Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or Harry Potter.

Chapter 6: Rosalie


The next few weeks passed without out anything supremely eventful. The only Cullen that actually listened to Jasper's advice about backing off was Rosalie, who only gave small smiles as we passed in the corridors. The others probably best compare to mosquitoes that buzz around you and never leave no matter how much bug spray you use. The friendship between Jasper and our group of friends has really blossomed. He fit perfectly into our group dynamics.

I'm currently sitting in potions trying to shield my cauldron from the materials that the Slytherins keep trying to add. I shoot a glare over to them and to my surprise Draco is looking extremely glum and disinterested in what he would normally be taking the lead in. I make a mental note to keep an eye on him, because no matter how much of an ass he has been he still deserves to have someone look out for him, and right now it looks like his so called friends couldn't care less.

As soon as the class finally lets out I'm one of the first through the door and up the stairs. My thoughts are so filled with the haunted look in Draco's eyes that I don't really pay attention to where I'm walking until I bump into what feels like a cold wall. I look up immediately ready to tell off whichever Cullen it was this time when I noticed it was Rosalie.

I give her a small smile "Sorry about that, my mind was somewhere else"

She smiles back but looks kind of uneasy. "It's fine, I know that you don't really want us bothering you, but I was hoping we could talk for a minute?"

"Sure," I agree quickly because she is the only one who hasn't bothered me constantly. We walk down the corridor and into one of the abandoned classrooms.

"I just really wanted to apologize for the way I treated you back in Forks, I was a total-"

"Bitch?" I chuckled slightly. "Yeah, you were, but it's nothing to apologize about. You were honest about your feelings and I respect and appreciate that."

She let out a relieved laugh. "Well thanks I guess? But I was kinda wondering, hoping, that me and you could start over? I won't try to force the others onto you, I swear."

"I'd love that!" I give her a smile and hold my arms out to her. She grins and steps into the hug and then together we walk into the Great Hall where my group of friends are sitting at the table. I sit next to Fred while Rose walks to sit next to Jasper across from me. After the introductions she is easily welcomed into the fold as she gets into a conversation with Hermione about classes. I glance over at Fred to see him smiling down at me.

"What?" I ask, blushing.

"Nothing, you're just so beautiful." He replied and then leans down to give me a soft kiss, causing me to blush deeper as we hear the snickers from George and the fake vomiting from Harry and Ron.

I look at them and give them a playful glare. "You just wait until you get girlfriends, then see how 'gross' you think it is."

They both just shrug and then go back to talking about quiddich. After we have finished dinner I let everyone know that I had something to discuss with them and we make our way to the Room of Requirements, me feeling slightly apprehensive.

"Okay, now I want you all to hear me out before interrupting or getting angry, okay?" I wait until I have their nods in agreement "I think there is something wrong with Draco."

As expected Harry and Ron start to splutter and mumble who cares before I held my hand up to silence them.

"I just think we need to try and watch out for him a little bit. He just looks so depressed, and lost. Nobody deserves that. I know he's been a complete git to us in the past, but I feel like this is something we need to do."

I look up and see Rose, Jasper and the twins nodding in agreement, Hermione looking contemplative, and Harry, Ron, and Ginny looking reluctant.

"Please?" I look at the latter four pleadingly.

Harry looks into my eyes for a minute and can see and feel how important this is to me, "Fine, I'll look out for the ferret," he agrees reluctantly, the other three following his lead.

"Thank you!" I exclaim throwing my arms around him.

"Yeah yeah, just don't ever say I never did anything for you" He says jokingly returning my embrace.

"I won't" I say stepping back and giving him a huge grin while going over to Fred and sitting in his lap.

We spend the rest of the evening joking and just enjoying each other's company. Later when I'm lying in bed, I smile thinking about how lucky I am to have such a great group of people surrounding me. I fall asleep swearing to myself that one way or another I was going to find out what was bothering Draco and I would do my best to help him.