Okay, this is my first try at a fanfic, so please be gentle. Again, I don't own these characters.

It was a clear night on the Skydeck as both Cody and Zack were both at their respective posts. Even though it was a beautiful night, it was very slow for the twins. In fact, Zack had his head on the smoothie bar counter snoring loudly. Cody looked over at him and sighed as he finished folding the last towel from the dryer. Cody was kicking himself for washing and drying all the towels already. After this last towel, he had nothing to do and still over an hour left on his ship. As he placed the last towel in the cabinet, Cody sat back on his stool and begin to think. "Here's to another night as the S.S. Tipton's towel boy...thanks again, Zack...".

He pulled out the calendar at the towel counter so he could double check his upcoming shifts when something caught his attention. "Wow, I can't believe its only 3 weeks until Bailey and my first anniversary". As he sat and thought, he immediately thought of his girlfriend. He couldn't help but smile as he pictured his beautiful Bailey. He truly did feel like the luckiest guy in the world. He thought about his six month plan he had devised to win her heart. And miracle of miracles, it had worked. She was now his, and everything was so much better than he could ever have imagined. Not only was she the most beautiful girl he had ever see, but she was smart, sweet, kind and generous, but she not only accepted Cody for he was but actually embraced it.

Cody knew he would do anything to make her happy. He knew that they had their arguments, but none of them major disagreements. He merely believed it was the result of two intelligent, strong minded people having the occasional clash in ideas. Most of the time, they were on the same page on things. He embraced the fact that she was strong willed and independent. All of his life he had waited to find someone who could go toe to toe with him and shared his interests. In Bailey, he found that and more. Cody decided he needed to do something special for their upcoming anniversary. He wanted to be able to show Bailey just how much she meant to him.

As he sat back and thought, someone came up behind him. It was Bailey. She looked around and saw the Skydeck was empty. She looked over and saw Zack sleeping on the smoothie counter and rolled her eyes. She wasn't surprised about that, but sometimes it still amazed her how two identical twins could be so completely different.

Maybe it was their different personalities, but she never had any trouble telling the twins apart. Sure, they both were handsome, but her Cody had something else about him that made her fall so completely for him. She could see he was deep in thought, and she smiled at the adorable face he had when he was deep in thought. She stood back for a moment and wondered what his mind was so focused on tonight. Maybe it was the physics homework they had or the history paper do the next week. Or maybe, she smiled, its me.

She felt truly lucky that he belonged to her. She thought back to their first date at the Hannah Montana concert in Hawaii. She had been right, it was the best date ever. They had had a wonderful time. She recalled, during an intermission, asking Cody what he had meant about his six month plan. He had flushed in embarrassment as he explained his plan to her. She thought it was the sweetest thing she had ever heard. No one had ever gone through so much trouble for her.

She know my parents tried to show her their love, but with nine other sisters, the love had to be shared around. And then there was Moose. What had she been thinking? He always told her what to do and thought he knew what was best for her. And when he came on board for the corn festival, he hadn't changed one bit. Thinking of the corn festival did make her smile though. Even though she knew now why he did it for her, she couldn't believe at the time that Cody had done that for her. She had always know he was smart, sweet and kind, but what he did touched her.

She wanted to thank him so much for it, so she looked over and saw him smiling talking with Zack and Woody. Bailey remembered thinking that he had such a great smile and was looking so cute in his western wear. Then Moose happened again. Yeah, it was good seeing him again, but she thought it was more just seeing something from home. She thought she would have been just as happy seeing Zeke Miller's pig. And then Moose dropped his little bomb on her and flustered here. She knew she was missing Kettlecorn. Bailey was so confused that she asked Cody what he thought she should do. He stammered a bit but finally told her to follow her heart. As she looked at him, she knew then what her heart was telling her. As much as Bailey missed Kettlecorn, the S.S. Tipton had become her new home and her new friends were her new family. She told Moose goodbye (and to herself, she wished Mary Lou good luck).

She remember thanking Cody for his help. He hadn't told her what to do but rather told her to trust her heart. She wanted to thank him for that and all he wanted was a hug. That hug. The hug that would change Bailey's life. As she felt myself being wrapped in his arms, she felt something she had never felt before. Yes, Bailey felt safe and secure, but she also felt something else that she had never experienced. She could feel butterflies in her stomach, and it seemed like the temperature had gone up about 30 degrees. But most of all, Bailey felt completely comfortable and at ease. As they broke apart, Cody smiled at her, a realization washed over her. Bailey had fallen for Cody. She don't know when it had happened, all she knew was that it had. Bailey didn't think there could have been a better feeling than being held in his arms. She would later learn that she was wrong. Feeling his lips on hers that first time was electric and she felt so alive.

Coming back from to the present, Bailey walked up behind Cody and wrapped her arms around him. A startled Cody turned just in time so that their lips met. After a long kiss, Bailey pulled back and could see the dopey grin Cody got when she kissed him. She smiled too. Oh how she loved seeing that look on his face. Bailey whispered to him, "Hi, Sweetie". Cody whispered back, "And hello to you too, Honey...I was just thinking about you." Bailey's smile widened and her butterflies were back in full force, "What a coincidence, I was just thinking about you." And she leaned back in for yet another delicious kiss.

To be continued...