Hello again and welcome to the final chapter. This journey has been a wonderful experience for me and I'm grateful for all the kind and helpful reviews I received along the way. It was like having my own personal cheerleading team. In honor of Valentine's Day, I recommend all hopeless romantics with vivid imaginations visit my profile prior to reading and queue the music link. Push play before you read the presentation dance. Trust me, it enhances the scene. You'll also find a link to Sookie's gift. Once again, I thank Charlaine Harris, without whom I might not have discovered my hidden talent. And now, the finale.

Chapter 21

"You are stunning," Eric said a little later as he zipped up my dress. I could feel the love and remaining lust rippling between us and my body instantly warmed.

"You're looking about ten kinds of fine yourself," I purred and boy did he! Eric's body was tailor made for a tux and his golden braided hair glistened as he smiled and kissed me gently.

"For you My Lover," he said, handing me a rather large rectangular case.

I gave him a questioning look and carefully lifted the lid. There sat the most exquisite platinum sapphire and diamond set I'd ever seen and the stones matched my gown perfectly. I was overwhelmed. "Eric," I sniffed as he placed the necklace on me. "It's so beautiful but…it's to much."

"Min Älskling Fru," he said softly. "I am your husband. Why should I not shower you with gifts especially on an occasion such as this? I know you have lived a lifetime in poverty but I assure you, this is no financial burden." He fastened the second earring to my trembling lobe and stepped back, admiring the view. "Stunning!" he said and I had to smile.

"Thank you Honey but I feel kind of guilty," I said looking deep into his captivating eyes. "I have nothing to give you."

Eric cupped my face in his giant hands and kissed me. "You are my gift," he whispered, our love pulsing through the bond and my heart swelled. "But if you insist on repaying me," he smirked, his usual swagger returning. "Come to bed tonight wearing nothing but these."

"I think I could arrange that," I laughed, groping his butt and he kissed me again. I could feel just how happy that made him and began contemplating how long I'd need to redress when a knock interrupted us. Diantha, our escort, had arrived.

"The area is secure. Ready?" she asked, pointing to the elevator. Her hair was divided into mow hawked spikes which she'd dyed black with blood red tips. She was dressed in what can only be described as a cross between a tuxedo and a police uniform which for Diantha, was rather conservative. I did a last minute hair check, took Eric's hand and we were off.

As we waited for the elevator, Diantha made pleasant conversation although it was obvious she was all business tonight. The evening was going to be interesting indeed. Apparently, it was a packed house and everyone was anxious and excited for us to arrive. Vampires by nature were not excitable and I only hoped this would not mean an impromptu blood bath. However, knowing vampires, it probably did.

While I was lost in thought, Pam drifted down the hall wearing an elegant, pale pink, spaghetti strapped evening gown like "Carrie" only without the prerequisite pig's blood. Her hair hung loose on her shoulders and her makeup was flawless. I was tempted to tell her she had a surprise guest but since the opportunity to play Pam didn't come often, I chose to wait for the inevitable "shock and awe." Happily, I didn't have to wait very long because when we stepped into the lobby, Amelia and Jason were already there.

"Hey Pretty Lady," my brother bellowed, immediately invading Pam's personal space and ignoring me completely. Eric's child stood like a statue while Jason's arms wrapped her in a tight hug. Her fangs were in full view but thankfully, she didn't use them.

Amelia greeted us with a smile then let out a low whistle as her eyes fixated on my neck. "Wow Sook! Nice rocks! You look like a fairy princess." She winked and I giggled because technically speaking, she was correct.

"Thanks Amelia, and you look like beautiful vampire bait." She really did too. Her Grecian inspired mint green gown was striking against her olive skin and her chestnut hair was piled elegantly on top of her head revealing her elegant neck.

Meanwhile Jason, who actually cleaned up nice in his dark suit, was babbling his usual BS but Pam wasn't biting. She rolled her eyes, turned and gave him a glamour whammy. "Sit down and shut up," she said sharply and my brother obediently did as he was told. Amelia and I both tried to stifle our laughter and the light tickles drifting through the bond told me Eric was enjoying the show too. "Explain," Pam demanded, pointing to my stupefied brother.

"He was on my flight this morning but I didn't know until we landed," Amelia offered. I appreciated the fact that she was trying to take the heat off of me but I had no reservations letting Pam have it.

