Disclaimer: Everything related to the Twilight saga is the property of Stephanie Meyer. Summit Entertainment owns all the rights to the Twi saga films. I only own writing this story, plot lines and all. No copyright infringement intended.

A/N: This is the bigger chapter fic I'd always envisioned for my one-shot The Seduction Through Song. That one-shot was only one piece of their story. In this fic, we'll explore Edward and Bella's beginnings, the middle and events leading up to the seduction, and then what happens afterward.

This is my first attempt at a larger scale story here on FF, so bear with me, and be patient and gentle. I hope to only make my readers happy and continue to be interested in this Edward and Bella's journey.


To my kiddies--for allowing their mommy time to write.

To all my girlfriends at RR/SS--for their constant encouragement, support, love, patience, and all the laughs.

To Robsten--RPattz and KStew inspire me to write all these lovey-dovey Edward/Bella stories.

To the Backstreet Boys--Their song How Did I Fall In Love With You was another inspiration for this story.

Last, but not least, I always have to give a special mention to my faithful, loving fic wifey, my beta, Cheermom. Like her name, she's a constant cheerleader, support system, and avid fan of my work. When I'm down, she cheers me up! Her name is so appropriate! She doesn't do grammar nazi as a job professionally, but I think she should cause I believe she absolutely does a great job. I love her so much!




Bella secured her iPod on her portable dock system and found the exact song she wanted to hear. She pressed play and the first strains of the song by the Backstreet Boys, "How Did I Fall In Love With You," poured out of the speakers. As she heard the notes, her lips began to upturn into a huge smile, the song being very sentimental to her. She greatly related to the lyrics, since it echoed a very special relationship in her life. She allowed herself to just sit for a moment on her now bare bed, and get lost listening to the words and let the memories wash over her.

Today was moving day, the day she closes the Forks chapter of her life, and starts a new one as an adult away from home for the first time. Boy, was she going to start off a new chapter in her life in the biggest of ways.

She was moving across the country, to New York City, where she will attend the prestigious school for the performing arts, Juilliard. She never thought that she was even good enough to be accepted, yet alone be awarded a full scholarship. She owed it all to her best friend, Edward Cullen. He had faith in her, encouraged her to audition, and was her biggest cheerleader for getting acceptance. Bella remembered the celebratory dinner they had, first with friends and family, then alone together when she received her letter of acceptance. Edward's faith that she was going to be accepted never wavered, and he had organized the celebration ahead of the arrival of the acceptance letter. Somehow he just knew that he wouldn't end up being wrong. It made her think back that Edward never seemed to be wrong when it came to her. All of his predictions regarding Bella came true.

Aside from going to college, which was going to be a big enough transition, Bella was going to attend college as a wife. Life as a newlywed awaited her in New York City, where her new husband was patiently anticipating her arrival. After their all too brief honeymoon, he had gone ahead to New York to get everything ready and to have them settled, while Bella returned to Forks to wrap things up on that end. Never in a million years would she have figured that she would be married at the tender age of nineteen, but she had met her soul mate. She knew it, and it felt very right to say 'yes' when he unexpectedly proposed shortly after they officially started dating. She just felt in her heart that it was meant to be. They didn't need to wait. Age was just a number. Their hearts, minds, and souls were already joined; they knew they belonged together. They both knew that neither one of them would want anyone else.

Admittedly, Bella felt that the upcoming changes to her life was very daunting; however, she felt up to the challenge. She was eager to embark on her new journey, exploring with her husband by her side, but she also couldn't help but feel a bit of sadness in closing the high school chapter in her book of life. She had so many fond memories of her time in Forks with her Dad, her friends, and, of course, with Edward.

Bella looked around at what used to be her room. The room was practically emptied out of everything she owned, except for the larger pieces of furniture, which were all staying. Most of her other belongings had already been packed and shipped to her new home, given away, or placed in storage. All that remained was a couple of boxes, sitting in the corner, which her father was going to put into storage after she left, and the two suitcases she was going to take with her on her flight today.

Her closet door remained open, devoid of anything except hangers, and as she glanced in that direction, she couldn't help but laugh out loud at the silly memory that immediately came to mind. Edward walked out wearing one of her grandmother's old-fashioned dresses and a pair of high heels. He looked beyond silly, especially since the dress barely fit his frame, even though it was the biggest dress Bella could find since Grandma Swan was the biggest lady she knew, it obviously was still way too small. Edward could barely walk in the heels, needing Bella's help to remain upright, and he was clearly quite uncomfortable, but Edward remained a good sport and wore the ridiculous outfit throughout the night as promised.

Her gaze moved to the nearby window and the tree where one of its branches was lightly tapping the pane due to the light breeze blowing through. More memories of Edward flooded through as she began to recall several nights where Edward climbed the tree and came into her room through the window, unbeknownst to her father, Charlie. It was a very good thing that Edward was nimble enough to climb, and Charlie slept like a bear in hibernation at nights due to his long shifts as the police chief of Forks. Bella was certain that if her dad had ever found out about Edward's late night escapades, then the poor tree would've surely been chopped down, and Edward would've been forever banned from the house, despite how her father always liked the boy.

