Wahh I made it in time, though this is only the first chapter. Hopefully I'll upload the rest tomorrow. T.T



Wow I found tons of mistakes! EDITED!

EDITED: 16/08/2011


For the hundredth time, Prowl started re-reading the same datapad, and as the last ninety nine times, he couldn't go past the first paragraph without his processor wandering.

Dropping the datapad in frustration on his desk, he let his head fall into his servos, elbows on the desk and gently shook it, trying to get his processor to focus. He let out a resigned sigh when he realized that no, it. Just. Would. Not. Focus!

Sitting back heavily on his chair he looked up at the ceiling imploringly. There had to be a way to make this work. But he was no expert. Pit he had never even thought about something like this before! He had no experience! No notion of what was sociably acceptable or not! No clear knowledge of how to proceed! No one whom to turn to and- no, wait. There was a mech who he could rely on to help him. After all, who better skilled then Jazz? The saboteur and him were very close friends, and he was sure that the TIC would be able to see him through this.

With renewed hope Prowl left his office, processor set on seeking the saboteur and ask for his guidance on the matter.


Perhaps it was because it was so late and no one was roaming outside their quarters, but the silent and dim lighted hallways seemed to mock him. Suddenly, he didn't think it was a good idea. His confident strides slowed and his doorwings fell, shoulders dropping in defeat.

'What am I doing? This is stupid! There are tons of report due and an entire army to control for me to be wasting my time in something like this! Furthermore, I should not be bothering Jazz at this awful cycle for a whim on my part!' He scolded himself as he stopped walking.

'But Jazz has always told me how I should be more outgoing and... get a life.' He sighed at his own thoughts. Was he really that closed off from the world?

Aimlessly, he started his slow and defeated walk.

'Why am I even bothering? Almost everybody has made it clear that I would never be looked upon as a mech to have a future with.' Lost in his dark thoughts, he was surprised to see his peddes had guided him to his friend's quarters.

'What if even with Jazz's help I mess this up? He'll never let me live this down. Or he'll probably do something drastic if it fails and it's not my fault.'


Maybe he'd come back later, when it wasn't so late. Shaking his head he scolded himself. He'd come this far and wouldn't back down! Whoever heard of the SIC to retreat when things got rough?

Tapping a finger on his thigh pensively for a few moments, Prowl finally built up the courage to raise his fist-

'You can do this. It's just a question. What could go wrong?' - and taking a deep breath, nervously knocked on Jazz's door, hoping the saboteur could help him, yet wishing he wasn't in his quarters at the same time. He absently noted that the saboteur would be in his quarters since he was off shift.

As if to make a point, the door hissed open to his relief/dismay, letting Prowl come face to face with a smug and satisfied looking Jazz, who leaned against the door frame, arms crossed. The tactician raised an optic ridge questioningly at the display.

"Heya Prowler! What brings ya here this late Ah wonder." The TIC asked, though there was a hint of concern in his tone.

"Hmm, yes, it is rather late, perhaps I should come back at another time. I'm sorry for disturbing you."


Jazz snorted standing straight to face his friend. "Please, Ah could literally feel ya lurking outside mah door."

"Oh, yes well you see- I do not lurk!"

Jazz couldn't help it, he laughed at his friend's undignified expression. But before either could continue, the tactician was startled by a loud yawn and the appearance of a skinny red mech coming up to Jazz from inside his quarters, wrapping his arms lazily around the saboteur's waist from behind.

Magma, if he remembered correctly. One of the transferred mechs.

'Well that was quick.' Was all the tactician could think off. It was no secret that Jazz loved to share his berth with anyone who was willing. This however, had to be a new record.

Prowl couldn't explain what was the sudden emotion he felt at the pit of his tanks at the sight.

"Hey there babe, did Ah wake ya?" Asked the saboteur running a clawed servo over the mech's helm.

Said mech sighed with content. " Not at all Jazzy-" Prowl's optic twitched at the nickname. "Tonight was amazing, but I got early shift anyway. You don't mind me leaving do you?" He asked as he trailed a finger over the Porsche's hood suggestively, making Prowl look anywhere but them.

"Nah babe, it's cool. See ya around?"

"Oh, definitely."

Prowl wondered if the growl that accompanied that sentence was normal and vaguely wondered who had been on top.

Grinning, Jazz leaned down to kiss the mech one last time before Magma untangled his arms from the saboteur, lazily saluted Prowl and walked down the hallway, no doubt to his quarters. Despite his visor, Prowl knew that Jazz's optics were locked on the way the mech's hips moved. The tilt of his head was also a dead giveaway.

The tactician cleared his throat, irritated at being ignored and at his friend's actions. Drawn out of his dreamy haze, Jazz looked back at the SIC who wore an unamused expression.