"You have no one to blame but yourself Pam," I smirked. "I warned you not to mess with him and now you know why. I don't want him here any more than you do. I've got enough on my plate without Jason's antics thrown on top. Sorry Pam but this is your problem. You made your coffin, now lie in it."

"Master," Pam said, facing Eric and dodging my reply. "Surely you don't expect me to baby-sit this man-boy."

Eric gently placed his hands on his child's shoulders. "I'm afraid this time Pamela, you must face the consequences of your actions."


"No Pam. Sookie is right. You were forewarned but took him anyway therefore you are responsible."

Pam slunk back. I could see she wanted to argue the point but her maker had made up his mind. Thankfully, Amelia interjected and broke the uncomfortable silence.

"I'll help you Pam," she said sweetly. "Consider me your wing-witch."

I could see Pam's frigid stance soften a bit and she graciously accepted Amelia's offer. The ladies prepared to leave us with Jason in tow but before they could go, Eric gave his progeny another assignment.

"When our formal presentation is over," he ordered in a faint whisper I could barely catch, "wait an hour then exit discretely. Take Stackhouse and the witch back to Shreveport and find the origin of this." He handed a slip of paper to Pam and she placed it close to her heart. I was grateful Eric was wasting no time gathering information. "I expect results by the time Sookie and I return home."

"I will not fail you," Pam said and bowed respectfully before grasping Amelia's hand and turning to Jason. "On your feet Stackhouse," she snapped. "Keep your mouth shut and your hands to yourself and I just might let you live." She spun on her heal and pranced into the ballroom with Amelia on her arm.

Jason smiled confidently. "She likes me," he said sappily before trailing behind the women like a puppy who'd just been adopted. I turned to Eric, shaking my head.

"Honey, you know I had nothing to do with that right? I didn't even know he was here until this afternoon and…Where is Diantha?"

Eric smiled. "The demon thought it best to give us privacy and advised she'd wait inside. As for your brother, I've learned to expect the unexpected and I understand the…payback you gave Pam. I assure you, this is a lesson she won't soon forget." He kissed me deeply then offered his elbow. "Ready Mrs. Northman?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," I replied, taking what he gave including the increased bonded courage. "Just promise me one thing."

"Anything Lover."

"When the inevitable fight breaks out, try not to get any blood on my dress ok? I really like this one."

Eric laughed. "I will do my best Dear One." We crossed through the archway into the ballroom and I was instantly blown away.

Everything was black and gold with splashes of deep crimson. Large circular tables flanked both sides of the center dance floor and each table was dressed in fine crimson linens. The centerpieces consisted of gold candelabras holding long stemmed, blood red rose filled vases that resembled beautiful bloody trees. A massive buffet table ran the length of one wall and it was loaded with every imaginable food delicacy. The other was lined with rows of chairs and seated in them were several dozen half naked humans wearing the Willing Donor sashes I'd seen before. Apparently, neither True Blood nor Royalty would be served tonight and I was surprised by how that didn't seem to bother me the way it used to. Then again, it could've been Eric's nonchalant attitude I was feeling.

We bobbed and weaved through the sea of bodies and since weres and humans were in the minority, my shields got a break. I noticed everyone watching us and whispering and although the vibe felt positive, it became a little unnerving. I clung to Eric as if he were the last lifeboat on the Titanic as he guided me forward when who should emerge but Bill. Oh Yippee! This was so not going to be pleasant.

"Sheriff. Sookie." Bill said, bowing.

"She is Mrs. Northman now Compton and you will address her as such," Eric ordered. I could feel he was almost as happy to see Bill as I was.

"Yes…Of course," Bill stuttered. "Pam told me. Congratulations."

"Thank you Bill," I said, mustering my fake Sookie smile. "But aren't you supposed to be in China?" I know I could have been a little nicer but I was in no mood for pleasantries.

"His Majesty commanded my attendance as he did all his subjects who survived Rhodes. But I also wanted to reaffirm my fealty to my sheriff and now, his wife if they will accept it."

"Done," Eric said sharply. "But know this. Any inappropriate behavior towards my pledged and bonded lover will be dealt with swiftly and severely." I shivered knowing exactly what Eric meant.

"Understood," Bill replied. "It is not my intention for Mrs. Northman to feel discomfort in my presence. I only offer her protection and loyalty."