Her eyes traveled to the desk where she and Edward spent many afternoons squeezed in together, doing homework and studying, ever since they were little kids. She remembered how they would elbow each other, complaining how one took up most of the room. Of course, as they both got older and grew physically, it was obvious that Edward was the only one hogging the space with his tall, lean form.

The other half of the desk used to hold her obsolete desktop computer where she emailed and IM'ed with Edward all the time. Her computer wasn't the best, nothing like Edward's state-of-the-art laptop, but at least it allowed her access to her emails and instant messaging, so Bella was satisfied with it.

The built-in bookcase at the far wall once held the books that she would read selections from to Edward on occasion and the stories that they read together sometimes as well. Bella remembered the numerous children's books that had been shelved there that she and Edward had struggled to learn to read together. She also recalled the time when Edward dumped several of her precious books on the floor so he could make room for the wonderful first edition book collection he had given her as a Christmas present one year. It was the best gift any one had ever given her that year.

Bella then saw the empty corner, near the bookcase, that once was home to her rickety, but still sturdy, rocking chair. The rocking chair held sentimental value, so its new home was in New York, at the new apartment where she and her husband would be staying. Flashes of the many times Edward held her and rocked her in that chair, as she cried on his shoulder, came to her mind. Edward knew exactly how to soothe her sorrows, and always was there to comfort her throughout broken hearts, disappointments, and even the time when they were twelve and she had suffered the loss of her pet goldfish; the goldfish not having survived through a week when she and Edward were away at a summer camp.

Then Bella's eyes trained to the bed that she was currently sitting on and she blushed at the memories that came flitting through. It occurred to her that now, as she was on the verge of leaving this room, forefront on her mind were the memories she had made in the room with Edward, not necessarily ones of just herself, or with other friends, or even memories with her dad. This realization made her giggle to herself and blush some more. Maybe she shouldn't be thinking of Edward all that much.

Bella wondered if Edward thought as much about her when he packed up some of his belongings in his own room, as she had spent just as much time there with him. She shook her head and thought to herself, probably not, because guys just felt differently about such things. She doubted that Edward was as sentimental as she was. Maybe it was just the song that got her thinking about Edward so much. The final lyrics of the song were sung and the last strains of the music faded into silence just as Charlie knocked on the door, grabbing her attention.

"Come in, " Bella called out.

"Are you ready, Bells? It's time to go. We don't want to be late. You know how traffic can get." Charlie stated very seriously.

Bella glanced up at her dad with a smile and said, "Um, yeah Dad, I'm ready. Give me a quick sec to finish packing up these last things real quick." Charlie nodded.

She then grabbed the iPod and its dock from the nightstand and walked it over to where her suitcases sat. She placed the dock in the open suitcase and closed it, then placed her iPod in her carry on backpack, so that she could use it on the plane. She nodded to Charlie that everything was completely ready and he grabbed her suitcases for her and headed out of the room, Bella closely following behind him.

Charlie paused just passed the doorway in the hall, where he found Bella lingering before closing the door to her former room, tears starting to prickle in the corners of her eyes. Charlie placed her suitcases down, making sure they wouldn't tumble down the stairs, before pulling Bella in for an embrace, taking Bella by surprise.

Charlie had never been one to be an affectionate father. Often times, he'd give Bella a one-armed, awkward hug, but never an embrace just as he just did. He noticed that Bella was going to start to cry, and felt that if there was ever a time, it was now, to give Bella the comfort she seemed to need, and only a dad could give.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Charlie asked softly. "I thought you'd be happy to finally be leaving your old man. You always dreamed of a life beyond this small town. Now, you're on your way. You have absolutely nothing to be sad about. We both know it's time. I thought we had gone over all of this already, especially before you got married." Wrapped up in their embrace, Charlie patted Bella's back, trying to soothe her, her tears now free-flowing.

"I wouldn't...... say I.........was necessarily ecstatic to........ be moving...... out, Dad," She started in between sobs. "I..... will miss you.....and....I was....just getting to know......Sue. Oh, God, you know this. Everything will just be so different now. I.....think....I'm.....just a bit tentative," Bella concluded.

"Oh, Bells. I know it's all going to be strange at first. It'll be the same for me and Sue. But, honey, you're a tough one. If anyone can handle the transition and then succeed, it'll be you. You're much wiser than your mere nineteen years, Bells. Sometimes I think that you definitely know better than I do. Look what happened with Sue. I wouldn't have found her, if it weren't for you. So, chin up, okay. You're gonna start a new life, and that's exciting, plus you've got that fellow of yours along with you for help and support. I turned that job over to him when he married you," Charlie said encouragingly.

Bella's tears began to abate, until it was only little sniffles. Her father's words ringing true in her heart. "Dad, you're right. I've wanted this. I should be embracing it, instead of feeling hesitant. You're right, I've got the best companion ever going on this journey with me. I'm glad to give you your privacy with Sue. I know how you both need it," she responded.