"Sorry 'bout that." He said sheepishly. "Ya wanted ta ask me something?"

Remembering just why he had come seeking his friend, the tactician's demeanor changed abruptly, his doorwings fell a bit and started twitching lightly, making Jazz frown.

"Everything okay?" He asked standing straighter.

"Yes, everything is fine." The black and white responded quickly, maybe a bit too quickly. "I- I- Could we maybe talk in private?"

Prowl looked up at a spot in the ceiling, where he knew there was a camera, meaningfully. Concern growing, Jazz stepped aside to let the SIC enter.

"Sure. Come on in. Ignore the mess."

Walking into the saboteur's quarters was like entering a chaotic dimension that should never exist. He had a pair of stereos occupying the small table in the middle of the room, the shelves were packed with music-chips and the occasional datapad. The only chair in the room was packed with… something and on the floor were boxes containing… something. Prowl dared not even look inside to see what was in them. He knew all OPs mechs had a habit of collecting great amounts of 'somethings' during their missions. Prowl stopped asking after he found Mirage keeping a metal eating organic in a cage. Oh Red Alert had not been amused, and neither had Ratchet for that matter. Empty energon cubes could also be found amongst several pieces of disarmed weapons and cleaning rags.

Prowl could only gape in horror. His logic center just couldn't compute such chaos.

"Take a seat anywhere, Ah'll get ya a cube of energon."

"What? Oh no thank you, I don't want to take your ration." He said rubbing his temple as he, cautiously and slowly, sat on the edge of Jazz's berth, very aware that the same berth had recently been used for… other, activities.

Jazz huffed in frustration and looked at his friend with a light glare. "Prowl, Ah know yer low on energon, if my scans are anything ta go by."

"Do you usually go scanning others without their authorization? Never mind that the program you are most likely using is only to be used by medics?" Was the deadpanned response.

"Well look at the time, time for a midnight snack!" Said the saboteur as he quickly turned to the energon dispenser in his room, a luxury of his rank.

Shaking his head in amusement, the tactician let his optics wander around the room, not really looking at anything. How was he going to pose his question to Jazz? Oh this was a really bad idea, maybe he could lie and just go back to his quarters?

Subtly turning his head from the energon dispenser, the saboteur took a klick to study his friend. It was obvious that something had been bothering the SIC for quite a while now. He was strangely distracted, both during meetings and during his free time, which had grown over the last few orns, something that had shocked everyone who knew the mech. Many times he had caught his friend looking off into the distant, sometimes having to repeat what he was saying after finally getting the mech's attention. The twins had almost rushed to demand Ratchet to take a look at their SIC when said mech had run into the rec. room's door as he was leaving and then proceeded to stare at said door with a confused look on his faceplates; almost as if asking himself just why there was a door there to begin with.

Jazz had also been worried but hadn't found the right time to ask him what was wrong. It had all started when the transferred mechs came in from Polyhex after it was overtaken by the Decepticons. Had something happened?

Reaching his friend's side and handing him one of the energon cubes, he observed with worry how twitchy Prowl was and- was he fiddling with his fingers? Now that was a huge sign that something was wrong.

"Alright Prowler. Spit out what's bothering ya."

Shifting slightly, optics on the far corner, Prowl looked even twitchier. "Well, the new mechs-"

So it had something to do with them… wait-

"Did they do something ta ya?" The saboteur asked, visor darkening, whole frame tensing.

"What? No! No, they didn't do anything. Um- well you see, I um-."

Relaxing slightly, the saboteur encouraged Prowl to continue, amazed by how agitated his friend looked. He had never heard Prowl stutter before and it was starting to freak him out a bit. What could possibly have happened to bring his friend to such a state?

"Primus this is harder then I thought. I have a favor to ask of you." He said trying to buy time.

"Oh no Primus! Prowl is asking for a favor! You're not gonna try ta delegate are ya! The pit must be freezing over!" The saboteur said trying to lighten the mood. His attemps were not appreciated as Prowl glared at his dramatization.

"Fine, if you're going to be this way I won't ask and just leave!"

Jazz chuckled but stopped teasing when he saw that the tactician was serious.

"Okay Prowler, sorry 'bout that. So, what's that favor ya want from meh?"

Glaring one last time for good measures, Prowl sighed and gathered his wits. "I have no idea how to say this so I might as well get it out and ask." The tactician said determinedly. This was Jazz! His friend and comrade. He'd never laugh at him for what he was going to ask. If only, he'd be delighted that Prowl was finally expanding his world.

Reassured by those thoughts, he turned slightly to look at the TIC with the most serious faceplates Jazz had seen to date. The saboteur prepared himself for the worst.

"Jazz, I want you to teach me how to flirt."


I've review this chapie and the next two a hundred times, added and erased parts. Please tell me if there are more mistakes.