"I provide her both," Eric hissed then quickly tapped his anger. "But we thank you for your fealty." He practically spat out the final word and Bill took that as his cue to leave. He bowed again and disappeared back into the crowd.

"Are you ok?" Eric and I asked simultaneously and I laughed. "I guess that's a yes."

"Compton did that to save face but you must tell me if he betrays his word Lover," Eric said stoically.

I took his hand in mine and kissed it. "He will never come between us Honey." Then I snickered. "You sure showed him who's boss though."

Eric smiled. "Yes Lover. That was most satisfying."

Our table was front and center of a raised stage which was carpeted in red velvet with elaborate gold brocade lining and I was pleasantly surprised to find His Majesty, Russell Edgington.

"Sheriff. Mrs. Northman," he greeted, rising from his seat. "It is a pleasure to dine with you tonight."

"Thank you Your Majesty," I said as he nodded in my direction. "Nice to see you again. Will your husband be joining us?"

"Sadly no," the king replied. "He was badly injured in Rhodes but is healing and sends you his warmest regards. If not for you, we both would surely have met the final death. When he is well, we'd be honored to host you in Mississippi."

"You are most gracious Your Majesty," Eric said bowing. "The honor would be ours. What will you be having tonight?"

The king tapped a young Asian boy next to him and I got a little queasy. "I think I'm in the mood for Tai. Care to join me?"

"Most respectfully, I decline," Eric replied. "I feed only from my wife."

"So I've heard and who could blame you?" the king said thoughtfully as he turned to me. "Word has it, you are very…unique. But do not worry," he amended. He must have noticed my wince though I tried hard to conceal it. "Your vintage is one I'd like to see mature."

I couldn't decide whether to be happy or scared shitless so I threw my crazy Sookie smile back on and silently panicked. On one hand, Russell intended to see me live but on the other, did he mean permanently or until somewhere around my 40th birthday? I knew he preferred men but he'd specifically used the term unique. Did he know about my fairy heritage and if so, who told him. Had it now become general knowledge? In the midst of my internal anxiety attack, Eric stepped up behind me, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder and I was flooded with calm and comfort.

"Lover," he said gently. "Why don't you go fix yourself a plate. I doubt you'll have time to eat later."

"Jason and I'll come too Sook," Amelia added from her side of the table and they both rose. According to their thoughts, Russell's comments had shaken them too. I eyed my viking but accepted my friend's offer. I'd felt Eric's displeasure through the bond and figured he wanted to have a few private words with His Majesty.

"Thank you," I mouthed before leaving and he smiled. By the time we'd made it through the buffet line and back, Eric and Pam were whispering between themselves while Russell was busy speaking with Queen Sophie Anne's former security guard Rasul. They briefly acknowledged our return before resuming their business. Thanks to Amelia, I found I loved sushi and popped the last California roll into my mouth just as Diantha appeared and advised the ceremony would begin shortly. I used that as my opening to visit the ladies room not only to take care of my needs but also to brush my teeth. Eric never complained about my breath or having to watch me eat as Bill had but I still made a courteous attempt to brush after meals.

Since I'd have to leave the ballroom, Eric suggested or rather demanded Diantha accompany me. I knew he wanted to escort me himself but Felipe had arrived to speak with him. Diantha promised I'd be well guarded so we headed for the exit. We'd just about made it out the doors when a wall of muscle came out of nowhere and I slammed into it. Unfortunately, when I looked up, I found the wall was none other than Quinn.

"Sorry Babe," the were tiger said as he steadied me.

"It was my fault," I replied politely, although I was flustered at having to deal with another ex. An ex friend-with-benefits, but an ex nonetheless. "I wasn't watching where I was going so if you'll excuse me." I tried to step around him but he grabbed my arm.

"You can still back out Babe. My van is parked right outside and we can go anywhere you want."

I couldn't believe Quinn's gall and even though I didn't want to have this conversation, I knew I had no choice. For the sake of some semblance of privacy, I stepped into the hallway and let the fur fly.

"First of all," I seethed, "what makes you think I have any desire to leave? And secondly, I'm not your Babe."

Quinn looked taken aback. "Why so angry? We were good together Sookie. You know it. We had a future until He interfered."