Charlie pulled away from the embrace and tilted his daughter's face to look at him. "Bella, you should know that I would have never approved of your marriage, if I didn't have the utmost confidence that what you both were doing was right. The fact that he was willing to alter his plans and go to New York City with you, well, that just further enforces my decision. I have no doubt that I'm leaving you in the best possible care. You guys are going to take that town by storm. Besides, if things don't work out, well, I always have my insurance policy of my gun," he ended with a chuckle.

"Dad," Bella scoffed at him. "Oh, I guess nothing is really wrong. These are just silly tears.......probably from all the memories in my old room," Bella remarked.

"Yeah, I bet a lot of those memories contained Edward," Charlie deadpanned.

Bella looked incredulously at her father. "Why would you say that, Dad?" She asked.

"Oh, you always get a look on your face when you're thinking about Edward. I've been noticing it as you've grown up. I know you well enough by now to know that you had the Edward face on just now. I'm not wrong, am I?" Charlie responded.

Bella giggled then shook her head 'no' and said, "You're right. I was just thinking how I made a lot of memories in that room with Edward. I'm just gonna miss it and those times."

"Uh huh. I figured. Like I said, Edward face. Well, don't fret about it. You're about to make new memories in your new home, your new life, and they'll be equally good. I'm sure of it. You've been prepared for this day for a while now," Charlie stated matter-of-factly.

"I do not have an Edward face," Bella scoffed again at her father, and then pouted as if she was once again a little girl.

"Yes, you do, Bells. Ask anyone. You've been having it more often these days, but I can't say I blame you for that," Charlie answered.

"Alright, whatever. I think I'm just being a sentimental chick, and I get it from Mom. Really, I'm excited for this new journey. I can't wait to start my new life. Okay, I'm definitely ready now. We should get going. I can't miss my flight. I need to get back to my husband," Bella said, encouraged by Charlie's talk.

While she was sad to leave the room behind because of all the good times and the good memories, she was ready to move on and embark on her new life, and that started with a plane ride back to New York City, where the love of her life, her new husband, was waiting for her. Charlie, knowing that the conversation was effectively over, picked up Bella's suitcases and proceeded down the stairs, and into the waiting truck with Sue inside. Bella took one last look at her former bedroom and wiped away some last minute tears, before closing the door shut and bounding down the stairs. She joined her father and Sue in the truck and they headed off for SeaTac airport. Bella was closing a chapter in her life by saying goodbye to her room with the all the memories and leaving Forks, but she was on her way to open a new one when she arrived in New York.

Bella said her goodbyes to her dad and his girlfriend, Sue, and a few friends that came to the airport to also send her off. She left her dad and Sue with promises of weekly phone calls, and her friends promises of frequent emails, as well as promises of giving their regards to her husband and a visit by the both of them over the holidays.

She smiled her hugest smile the whole plane ride, knowing what was awaiting her at the end of her journey. The plane landed safely at JFK and Bella practically sprinted out of the aircraft and into the terminal, eager to see her husband. After baggage claim, where she was thankful her bags were one of the first ones to come down the carousel, she raced to the waiting area where she knew he'd be waiting.

She caught sight of his gorgeous form leaning up against a wall post, her favorite half-smirk smile of his on his face, and his arms crossed. He had on tight black jeans and her favorite blue shirt on, no doubt intentional on his part. He looked like he was posing as the cover model for the latest men's magazine, and Bella felt that she'd never get used to his attractiveness.

As he finally caught sight of her, Bella's eyes lit up. They locked gazes and Bella's heart skipped a beat; her heart always did that whenever they'd lock eyes. She felt unbelievably lucky to have this man be hers.

He quickly ran to her, his long legs closing the distance between them quickly. He grabbed Bella in a huge bear hug, spinning her around, showing how much he missed her. He then planted an intense kiss upon his wife's lips, not minding at all that they were in such a public area. Every inch of Bella responded to his touch, his kiss, his show of love, and all reservations left her instantly as she stood there wrapped up in his arms.

"Welcome home, baby. I hope you took care of everything you needed to back in Forks, because I can't honestly be apart from you again. I missed you so much. I was a wreck. Luckily, mom kept me in line. I could hardly function today knowing that you were on your way home. Everything is ready for us, baby," Bella's young husband said breathily after breaking from the kiss.

"Oh, I missed you too. So much, sweetheart. I did take care of everything. I'm all moved out. I don't have to be apart from you again for a long time. Nothing will be able to tear me away from you now. Things are finally right. My home is with you now, where it was always meant to be. Let's go start our new life together." With that, Bella pulled him down for another bout of kissing.

They kissed intensely once again, before clasping hands and heading out of the airport where they were embarking on their new life in a new city, as new college students, and as husband and wife. They both could hardly wait to get home to their apartment. Bella's husband slipped the cabdriver extra money so he could get them home as fast as he could, and they made out like the newlywed teenagers they were the whole way.