Hey guys!

I know I haven't updated in a while. . .my computer was all screwed up, but my dad fixed it!

POV: Carlos Garcia

"You. . .really think I'm smart?" I asked her.

"Yeah, you are," she looked away from me. "Hey, you wanna go get something to eat? James and Hallie were asking me a little earlier."

"Um. . .Yeah, that sounds good," I smiled.

Hmm, Jamie got over Kendall pretty quick. . .

"C'mon," she took my hand and led me out the door. "James, where were you guys thinking of going?"

"I dunno," he shrugged.

"Oooo! we should get some ice cream!" Hallie smiled.

"Okay," Jamie and James laughed at the same time.

"This is really good," Hallie said with a mouth full of ice cream.

"Ah!" Jamie put her spoon down. "Brainfreeze!"

"Calm down," I laughed and rubbed her temples, and she put her thumb to the roof of her mouth.

"You can get brain freezes?" James asked sarcastically. "Guess I learn something new everyday."

"Oh yeah," Hallie rolled her eyes, "You learned that my cousin has a brain, moving on!"

Jamie laughed and continued to eat slower.

"So what was with the crashing noise and sound of glass breaking?" Hallie looked at Jamie, then at me.

"Uh. . ." Jamie looked at me.

"She dropped a mirror," I looked away from them.

"Yeah, and it broke," her voice sounded a little deeper, yup, she was going along with my lie.

"Oh," Hallie continued to eat.

"7 years of bad luck for you, Jamie," James smiled.

"I don't believe in superstitions," she folded her arms.

"Okayyy," he said in a singsong voice.

"Shut up," she reached over the table and gently pouched his shoulder.

"So, have any of you noticed how close Jo and Kendall are getting to dating?" Hallie asked.

I could see Jamie's hands turning to fists, pressing her nails into her skin.

I grabbed her left hand and squeezed it telling her to calm down.

"Um, yeah," she faked a smile. "I'm happy for him," her tone of voice sounded happier. "I think they'll make a cute couple."

"You know who else would make a cute couple?" I aked her.

"No, who?"

"James and Hallie," I pointed to them.

They both started chocking and coughing. We just laughed.

"That's not funny," Hallie said between coughs.

"I laughed, didn't you, Carlos?" she smiled at me.

"I think I did, Jamie."

"Gosh, you two are cruel sometimes," Hallie pouted.

"Yeah, maybe you two should go out," James wiped his mouth with a napkin.

We looked at each other, both wide eyed, and laughed, "You two are funny!"

"I was serious, I mean, you two are much more alike than you think."

"Yeah, right," Jamie laughed harder.

I stopped laughing. Maybe James is right, but I won't even try to ask her out until this whole 'Kendall' thing has blown over.

Never once did I ever consider him breaking her heart without even trying to. It was all because of Jo.

When I got back to 2J, I took out a pencil and a piece of paper.

Ways to help Jamie:

1. Hang out with her more & take her mind off of Kendall

2. Always be there for her, no matter what

3. Treat her with respect


I was stuck on 4. What else could I really do? Oh, I know.

4. I will show her how much I love her

Okay, the ending was a little cheesy, but I liked it.

Review please!