Now I was officially ticked off and I clenched my jaw and fists. To her credit, Diantha stepped aside and stayed silent. "You mean Eric, my HUSBAND?" The stunned look on Quinn's face confirmed not everyone was privy to my current relationship status. "He didn't interfere Quinn and despite what you may think, we never had a future. We were friends who had sex. Twice. Nothing more, nothing less. I love Eric. We are bonded, pledged, married and deliriously happy. Furthermore, I don't owe you any explanations and I think it would be in your best interest to get back to work and never speak of this again."

"I guess I was wrong about you," Quinn retorted. "You'd make a perfect vampire you cold hearted bitch."

"EXCUSE ME?" I snapped. "Is that supposed to change my mind? Look Mr. Clean, I don't know what makes you think you have the right to diss me simply because I don't care for you the way you want but I'm warning you. Eric won't be happy about it."

"Is that a threat?" Quinn asked and I saw his eyes briefly flash as if he were about to change.

"More like a fact," a cool dark voice said from behind me. "You should heed Mrs. Northman's request tiger." Apparently, Bill had been stalking…lurking…whatever, and his appearance only served to elevate my temper to Def-Con 5.

"Why should I take orders from you Vamp?" Quinn growled. "You were history before I even met her."

Bill glared at Quinn and icily replied, "I owe my sheriff fealty and it extends to his wife. I will destroy anyone who hurts her." This was really rich coming from the guy who'd lied to, cheated on and nearly killed me. I felt an overwhelming rage well up inside me as I turned on my two former suitors.

"BOTH OF YOU JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!" I shrieked. "Check your ego Quinn. I don't love you and I don't want you." Quinn scoffed as I faced my other pain in the ass. "And you can lay off the fealty crap Bill. I know you have an obvious agenda and I don't want or need your help. Now get this through your thick skulls once and for all. I AM ERIC'S! Nothing except my death will ever change that."

"You know you are the only woman I have ever loved," Bill said.

"That's your problem," I replied coldly.

"And I know you still feel for me," he pushed. Obviously, his promise to Eric had been a big show and I decided I'd had enough.

"So now you're going to dictate my feelings Bill? Because if we're being brutally honest, I might as well tell you, I wish I'd met Eric first."

Bill pulled back as if I'd slapped him with an imaginary hand but I didn't care. If eyeballs were stakes, he'd be a bloody puddle right about now. Diantha tapped her watch nonchalantly and I took it as a sign to wrap up my tirade. "This conversation is over. I'm going to the ladies room and when I return, I don't want an audience. Comprende?"

I didn't wait for their response. I just spun around and marched into the bathroom leaving both men stumped.

"You're one tuff cookie Sookie," Diantha surmised as I slammed the stall door shut still muttering and venting to myself. "I've never seen a human verbally accost a were tiger let alone a vampire."

"I'm not tuff," I huffed. "I'm just really pissed off. I can't believe those jerks. The nerve of Quinn thinking I'd run away with him. As if! And don't even get me started on Bill. At this point, I don't care what punishment Eric gives him. I just want him to leave me the hell alone!" I finished my business, opened the door and found Eric standing there with a big toothy grin.

"That is good to know Lover." His eyes sparkled as he opened his arms and instinctively, I threw myself into the comforting embrace.

"You heard?" I asked, sinking into his chest and allowing the calm to soothe me.

Eric chuckled. "It was hard not to."

I moved to the sink and began washing my hands. "How much?"

"I believe every vampire in the state heard you tell them to shut the hell up," he smirked and the bond tickled.

"Quit teasing me," I giggled as I pulled out my travel toothbrush and paste and quickly brushed.

"On the contrary Dear one, you publicly proved your loyalty. I would have defended you myself but Felipe felt his business was more important than your dramatic love life." His reflection winked and I smiled back while reapplying my lipstick. It was hard to stay in a bad mood with Eric around. I'd like to say I asked my hubby what he'd done to Bill and Quinn but quite frankly, I didn't give a damn.

"Well thanks for putting a positive spin on my conniption fit but truthfully, I can't wait for this evening to be over. I am so ready for our honeymoon."

"As am I Lover," Eric said hoarsely and I felt the lust creep through the bond, heating my core.

"Stop that or we won't make it out of this bathroom," I laughed.

"Promise?" Eric teased, wrapping his arm around me and leading me back to the hall. We reached the ballroom where Diantha stood guard at the now closed doors.

