Don't Own It-this is fiction! If you are looking for historical fact, go somewhere else!

Robin Hood


April 15, 1864

Albus Dumbledore, the greatest prime minister the world has ever seen, in an effort to form some type of peace through out the world and end the wars that have been continuous, has decided that for the next year and half, will go on tour to the middle east, eastern Europe and Asia in an effort to bring piece among the nations. "Or at least some quiet time," he added with a slight smile. He will also be traveling to Australia and Israel in an effort to gain more support from other countries.

"World peace, or at least some quiet time among the nations, is simply not done over night, and it is simply not done from my desk.

I want to go out and prove to the other nations that I am indeed serious in this goal. Too many have already suffered greatly."

Albus Dumbledore will be leaving the care of the country to his step brother Tom Riddle, and the country's treasurer, Vernon Dursley. The three men plan on staying in constant contact with each other.

"I am very honored that Albus Dumbledore would trust me with nearly everything while he is gone so far and for so long," Vernon Dursley commented. "I will, as always, do what is best for my country and put her people first!"

There was a picture of Albus Dumbledore with Tom Riddle to his left. To his right was very fat Vernon Dursley, his wife, the tall, skinny, blonde Petunia Dursley and then their son, standing slightly in front of Petunia, Dudley Dursley who was nearly the size of his father. And then last, but certainly not least, a tall good looking young man, with round glass and wild black hair, standing slightly in front of Albus Dumbledore with his hand on his shoulder, Harry Potter, nephew to the Dursley's.

Harry laughed as he read the last line of the article, "put her people first." He stuffed the article back into his black briefcase and pulled out another article that was printed just six months after the last one he had just read.

October 15, 1864

Bloody Granger

It would seem Hermione Granger has done it again! Last Monday, at about seven A.M. First New York City Bank officials said that half of the public's money had been stolen. No word on where Granger is or where she plans on going next. The bank was almost too clean for clues.

"We are obviously not dealing with an amateur here," Chief Garret Rafferty said to the press "or a lady. She is very intelligent and knows how to use a weapon." A gun and whip seem to be her choice, but that is all the police have to go on right now. There is a one million dollar reward for any promising hints as to where Granger is and a two millions dollar reward for anyone who catches her and brings her to the authorities. Officials, however want the public to be aware that this is not a woman to go chasing after. "She can shoot a gun and crack that damn whip of hers. Though so far no deaths have been reported that were caused by her."

Hermione Granger's reason for warrant then? Robbing the rich, people and banks alike. And some say she is doing this to feed the poor ever since taxes have gone up with Tom Riddle in charge.

Underneath the article was a drawn picture of Hermione Granger. Small print described her hair as brown and wavy with brown eyes and about 6'5.

Harry would have read some more, but hearing the door to his private cabin on the train open made him slip the paper back into his brief case quickly. He took a deep breath of relief when he saw that it was only his cousin Dudley. Seeing how big he was getting made Harry wonder where exactly his aunt and uncle were getting his clothes tailored. The silk button down shirt and black jacket were too big to buy at any general store.

"What do you have in the case?" Dudley sneered at Harry. Harry, knowing Dudley could not read very well anyway opened the black leather case and handed Dudley some of the articles he had been collecting over the years. He was calm as Dudley simply shuffled through the papers and let them fly to the floor as he did not find them interesting. "What are you keeping all this rubbish for?" Dudley asked his cousin, not looking at him.

"Some of us enjoy keeping a little piece of history." Harry was quite the gentleman as he spoke. Calm, cool and collected. That was one of the things that Albus Dumbledore liked about Harry. Where his relatives would get pushy and begin to turn red, Harry was calm and spoke no temper.

Dudley glared at him. "Father wants you," he said simply, and threw the articles up in the air and walked away.

Harry sighed. He began to gather up some of the articles and place them gingerly back in his brief case. They were the only thing in this world that were actually his. Sure his relatives had great wealth and great social standing, but they liked to pretend that Harry did not exist and gave him very little of what they had. But when it came to being out in public, because Dumbledore loved having Harry around and praised him so much publicly to the nation, the people had grown to love him, so his relatives kept him around to stay where they were socially.

That was ok though, Harry was not interested in their money anyway, though he had to admit, always having the newest fashion was quiet nice.

