"Do we sell cake here?" Charmy asked while carrying various finished pizza pies to the customers waiting by the counter.

Silver shook his head while turning to the young bee, having just placed several pizzas into the ovens to let them heat up. "What makes you bring up such a bizarre thing?"

Charmy felt his stomach growl and shrugged. "I don't know; I just want something sweet."

"Then go get some cinnamon sticks." Espio pointed out after cleaning the tables for the customers to sit down at. "They're just wasting away anyway."

"Yeah but I feel cake would fill me up better." Charmy added while humming about. "I just want some icing in me."

"Did someone say icing?" Meloetta hummed while magically appearing via singing, holding her paddle shaped hands together and licking her lips. "Because I thought I heard-"

Silver used his psychic to flatten Meloetta to the ceiling, proceeding to eat the slice of honey topped pizza near him for he wasn't feeling these shenanigans today.