"They're about to announce you," she said. "You are to walk to the front of the stage and stand before the council. They will hear testimony, ask a few questions and make their final decree. Then you dance and the celebration begins."

Eric leaned down and kissed me deeply. "Only a little while longer," he whispered sending shivers down my spine. I clamped down on my arousal as the doors opened and we took our place. I could feel the crowd eyeing us intently and I willed myself to stay calm.

The Ancient Pythoness was seated on a solid gold throne lined with red velvet. Niall was on her right while surprisingly, Alcide sat on her left.

"We will now hear testimony," the A.P. began, unraveling a scroll and handing it to Niall who read.

"A signed affirmation from the king's of Nevada, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Indiana, New York, Michigan and Kentucky as well as the queens of California, Maine, Florida, Illinois and Georgia that you approve of this pledge as Rhodes Survivors. You offer them protection and an open house if they are so inclined."

"Stand and swear," the A.P. commanded and I peeked around and saw them all stand and nod. "Very well," the she continued. "General Rumson is still in Iraq. In his absence, he has appointed Alcide Herveaux, Pack Master, Shreveport Pack 9 as his by proxy. What say you."

Alcide rose. "Mrs. Northman is a friend of the pack and the sheriff has also been an ally. Furthermore, we feel Mrs. Northman could put a human face on the supernatural community, bridging the gap between our two worlds. We approve this union." He stepped over to Niall, signed the scroll and took his seat. The A.P. waited a moment then spoke again.

"The fairy prince Niall Brigant." A flurry of whispers rippled through the crowd as Niall stood and addressed the crowd.

"I have known Eric Northman many centuries. He is the quintessential vampire, cunning and ruthless yet loyal to his superiors as well as his underlings." Eric bowed his head and again the vampires whispered amongst themselves. It seemed they agreed. "I've been advised that on three separate occasions, the sheriff intervened and saved his wife's life." Niall paused then faced me. "I have also, from afar, observed Mrs. Northman. She is the ideal human, loving, truthful and no one could question her courage for she has risked her fragile life to save yours. She is honorable and worthy. Therefore, I condone this pledging." He signed the scroll and handed it to the Pythoness. She placed it on her lap and fixed her blind gaze on me.

"It is said your husband feeds only from your vein. Is this true?" You could have heard a pin drop and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand.

"Yes Ma'am," I said, wondering where this line of questioning was going. Thankfully, Eric helped keep me calm.

"You do not fear he may kill you even unintentionally?"

"No. Of course not," I said adamantly.

She cocked her head to the right and asked, "why?" The tone was one of genuine curiosity.

I glanced at Eric and said proudly, "because I love him and I trust him and want to spend the rest of my life with him however long or short it may be."

"But Lieutenant Victor Madden, eye witness to your pledging, has given sworn testimony you were not a willing participant. He states you were unaware of the ceremonial knife's significance. Is this true?"

I should have known there'd be a wrench thrown into our little formality and I wasn't surprised Victor was the mechanic. "He is partially correct Ma'am," I said carefully. "Although I didn't know what it meant at the time, I still.."

"Married the sheriff according to human laws," the A.P. finished.

"Yes Ma'am and if given the opportunity, knowing what I know now, I'd gladly pledge myself to Eric again." My viking kept his eyes forward but I felt the love he sent me.

The Pythoness sat thoughtful a moment, her claw like hands clasped tightly together then her skeletal head twisted towards Eric.

"Sheriff, is it true you share your resting place with this woman?"

"Yes Mistress," Eric replied calmly.

"You do not fear she may one day stake you if given the inclination?"

"No Mistress," Eric said than caught my eye and winked. "She has had ample inclination and opportunity to do so yet I am still here. I trust her completely."

"You know how pledgings end. That is why there are so few. Why would you tie your exsistance to a human when you could spend eternity with one of your own kind. Unless," she paused, "you intend to turn her."

"No Mistress. I respect her wish to remain human and will kill anyone who means her harm, no matter the consequences. Many vampire lovers have shared my bed, but none has shown me the love and devotion she has. If the pledging means my eventual demise, I willingly accept it."