After picking up the last article he put his brief case away and put on his coat. He straightened his tie and put on his top hat, shook off any lint on his suit and walked out to the main cabin of the train to speak with his Uncle.

"You wanted to see me sir?"

Vernon did not even bother to look at his nephew. "Yes, we will be arriving in Louisiana territory soon."


Vernon finally looked at him. "After that we will be heading down to Texas for the ball."

Harry nodded.

Tom Riddle looked at Harry and smirked at him. Harry and Riddle did not get along very well. Vernon smirked as well. Harry's heart pounded in his chest. What was going on? "We will be staying with Aunt Marge for two nights."

Harry froze. "Aunt Marge! But her and I-we-"

"Have you read the morning paper, Harry?" Tom asked in his silky voice. Harry shook his head and was given the morning paper.

Officials are guessing that Hermione Granger may go back down to Louisiana territory, one of the poorest states in the nation. And after that Mexico where she will lay low for awhile to plan her next robbery.

Harry looked up at Tom and his uncle. "It says here they're just guessing. Do you really think we'd be safer at Aunt Marge's huge one-thousand dollar mansion. That's the kind of place she would go after!" It was not that Harry was afraid of this Hermione Granger, he actually was hoping for the chance to meet her. And possibly help her any way he could. He did not exactly approve of all the taxes Tom and his Uncle were using the poor to get for the rich.

Tom looked at Harry intently. "Vernon," he began. "Harry is right."

WHAT! Harry screamed in his mind.

"Bloody Granger could actually rob your Aunt's house. So here is what we shall do. We shall double the security at the house and we shall also double the security on this train, should there come a time when we do need to stay on it for a night. We'll put iron bars on the windows that will slip into holes in case we want to open them. We'll add an extra door to every entrance with a different lock than the others have now."

Vernon smiled at his colleague. "And how, sir, do you plan on paying all these extra men and paying for the bars and extra doors and locks that this train will need."

Tom smirked at Harry and then looked at Vernon. "Looks like we'll just have to raise another tax, now doesn't it."

Harry took in a deep breath. What he would not give to have his parents alive and by his side right now.

Folks at The Border restaurant were enjoying the delicious food and live entertainment. Ladies danced and flirted with the men that were being so generous with their wallets, as this was not the cheapest place in town. The music was loud and joyful, people were drinking and drowning out any noises from the poor, outside, world. Little did they know however, that poor, outside world was enjoying the party, dare anyone think it, more than they were!

A small young man, who looked more like a boy really because of his small frame and big brown eyes was serving the guest as best he could. "You there! Boy!" A woman called. The boy walked up to her. "Take this chicken away I could not eat another bite!" She hiccuped, clearly drunk. "Watch my purse," she said without thinking and went to use the ladies room.

A small smile came on the boys lips as the woman walked away. As he began to clear the table and put the cups into his tub of dirty dishes, he quickly, but oh so, cunningly, put her purse underneath the other dishes and walked outside behind the kitchen, no one being the wiser about this kitchen boy carrying a bunch of dirty dishes.

Once outside the boy dropped the purse behind a bush where it was picked up by another young man who, if one looked closely, had red hair poking out underneath his cowboy hat. The other boy walked back through the kitchens. "Hey! Keith!" The boy looked at the head chef. "I know you can't talk but I don't think you are so stupid you can't remember that we got a huge party out there. No more outside breaks!"

Keith nodded and went back to his duty. When he was back out on the floor a drunk man threw his arm on his shoulder and laughed loudly. Keith, noticing the gold ring on his left hand helped the man to a seat and pocketed the gold in his pocket.

Keith passed another bus boy who quickly whispered in his ear, "Ron's got everything from the purses, I'll go get them and you can give them back to their owners."

"Good work, Dean. Where's Luna?"

"About to go on stage."

Right on cue a pretty little blonde stepped onto the stage in front of the music players. "Good evening, everyone," she spoke in a very soothing voice. "If you don't mind I am going to sing a very quiet song, so please, do come closer to the stage." Most of the party did leaving Keith and Dean to do as they wish. Well, for the most part. There were people working here who were not a part of the gang.

As Luna sang tables were cleared, and purses and pocket books were picked. Not too much was taken though. The gang had hit the jak pot but they still had to be smart about how much they took after that huge robbery in New York.

