. He removed his hands from his face and turned to face the person next to him. Someya smiled but had a pained expression in her eyes. Kanou smiled back and the woman threw her arms around him forcefully.

"This sucks." she whispered in his ear and Kanou grinned softly.

"I'll miss you, girl." he said back and she let go of him, stroking her hands over his cheeks. Smiling, she shook her head.

"Your eyes are even red. I never imagined you'd cry." she said. Kanou smiled widely.

"Ayase won't notice, will he?" he asked and just to comfort her 'brother' Someya replied with a 'no'.

Gion held out his hand, giving the man a special shake and smiling.

"You know I'm doomed without you, don't you?" he said and he smiled. Kanou smiled back.

"I'm wishing you luck." he replied before pulling the other man in a manly hug. "Take care, buddy." he said. Gion sighed deeply.

"You know I'm an emotional wreck, don't you?" he said with a shivering voice and he quickly pushed his friend away. "You take care." he quickly added, forcing his tears to stay in his eyes.

Kanou nodded and now turned towards the twin brothers. They stood next to each other, the youngest holding Carlotta closely, who looked like she had cried a lot.

"I'm sure you'll both do fine." Kanou said.

"We'll do our best. That's a promise. We have each other." Misao said.

"And a new sister." Homare added, pointing towards the girl his brother was holding, which made the whole crew laugh softly.

"Good luck, Kanou." Carlotta said, placing a kiss on Kanou's cheek. "I'm sure you'll be fine." Kanou smiled.

"I hope you'll be fine. Don't let Marco hurt you, 'kay? Misao will protect you." he added and winked towards the man holding her, who got a slight blush, but smiled proudly and surely.

And then he turned to his other side, feeling how his heart broke in two as the beautiful golden hair, reflected by the sun, slowly appeared closer to him. He sighed deeply, not knowing what to say or do and tried to prepare a first sentence. There was only silence around them, everyone staring towards the two man, who only had attention for each other.

When the boy finally stood in front of him, nothing appeared, but a huge swallow and a little smile.

The boy's eyes didn't look that much like they had been crying or were about to and Kanou figured that even the angel did his best not to show how he felt.

Kanou knelt down in front of his boy, not caring about whether the pebbles bellow him were digging little holes in his knees. He placed a large hand on the boy's cheek, trying not to remove the smile from his face, but the blonde seemed serious. He closed his eyes for one fraction when the hand made contact with his face, but opened them right after and, now for the first, time smiled.

"Just tell that this wasn't a summer love…" he spoke softly. Kanou's face turned into sadness and he looked away from the baby blue eyes, staring at his friends for one second and turning back slowly. He placed his other hand over the other cheek, slowly moving closer and leaning his forehead against the other's

"I love you and not just as a summer love." he said quietly. Ayase smiled a bit wider, throwing his arms around the man and kissing him deeply.

Someya took a deep breath, placing her head on Gion's shoulder, who was crying and now fell down into sobs. Misao held Carlotta tightly as he felt how also she started to shake from sadness and held his brother's hand. Homare simply smiled, pinching his twin's hand, when the kiss stopped.

Kanou grinned widely, sighing deeply and releasing the boy softly.

"Take care, 'kay?" he said.

"You too." the blonde replied.

Kanou smiled, standing up quickly and when he turned away from the boy he closed his lips tightly, trying not to look behind him.

"I love you too." Ayase suddenly said and Kanou then couldn't do anything else but turn around. "We'll see each other again, right? Someday?" Ayase asked. Kanou nodded slowly and winked.

"I promise." and now the blonde smiled fully. Kanou step towards the car's front door quickly, opening it and getting into the black BMW.

As the engine started Someya released Gion and placed herself next to the boy, holding him closely. Ayase took a deep breath as the car drove off slowly, hearing how the wheels of the car loudly moved the pebbles. And the man suddenly stepped onto the gas, as another tear slid down his face with the last sight of the blue orbs.

Ayase sniffed loudly as the car rode around the corner and he finally felt another tear. Someya smiled friendly, wiping away the little salted drop.

"He promised he'll meet you again." she said. "He always keeps to his promises." Ayase nodded.

"Maybe in another lifetime…" he whispered. "Who knows?"

Someya giggled and nodded.

"In a world where everything's reversed." she said and Ayase looked up to her. "Where he'll be rich and you'll be… just a person." she proceeded. Ayase smiled at that thought.

In a world where everything would be different. Where Kanou would a rich… company owner. Again he smiled. And he'd be a simple person, falling into the other's live by accident.

Yes, that sounded like reality…

The blonde opened his eyes, yawning loudly as he tried to recall the dream he just had. He was in a big white bedroom, with a little space to study for him to his right and a huge closet right next to it.