The A.P. motioned to one of her guards and he brought her a jewel encrusted knife. I recognized it immediately. "Step forward and hold out your right hands," she commanded and we obeyed. She then took the blade, pierced our hands and held them together. "Let it be known, Sheriff Eric Northman and Sookie Stackhouse Northman are bound and pledged." Next, she sliced her own hand and placed it on the scroll. "This is a blood binding contract. If anyone attempts to break this bond, they endure the council's wrath." I breathed a sigh of relief knowing we'd just passed the final exam. The A.P. handed the scroll and knife back to her guard and said, "you are officially pledged. Now, present yourselves."

Eric bowed and took my arm. "You make me very proud," he whispered as we made our way to the dance floor.

"And you make me very happy," I replied. We took our position and waited for the music.

"There is just one thing I forgot to mention," Eric said and I eyed him suspiciously. "We must exchange blood." The Grateful Undead played their first note and my stunned body began moving.

"What?" I said indignantly and as quietly as possible. "Eric, you know what happens." I breathed. "I can't do that in public."

I tried hard to fight the happy tickle as Eric spun me out, pulled me back in and smirked. "Focus on me and think of very old nuns."

Normally, I'd be appalled. But since this situation was far from ordinary, I decided I'd chalk it up to a "When in Rome" moment and have a little fun. You only live once right?

"You're a dead vamp," I said deviously, hitting him with a blast of lust.

Eric snapped his fangs and prompted, "take your best shot Lover."

The music rose in a sultry crescendo as the tango continued and we volleyed the bonded sexual assault between us. Eric was right. As soon as I let go and focused on him, I forgot our rather large audience. It was only us, moving together as one. His piercing blue eyes gripped mine as he possessed my willing body and we glided across the floor, my heart beating for the both of us. In my mind's eye, we were still in our room, dancing only for our enjoyment. I felt The Gracious Plenty straining against my back and my temperature rose. However, a short time later while I seductively sucked the bleeding finger he offered, I realized our game had morphed into a very real arousal. Before I could think, Eric lifted me high over his head, flipped me, rolled my body down his and dipped me in a lover's embrace. When his fangs entered my neck, I quickly thought of my former Sunday school teacher, recited multiplication tables even hummed the opening bar of the national anthem all to stop the impending orgasm. My viking, on the other hand, wasn't as modest, groaning as he greedily enjoyed our grand finale. The room was deathly silent a few moments, then the weres and humans erupted into thunderous applause while the vampires murmured approvingly.

"Min Älskling Fru," Eric whispered, healing my wound before righting us and bowing to the council while I managed a weak and embarrassed courtesy. However, as I glanced around, it was evident our little show had had quite an effect. A few were couples had exited and several vampires and willing donors were now missing. "Eat your hearts out Fred and Ginger," I chuckled to myself then faced my husband.

"Can we leave now?" I asked hopefully as the crowd began to scatter. I hadn't reached my completion and was beginning to respect the term blue balls.

"Not yet Lover," Eric replied much to my disappointment. "We must mingle, but only a short time." The hunger in his voice told me he wasn't completely satisfied either.

The next hour was filled with numerous introductions and congratulations. I was able to chat briefly with Alcide and Maria Starr who's left ring finger now sported a very large diamond. I gave them my best wishes before being pulled back to the party. Apparently, I was the belle of the ball and shared dances with Russell, Felipe, Jason and Niall.

"You did well Great Granddaughter," the fairy prince praised when it was his turn.

"Thank you Great Grandfather," I replied, "but can you clarify something? If the Pythoness was on our side all along, why did she ask us all those intimate questions?"

Niall smiled and said gently. "She needed to address the vampires' concerns. Everything is on record now, including her blood covenant. Only a foolish vampire would dare harm you."

I felt relieved as Niall guided me once more around. Then my peripheral vision caught Eric and I looked over to see him talking to a beautiful woman. She was an Amazon, standing at least 6'1" with an ample bosom and long, lean legs that seemed to go on forever. Her wavy, silken blonde hair caressed her creamy, alabaster skin and a quick head check confirmed her vampire status. My internal bitch meter went off and I hated her instantly.

"Great Grandfather," I asked nonchalantly. "Who is that vampire?"

Niall glanced over and answered, "I do not know Child. Shall I kill her?"

The question came out of left field and although I appreciated the sentiment, I held onto my humanity. "That won't be necessary," I giggled. "I was just wondering."

