Here we go with the final chapter. This chapter is dedicated to Angel JJK.


Many years had passed since Aragorn son of Arithorn had been crowned King of Men, one hundred and twenty to be exact. Sam had lived much longer than a normal hobbit, and upon reaching what he believed was his life's end, he sailed into the West, to the Undying Lands. Haldir and Luna had joined the many elves in the Undying Lands after one hundred years. Merry and Pippin had served Aragorn until they breathed their last. They were buried in the tombs of the Kings. Aragorn was reaching the end of his life, Nira knew, and with him, Arwen's as well. Eldarion would become king of Men and would rule as his father had.

Nira sat awake on the edge of her bed. She couldn't sleep. Legolas sat up. He wrapped his arms around his wife and kissed her cheek lightly.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Surely, you feel it, too," Nira replied. "There is a darkness creeping through the castle. An undefeatable malice that searches for a victim."

"You are just anxious," Legolas told her. "You haven't been sleeping well lately. Your nerves are on edge."

"I guess."

Nira lay down in their bed, resting her head on Legolas' chest, but sleep evaded her. She sat up suddenly and left her room. She found herself drawn to Aragorn and Arwen's chamber. She knocked on the door, before she heard muffled sobs. She pushed the door open to find Arwen leaning over Aragorn, tears streaking her face. Aragorn looked peaceful in sleep, but Nira soon realized what her unease had been. The King of Gondor had died. She called for a servant to summon Legolas and Gimli.

Nira hurried over to Arwen, pulling her into a comforting embrace. Nira felt tears forming in her own eyes at the loss of a friend, and the two women were soon both crying. Legolas and Gimli ran into the room, but halted at the scene before them.

Legolas moved across the room and said an elven prayer over Aragorn. He put a hand on Nira's shoulder, hiding his feelings behind a stoic façade.

The city of Minas Tirith was in mourning for days. Aragorn's funeral took place, and he was entombed with his forefathers. Arwen left for Lothlorien within three days, ready to give up her immortal life for good.

Nira crowned Eldarion king a month after his father's death, two weeks after news of his mother's passing had arrived. Nira stood in the throne room, while Eldarion watched her.

"You will be leaving, soon," he said.

It was not a question. Eldarion had always known Nira would leave Middle Earth with Legolas once his father died.

"Yes," she replied. "You will make a great king, and there is no need to have an elven advisor with no elves to report to."

"Haldir and Luna will be glad to see you again."

"And I will be glad to see my mother. Lord Elrond would be proud of the man you have become, Eldarion. Your parents were and always will be proud of you."

"What of your family in your world?"

"It has been twenty-four years. It should be obvious I am not going back. Legolas and I will depart today for the harbor, to sail to the Undying Lands."

Eldarion stood and embraced her long time friend. He took her hand and walked with her to the stables where Legolas was waiting with Gimli. Eldarion kissed Nira's cheek and bowed to Legolas and Gimli.

"I Melain berio le," he said. (May the Valar keep you)

"Ná Elbereth veria le, ná elenath dín síla erin rád o chuil lín," Nira replied. (May Elbereth protect you, may her stars shine on the path of your life.)

Nira mounted her horse and Legolas and Gimli did the same. With one last look at Eldarion, she rode out of the city. After a week of travel, they arrived at the harbor to find a ship awaiting them. They took their belongings from their horses.

"Return to Minas Tirith, to Eldarion," Nira instructed the horses.

The beasts shook their manes, snorting in understanding before turning down the path they had taken to arrive. The trio boarded the ship, and it began sailing of its own accord. Nira sat on the main deck, watching the sun set on the sea ahead of them. Legolas sat down beside her, taking her hand.

"I'm going to miss Middle Earth," she told him.

"As am I," Legolas replied.

They turned when they heard Gimli gagging.

"And people wonder why dwarves stay below ground," he grumbled, leaning over the edge of the ship.

Nira and Legolas laughed at their friend. He could hold an unnatural amount of liquor but lost his lunch when sailing on a relatively calm sea. They turned back to the sunset, and Nira gasped. A flash of light flew at them, bringing every sensation, even ones that aren't usually experienced at the same time.

They found themselves standing in a garden in an elaborate city, the likes of which they had never seen. A woman walked toward them, smiling.

"Welcome to the Undying Lands."

The End

There you have it. I hope you like it.