On his left side lay Kanou, making the munching sounds he always did when he was fast asleep. Ayase sighed deeply.

In the dream he was rich and Kanou was a dancer. A dancer, for goodness sake. The blonde giggled as he recalled how they danced, in a way he couldn't imagine the company owner dancing in real life.

The man crawled closer to the boy as he sat up and lay his arm around his legs, placing his head onto the boy's lap before munching a bit more and sleeping on.

Ayase smiled, caressing the other's dark hair softly. There were also countless of times where he said that he loved the man. Countless of times. A blush appeared on his face as he tried to imagine to say that in real life. It sounded impossible…

Kanou moved on his lap, crawling even more closer than he already lay and he softly whispered the blonde's name before munching about three times. Ayase's blush became worse. What exactly was he dreaming about?

And then it came to him. Maybe Kanou dreamed about Ayase as if they were a happy couple too. The blonde sighed deeply. But why didn't he ever say that he loved Ayase?

Maybe because he didn't dare to. Just as scared as Ayase himself. The blonde smiled. So the man was scared of doing something.

The man groaned deeply before opening his eyes and turning to the blue eyes above him.

"Ayase…" he whispered and he blinked a few times. The blonde smiled a bit as the man yawned widely.

"Hi…" he whispered back, petting the man's hairs unconsciously.

"Can't you sleep?" he asked. The blonde nodded.

"I'm just… not sleepy anymore." he said, smiling. Kanou smiled seductively.

"Than what are you planning to do?" he asked with a husky voice. Ayase felt his heart thump at the look of the man and again recalled his dream. That was the way he looked at him in his dream too, right before they would… or rather: do it for the first time and he turned his eyes to the ceiling.

"I remembered my dream." he said softly. Kanou coughed a little, moving his head to prove that Ayase stopped petting and he wanted him to proceed.

"What dream?" he asked satisfied as the boy continued.

"I dreamt about us." the blonde replied.

"Hmm? And?" Kanou asked, half asleep and enjoying the moment since the blonde never actually told him stuff without him forcing the boy to tell and he actually petted his hair!

"I was rich and went to Italy. You gave me dancing lessons." he said. Kanou stared up to the boy, who didn't look back but stared at the ceiling above him with a smile.

"Me? Dancing lessons?" he asked and he grinned at the thought. "I can't dance." he proceeded. Ayase giggled a bit.

"That's what I thought too when I woke up." he said and his smile faded. "But there was something else that happened in the dream too, something I'm bothered with." he said softly before looking down at the man.

"What?" Kanou asked as he stared in the other's eyes.

"I said I loved you." the blonde said after a moment of silence. "And not just once…" Kanou's grin now faded as he saw how serious the boy was acting and looking.

Was this a confession? A serious confession? Or what was the boy about to do? Kanou's heart thumped so loudly he was afraid the angel would hear.

"And I'm not sure… whether it was only… in the dream." Ayase said. Kanou smiled.

"Do you love me?" the blonde asked, giving an asking look to the man. Kanou looked stunned but smiled right after.

"I do. But that was obvious, right?" he asked. Ayase raised an eyebrow and blushed so deeply, it was even noticeable in the dark room.

"Now it is…" he replied softly. "… and how can you place it exactly. That you love me?" he asked. Kanou sighed a bit. That was a hard question.

"Well, you feel it. It's like… when you're close my heart beats really fast. And I can't stop thinking about you, and I'm always worried about where you are or… what you're doing. Asking myself if your thinking about me." he smiled at his explanation. That sounded good!

Ayase sighed too and Kanou wondered whether it was a good sign or not, since the boy didn't reply either.

But Ayase was just thinking. Yes, his heart beat faster when Kanou was around… especially when he figured that they could do… it soon. He thought about the man a lot… about what he would like for dinner or, whether he'd like the new haircut he'd chosen. The last time Kanou was very pleased about the new style of his hair (nothing had changed, it was only a little shorter…) and it made him feel really good.

He sometimes though about whether Kanou had problems at work or not… since there are so many dangerous types he's related with. And at school, when classes get boring, he always thinks about whether he should e-mail Kanou or not.

It all looked exactly like how Kanou felt towards the boy and he related that with 'love'. So that meant… that the boy was in love too.

"I love you too…" Ayase suddenly said. The silence had seemed like forever to Kanou, but the it was worth it. The boy actually said what he had hoped he'd say.

The blonde stared into the other's eyes, smiling and Kanou smiled back.

"My heart's thumping right now, when I look at you." he said. Kanou smiled wider.

"So is mine." he replied.

For the first time the boy took the initiative to kiss the man.

END! ~

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