"Well then," Niall said as his eyes twinkled. "Let's find out." Before I could protest, we'd circled again and headed towards Eric and the mystery vamp. As we approached, I grabbed a gin & tonic from a passing waiter and downed it in one gulp, leaving the empty glass on a vacated table.

"Northman," my great grandfather called. "Your wife grows tired of me. I thought we could exchange partners. Tell me, who is this exotic creature?" Niall certainly knew how to turn on the charm. No wonder Jason got tons of girls. It was in his DNA.

Eric pulled me close to him and the bond filled with love and reassurance. "Niall, Sookie, this is Elsa. She is my former lover."

I was floored. I always knew this day would come but did it have to be today? Even so, the bond told me all I needed to know. Whatever their history, it was just that, history. Eric's heart now belonged to me. I quickly regrouped as Elsa met me with a smarmy smirk.

"Eric, are you trying to make your wife jealous?" she said smugly. "I prefer the term old and dear friends." She'd stepped into my personal space and eyed me like I was a T-bone. My brain began pulsating and I knew she was attempting to glamour me. Ok Bitch, game on!

"How nice to meet you Elsa," I replied sweetly and silently wondered where I could find the nearest stake. "Although Eric's never mentioned you, I'm so pleased you could witness our pledging. And can you believe that blood covenant? We are so honored the Ancient Pythoness approves not to mention the council."

Elsa took a few steps back and cocked her head. "I see your point Eric. She is different. Well, good luck to you Sookie, you're going to need it. I hope you have a vivid imagination for Eric is easily bored."

My blood boiled as she turned to Niall, nodded and zipped away. Tactfully, Niall followed while Eric tried to calm me.

"You slept with her?" I said a nastily. "I thought you had better taste Eric."

"She is very beautiful Lover," Eric replied. "You can't argue that."

"No," I agreed. "But you can only look at the pretty packaging so long."

"That is why we went our separate ways." Eric's lips met mine and my jealousy evaporated. "You are beautiful, kind, intelligent, brave and fun and I am NEVER bored." He pulled my pelvis tight against his and kissed me again. Oh yeah, he was far from bored. "Our obligations are finished Lover," he whispered hoarsely. "I need to be with you."

"Let me get my purse," I replied amorously. "Meet me out front. I'll be right back." This time, I kissed him then hurried to my table and retrieved my bag. As I moved through the crowd, Samantha, that cute, young were employee stopped me.

"Mrs. Northman," she panted. "Mr. Northman says you are to come with me. He has a big surprise for you."

"Oh he does, does he?" I replied laughing. I couldn't wait to see what my husband had done and happily followed Samantha as she led me to the service stairwell and began descending several flights.

"Not much further," she said when we reached a landing somewhere in the teens. I followed her down the hall but just before we reached the door, I had a terrible feeling as if something was off. "Come on," she prompted and then I heard, "stupid human."

I stopped dead in my tracks, realizing I'd really screwed up. I tried to keep calm and said, "you know Samantha, I just remembered I forgot something upstairs. Just tell Eric I'll be back in a few."

The were's demeanor instantly changed and before I could move, she'd thrown me against the wall and growled, "You're not going anywhere." I silently screamed for Eric and hoped he'd felt me as two vampires I didn't recognize came out of the room and dragged me inside. There stood Victor.

"We meet again Miss Stackhouse," he hissed.

"It's Mrs. Northman," I retorted, "and you're in big trouble."

"Oh I think not since I don't intend to kill you," he leered as his eyes wandered over my body and I shivered. "I'm going to turn you and when I am questioned, I will say it was done at the behest of my king."

"That's a lie," I yelled, hoping that if Eric hadn't felt my panic, someone else would hear me.

"Of course it is but since I am his loyal subject and he signed the blood contract, he will be terminated and I will become king. I've concluded if your telepathic ability works on the living, once you've been made vampire, it will work on the dead. But if it doesn't," he continued evilly, "I will have your body until it no longer thrills me and then, I shall stake you."

For the first time in a long time, I felt very real fear. However, it was quickly squashed by a familiar calm surrounded by intense rage. Eric was near.

"My husband is going to kick your ass," I said confidently. The moment the words left my lips, I was lifted and thrown to the side by a great whirling cyclone. I hit the wall and dropped like a rag doll then rolled over just in time to see Victor's head fly off his shoulders while Eric lowered his sword.

"Is there blood on your dress Lover?" Eric asked as he helped me to my feet and I glanced down and checked myself.

