it was a normal day in the tardis. Doctor who (david tenant NOT christopher ecolestein he is ugly) decided to go to japan because he was bored of always going to england so he went to japan. When he got there he saw dead people. "oh no!" said doctor who "I hate it when there are dead people". "I wonder why they are dead" said rose.

Just then godzilla came around the corner. "OMG its godzilla" said rose. "run" said doctor but it was too late...godzilla ate roses!

"oh my god rose is dead" said doctor who "nooooooooooooOO" he screamed at the night sky

he decided to kill godzilla as revenge for killing rose so he took out his magic screwdriver (its like a sonic screwdriver but magic) and pointed it ta Godzilla "AVADA KADABRA" he shouted and godzilla died crushing half of tokyo but the doctror wasn't done yet

"NOW I WILL MAKE YOU EXPLODE" he said and he used the screwdriver to make godzilla explode destroying rest of tokyo

then the doctor went into the tardis but he was sad because rose is dead. "what will I do now rose is dead" he said. Then he had an idea

he uses the tards to go back in time ten minutes before rose is dead and picked her up and put her in the tardis with him "there we go" he said "rose isnt dead anymore!"

"horay!" said rose and then they went to drink some tea because they are british