Written Fate


Fate was something that everyone believed in. Every person had their life written and it was constantly changing at the decisions each person made. Rarely did Fate intervene and take matters in to its own hands, or her hands more like it.

She was a woman who seen everyone be given chance after chance to get things right in their life through a pool of water. For the majority of the people, things rarely go wrong or stray off the path they belong to. Others are a lot trickier, no matter how perfect things are going, something or someone has to destroy their timelines. Even Death was getting frustrated on having to go to Earth and pick up the same people before their time; it disrupted his schedule.

When it kept happening to the same people, He gave Fate permission to "help" make things go the way they were written. The bonds are not always a soul bond; many times she gave people the Sight or a good intuition. Soul bonds were for those who had a hard time finding the person they were supposed to be with. Sadly, they were bonds that were very happy and pain-free, but they got the job done.

Rarely did she have to create a bond that was far stronger than a soul bond. It seemed like a soul bond without the beginning symptoms, but when they occurred they happened all at once. It was something she hated to create and she was thankful to not have the need to create one often.

When she created one it was something she had no need to think twice about it. There was a couple that no matter how many times she created soul bonds, the same evil soul tore them apart. In each life time, it attacked them at a younger age. Death would try so many times to put an end to it but it seemed to keep escaping the gates of the Underworld and go back to the world of the living.

It was something that Fate had no idea on how to put an end to it. Until now. Her eyes widened on the new timeline created for the two souls she had come to cherish more than the others. The evil soul tried to kill the male young one as a baby and was stopped; even if it was temporarily.

'They had a chance this time.'

The thought was stopped when she saw that the evil one tried once more to kill but this time both of them at the same time. It was at this moment that Fate fast forwarded the timeline, making the water ripple, and saw the death that reeked from it. It was then that Death made an appearance. She glanced up at the dark cloaked creature and shivered at his ice cold voice. "There will be more unnecessary deaths. Deal with it before that happens. I'm tired of being given souls that are not meant to be taken yet. I may be cheated often but I deal with those souls my way."

Fate grimaced while looking at the two fading souls. She placed her hand above the scene in the snake chamber; a bright light appeared before the water calmed down. Her pet, the phoenix, made an appearance and healed the boy and in turn grabbed hold of the girls fading soul.

When the last piercing scream from the fragment of the evil one, a blinding light filled the chamber where her soul was being healed with in her and the bond was formed. The boy must have assumed it was because of the destruction of the evil one but it actually came from them. Fate sighed and sat back in her heels. Her part was done, now the bond needed to take it's natural course.

"Albus, when is it going to be time to be the right time to tell everyone? They will have to be told. If they're bond is like the others that have occurred than it is something they can't hide or ignore." Minerva paced across the headmaster's office.

Albus Dumbledore's face showed his true age. The last time that he looked like this was the day that Harry asked why Voldemort went after him and his parents. The sight of the innocent boy caused twinges of guilt to erupt in his chest; guilt that he should have done more to keep them safe. The answering of that question would have to occur sooner than what he thought. It has been a year since young Harry asked but now something else has been added to the list of things that he needed to tell Harry. He knew the boy had to live a difficult life but never did he expect for him to have one challenge after another be thrown at him. He could just hope this would be the last one.

"You're right Minerva. Harry needs to know everything, from the beginning to now, but he is still too young. Let him enjoy his youth before everything. About this 'bond', well it cannot be put off for long; the wards around his home at Privet Drive will be falling forty-eight hours after he steps foot in there once more. He must be out before that happens. There are still many of his supporters out who wish to avenge the Dark Lords downfall."

"But how did this occur?"

"Life does have a funny way of working, but it seems to me that Harry formed a soul bond while at the Chamber of Secrets. It may be a young bond but with time it will grow to be strong. So strong, in fact, that those two children will be invincible someday."

"But, Albus, they are just children. How can we expect them to do things that even some adults can't do?"

"We will be there to guide them. They may seem like just children but they are more adults then many are. They have faced things that others their age have not and even some adults. More things are coming their way. They need to be prepared."

Minerva looked at the headmaster with a sad look on her face. "Why can't Potter live normal lives?"

"He will. With time he will but for now the chances of him having one are slim. Those who have a soul bond have their fates written long before they were born. No one really knows why but fate decided to handle their lives personally."

Sighing Minerva nodded her head to tell him that she understood. A thought quickly came into mind. "But, Albus, the students will be leaving tomorrow. When will you be able to tell him? There is no time in the morning."

"That's why I will be going to Privet Drive tomorrow. He will have to move to the Potter Mansion soon. She will have to go with him as well. They will be safe there. He just needs to step foot past the door way once more before he leaves."

"Her mother will be a challenge. She won't let go of her daughter that easily." They both grimaced at the thought of their former student. That woman was someone no one wished to be in odds with, especially if the topic in issue is her children.

"Yes she will be a challenge but she has no choice. Her daughter is now a part of Harry."

Minerva stopped pacing and turned to look at her dear friend. She looked into his eyes and saw the sparkle ever present in his eyes was dim. She nodded once slowly and sat down on the armchair in front of Dumbledore's desk. "Tell me how you are going to get everything done."

For the rest of the night they went over there plan and adjusted a few things here and there. By the time dawn arrived they were as ready as the ever will be to reveal the book of secrets that all involved a single person and now one more. The other half of Harry Potter. Fate played its hand and now they had to see who things were going to turn out.