"Not a drop," I replied shakily.

My viking smiled proudly. "Then I have kept two promises."

I couldn't help it. I exploded into laughter. "Yes Honey, you sure did." I calmed down and observed Victor's rapidly decaying head and torso. "I'm sorry I was so foolish. I should have known better. Forgive me?"

"Forgive me Lover," Eric said gently. "Your trusting nature is one of your most endearing qualities and I should have never left you alone."

He leaned in to kiss me when all of a sudden, a silver net was thrown over him and he was yanked backwards. The other two vampires had returned accompanied by three others. Three wore gloves and held the net tightly while the another man-handled me.

"We're dead no matter what," their ring leader said as he walked towards Eric while holding a very sharp spear. "So we've decided to stake your precious sheriff before we have you for ourselves."

I tried futilely to escape while Eric struggled and grunted in pain as the silver scorched his pale flesh. The leader approached my viking, raised the stake and I screamed.


In a fraction of a second, my body filled with the electrical current I'd experienced earlier and it was as if I was no longer in control. My head jerked back and light spilled out of my mouth, eyes, fingers and every pore in my skin. It was as if an A-bomb had dropped. Then, just as swiftly, the light reentered my body and I was knocked off my feet. I quickly sat up, looked around and found vampire ashes scattered throughout the room. Apparently, they'd been eviscerated as had the silver net but Eric was still standing and to my surprise, gaping at what he'd just witnessed.

"Eric," I said and threw myself into his arms, "are you hurt?"

"No Lover, I am well but what was that?"

"I think I just used my sun power," I replied as I ran my hands over his body, confirming all parts were unharmed. "Or maybe it used me. I don't know but I'm glad I didn't kill you too."

"The power will never hurt him," a female voice said from out of nowhere and The Oracle appeared. Eric instantly dropped to his knees while I faced the deity and she answered my question before I could ask. "He is a part of you and therefore, protected." She smiled serenely and vanished. Eric leapt to his feet and pulled me into a deep, toe curling kiss. When I opened my eyes, everything was bathed in red and my heart pounded as if it were trying to escape my chest as an overwhelming lust consumed me.

"Bloodlust," I thought but it was the last coherent one I had. As Eric sped me past the vampire remains and Samantha's body parts which were strewn about the hallway, the only thing I wanted was to ravage his body and soul. Once inside the elevator, there was no talk of love or hearts and flowers. There was only primal lust.

"Fuck me Viking," I demanded as I hungrily ripped his shirt open and the buttons scattered. Eric's eyes flared and he dropped his pants, lifted my dress and invaded my body. His thrusts pounded furiously like a power drill run amok and I went wild. "Oh yes! Like that! Oh God!" I shouted, gripping him tightly and my nails scraped his back. The resulting blood only fueled our passion. His fangs pierced my shoulder and I screamed as I climaxed before biting his exposed nipple. This pushed Eric over the edge and he grunted as his release filled me. We stayed still a moment, holding each other, as my breathing slowed and my heart calmed. The elevator stopped, the doors opened and I was tenderly carried to our room.

"Well there's a minute of my life I won't get back," I teased as Eric gently washed and healed me.

"But a satisfying minute, wouldn't you say?" he replied a little defensively and I laughed.

"Yes Honey, definitely satisfying."

Eric lifted me again and placed my exhausted body on the bed before sliding in next to me.

"We won't be in trouble because of Victor will we?" I asked.

"No," Eric whispered quietly. "We are protected by the blood covenant. Don't give it another thought Lover. I will handle Felipe." He kissed me softly as if he were tasting my lips for the very first time. "So tell me, Min Älskling Fru, you have your husband's undivided attention. What is your wish?"

"Well," I sighed as my hand wandered over his body and landed on his butt. "Since this is my own personal fairy tale, I think this is where we live happily ever after."

Eric's sexy eyebrow lifted and his hand began its own exploration. "Indeed," he agreed and he leaned down and kissed me.

Like all good things, this story had to end. However, if you've enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing, please add me to your author alerts. I'm taking a much needed break to chill, catch up on my favorite fan fictions and I might even take some ballroom dancing lessons ;) No matter what, I still plan to write several side stories in the future so we can see Sookie and Eric's relationship evolve. Until then..

Peace, Love & Happiness,