The night went on and as people began to drag themselves out to their cars and cabs, Luna, Dean and Keith took this as a signal that they should also get leaving. Luna changed into her jeans, boots and riding hat and quickly ran outside of the building and to the back where Ron had three horses waiting for his mates with bags jingling on either sides of them.

"Where's Dean and Hermione!" Ron whispered urgently.

"Right here!" Dean came running up behind Luna.

"Hermione!" Ron asked with more concern.

"Right here, Ron! Where's my bag? And you know better than to use our names outside!"

"Here! And I am sorry. I just panicked is all." Ron tossed her a ruck sack. Hermione took off the hat that she had used to over her hair with so that her long, brown locks now drifted pass her shoulders. She took off the over sized trousers she had been wearing to reveal the jeans hidden underneath. She changed into her boots, mounted her horse and the four were gone into the night.

It was a slow jog with the horses, from the restaurant to their hideout. Or, as they usually refer to it as, "home." On the way they passed a huge white mansion. Hermione looked at Ron with a smile and he just shook his head. "Give it a couple nights," he said to her.

Hermione giggled. "You're right. We have been quite busy."

At about two in the morning the group finally arrived at a tall, shabby looking house. They could not be happier to be there. They got off their horses, tied them to the post on the porch, got the bags off of them and went inside.

"Mum! Mum!" Ron yelled. "We're back!"

It sounded like a whole calvary was coming down the stairs. Hermione's heart stopped beating. What if it was a whole calvary? What if they finally found her! What about all the Weasley's! Where were they? Would they be taken to be hanged? Burned? Shot! Hermione would never forgive herself if-


Hermione suddenly found herself having breathing difficulty as a plump, red headed woman gave her a bone crushing hug. All eight of the Weasley's now surrounding the four and telling them how happy they were now that they were home.

"Ron!" Ginny, his little sister shouted and jumped into his arms. "Luna!"


"Hey, Seamus."

"I was worried about someone catching you."

"I'd be more worried for Hermione."

"Yes, why did it take so long for you to get back?" Penelope, Percy Weasley's wife, asked. Her husband took the bags from the four and went to go put them in the secret room which could only be entered through the cupboard under the kitchen sink.

"We thought you'd be back an hour ago!" Bill started.

"Mum, was crying," Ginny whispered.

"Hermione, Ron, Luna, Dean!" Molly spoke and waved her hand. "Come into the kitchen to eat. You can't have had much decent food on the road."

"We saw the article of you in New York," Fred Weasley spoke up.

"Bloody Granger," his twin, George, read from the paper. "Interesting."

"Bloody Granger?" Hermione repeated. They all took a seat in the kitchen.

"They make it sound like were killing people!" said Ron, as he slipped in next to Hermione.

"It's sensational!" Fred told him.

"Well none of it would be necessary if Riddle would lower taxes!" Ginny put in.

"Speaking of!" George began. "Fred and I found out where he is headed next." Hermione looked at him. Fred and George were the spies of her "organization." She had no idea where or how they got their information. But they were always correct and that was all that mattered.


"Let me help!" Fleur, Bill's wife, told Molly Weasley as she tried to reach for some plates that were too high for her.

"A woman named Marge Dursley," George continued.

"Obvious relative to Vernon Dursley," said Fred.

"Too fat to be anyone else's!"


"It's true mum!"

Everyone laughed. "I don't think we shall go anywhere tonight, or tomorrow," Hermione began, and everyone got quiet. They always did whenever she spoke. "For one thing, Ron, Luna, Dean and I are all very tired. And tomorrow we need to go visit Sirius in Fort Town. I've been promising to go see the people there anyway. Just haven't had a chance."

"Fort Town?" repeated Ginny.

"Yes. Why, what is it?"

"They just had another huge tax on them. Children were crying, but Lucius Malfoy and his son just took what they could, leaving the people with hardly anything. It's all in a letter Sirius sent us."

"I do wish that man would just come and live with us," Molly said, tipping some sausage and toast into everyone's plate. "Remus and Tonks will be coming here soon." Hermione looked at Mrs. Weasley who sighed and spoke up, "They just lost their home."

"What!" Hermione screamed.

Mrs. Weasley nodded. "They'll be here in the morning."

Hermione turned red with anger. "One of these days, I am going to rob Tom Riddle right from underneath his nose!" she swore.