Hey KK here! This is my newest story, so I hope you like it. To all of my readers who have read OHHWP, this is NOTHING like that lol. This is a brand new idea I got from a dream so don't kill me when you realize the writing style is different. This is a bit more serious than my latest stories and it's going to be long. It starts off slow in the beginning but please keep reading cuz I swear it gets funnier and more interesting in later chaps. PLEASE REVIEW!! And you can send me a flame if you want, BUT I FLAME BACK SO BE WARNED!!!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Kurushitsuji, OR Death Note. I do however own Karara, and Karari, who are my OCS who will appear as minor characters later on.

WARNING: This fanfiction is rated T for disturbing situations, Corny pickup lines, and possible mild language. If you are under 13, I do NOT recommend this material for you.

SUMMARY: What happens when Englands' best detective is summoned to Japan to work with its' 3 greatest detectives, who are all ironically, the same person. L. Soon arriving in Japan Ciel Phantomhice and his butler, Sebastion, are to help L solve a seemingly unsolvable case, the Kira case.

"Sebastion!" Ciel called from his bedroom one cold rainy evening. Sebastion Michelles sighed in exasperation "Spoiled boy can't even dress himself for bed without help" he muttered making his way up the stairs to his masters' bedroom. Ciel waited impatiently as Sebastion entered his room. Sebastion looked over at Ciel, who was ummm… kind of dressed for bed. Sebastion raised an eyebrow at the young Earl. Ciel scoffed at him, "You think I can't dress myself every once and a while? I'm not intirely hopeless!" Sebastion shrugged and tried to hide the smile tugging at his lips. "Well then, my lord, you certainly did a fantastic job dressing your'self" he said sarcastically and clasped his hands over his mouth, trying desperately not to fall over into the floor in a fit of laughter. Ciel looked at him confused, "w what's so funny?" he asked his voice full of embarassed outrage. Finally regaining some composure, Sebastion pointed a gloved finger at Ciels' nightshirt. "It's backwards, and it's inside out." Ciel looked down at his shirt and scowled. He began to pull it over his head, grumbling something about stupid demon butlers and being too observant. Sebastion smirked and made his way across the room to help the young boy who was still struggling to get the shirt over his head.

When Ciel was fully dressed and in bed, he motioned for Sebastion to sit down, "Sebastion, I got an interisting phone call this morning from Japan." Sebastions eyebrows rose again, "Oh? What woud someone from Japan want from you?" he inquired. Ciel shrugged, "They want what everyone seems to want, my talent. The Japanese police have requested that I come to Japan to work on a rather peculiar case with their finest detective. I believe he uses the code name Ryuzaki. Anyway they have offered me a generous payment; also food, the plane ticket, and hotel are free. I have accepted." Ciel said. Sebastion took a moment to think this over and nodded, "When are we leaving?" Ciel smiled that spoiled childish smile he allways managed to conjure, "Tomorrow morning it it's possible, do you think you can manage my appointments, pack our things, and get our plane tickets in that time?" Ciel asked. "Don't ask me to, tell me to and I'll do it" Sebastion said with a devillish smile. "Fine, I order you to do everything that is nessecary for us to leave for Japan tomorrow" Ciel said. Sebastion nodded, "Yes, my lord." He bowed, turned out the light, and left.

Soooo, Watcha think?? Review, whether you lyked it or not, I still wanna hear what you have to say! If you have character ideas or chaptor ideas send me a message and if I use it, I'll be sure to give you credit!! Also, PLLLEEEAAASSSEEE PRESS THE GREEN BUTON! THE ONE THAT SAYS REVIEW ON IT!!! IF YOU DO I"LL SEND YOU SEBASTION OR L (your pick) IN A BOX WEARING A PANDABEAR SIT!! Poll: Who's better? CIEL, LIGHT, L, or SEBASTION?? Lemme know what you think!