Disclaimer: Read previous chapters.

Author's note: GAAAAHHH! I have returned from the grave to upload the next chapter! Awoooo!

Okay, seriously, I'm very, very, very, very, very sorry for the SUPER LATE update. Let's just say that the usually school stuff got multiplied by 1000000000000000000000000. I thought I'd only disappear for a week or two but damn...I was gone for months! FML I'm really, really sorry. Gah.

The semester's not done yet so I'm not free to write. I don't even know what possessed me to type this chapter when I have a research paper to write, a Landscape plan to design, concept for an editorial photography to think of, and final exams this week. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU -

Chapter 11: Teirm

Saphira continued to fly across the mountains so they were able to reach the city of Teirm by the end of the day. That night, Eragon and Arya debated on whether they should enter the city or not.

"There's no point going there, Eragon, and it's too dangerous," Arya said patiently as they prepare their supper. "After what your cousin and villagers did, they surely increased their security and no one could easily enter and leave the city."

"Yes, that is true but I know there's a huge library in there, records that cannot be found anywhere else," Eragon muttered. "We might be able to find some clues as to where the Eldunari is –"

"Very unlikely. There are no written accounts about the Eldunari…you, of all people, should know that!" said Arya, irritated. "It is one of the greatest secrets of the dragons. I doubt any authors of books know about this. And the Riders wouldn't allow it. It's impossible to find any information in there. We'll be risking your life and the future of Alagaesia for nothing."

Eragon averted his eyes, embarrassed. "I just thought we might be able to find answers there. Teirm is the place where I learned where to look for the brightscales to make Brisingr."

Arya sighed. "It's not the place that holds the answers, Eragon. It was Solembum who told you those things, wasn't it?"

Eragon paused. His eyes widened and his mouth gaped as a realization hit him. He felt so stupid for realizing it just now.

"That's it!" he exclaimed and he stood up and paced around and around. Arya's eyes followed him as he walked back and forth around the fire. 'When all seems lost and your power seems insufficient, go to the rock of Kuthian and speak your name to open the Vault of Souls.' The other Eldunari are in the Vault of Souls!"

Arya frowned. "Vault of Souls…all my life I've never heard of the place or that vault."

"And there's a great possibility that Galbatorix has no knowledge of it as well so he wasn't able to take it for himself. It makes sense!"

"Does it exist?"

"We must believe it does, it's our only chance of defeating him."

"Eragon, we can't just hope that this vault exists!" Arya snapped, clearly annoyed. "We can't afford that or well just waste our time looking for that symbol of hope." She took a deep breath. "Forgive me, Eragon, I shouldn't have shouted –"

"It's okay, I understand," Eragon murmured and he sat down again beside her.

Arya reached out a hand and placed them on top of Eragon's. "I really want to believe as well. But I am…afraid."

This caught Eragon's attention and he lifted his head and looked at Arya. She was staring at the fire as she spoke again. "I'm afraid to let my people, the Varden, and everyone else down again. When Durza ambushed us, I failed to save Faolin and Glenwig's lives and because of my capture, Queen Islanzadi thought that I am dead and stopped supporting the Varden. I have failed these people…I don't want that to happen again."

Eragon twisted his body so that he fully faced Arya and covered her hand with his. "Failed them? No, Arya, you gave them hope. You sent Saphira's egg to me and even if it was by accident –" (Arya smirked at this) "—it turned out okay because Saphira hatched for me. With a lot of help from Saphira, Brom…and Murtagh, I was able to rescue you from Gil'ead. After defeating Durza in Farthen Dur, we traveled to Ellesmera and your mother reestablished the elves' connection to the Varden. With almost all of the races fighting under one banner, we have the greatest chance of defeating Galbatorix. Now, if call that failure, then maybe we should fail more often."

Arya laughed. "You've made your point, Shur'tugal."

"Good. I think we should continue to give everyone hope because this is exactly what they need. They continue to fight and live because of it."

"Very well. But I'm afraid I don't know where this place is. The Rock of Kuthian strikes a chord in my memory but I couldn't quite remember where or what it is. And it's very unusual for things like this to happen."

"Maybe the only one who can tell us where that place is Solembum." Then Eragon started digging a hole on the ground and filled it with water. He tried scrying Solembum but the water remained dark. He then tried scrying Angela but he got the same result. Confused, Eragon turned back to Arya.

"I can't see both of them," he said.

"Perhaps they had casted wards on themselves to prevent anyone from scrying them," Arya offered. "Why don't you try contacting the Nasuada and through her, Angela and Solembum?"

Eragon nodded and tried again. Nasuada's pavilion appeared before their eyes but instead of Nasuada, they only saw one of her Nighthawks.

"Argetlam, Ambassador." The dwarf bowed when he saw the two of them.

"Where is Lady Nasuada?" Eragon asked.

"She is in King Orrin's quarters with King Orik, Jormundur, and the other war chiefs. They are making the last preparations for our attack in Belatona. Would you like me to summon her, my Lord?"

"There's no need to disrupt their discussions," Eragon said. "But can you call Angela the Herbalist for me? I really need to ask her something."

The dwarf grunted his disapproval. "Is that the human woman who wields a huthvir? She left the Varden a couple of days before you did."

Eragon blinked. He didn't know Angela left the Varden. Where in Alagaesia did Angela go?

"I did see Angela and Solembum left one early morning before," Arya said. "When I asked her where they were headed, she only said that they won't take long. They weren't carrying much so I believed her. I thought she'd be back with the Varden by now."

"Do you know where she went?" Eragon asked the dwarf.

"Nay, I can't help you with that, Argetlam. Maybe Lady Nightstalker knows."

Eragon hesitated. "Alright…please call her for me."

"Yes, my Lord."

The dwarf had only been gone for a while when Nasuada bustled inside the tent, clearly agitated. She made a straight path towards the mirror, almost tripping on a small stool on her way. She almost dived into the mirror that beheld Eragon and Arya's faces.

"What happened, Eragon? Are you and Arya harmed? Where is Saphira? Are you all alright?" Nasuada said, lines creasing her forehead.

"We are fine, my Lady," Eragon assured her. "I just wanted to inquire about Angela. Do you know where she went or where she is right now?"


Eragon winced. "Would you rather I tell you we're all in complete danger and severely injured then?"

"NO! Goodness, Eragon!" Then she took a deep breath. "Alright, what is it that you want from Angela, hmm?"

"Actually, she's really not the person that I'm looking for but the werecat, Solembum."

And so Eragon told her everything, starting from his very first arrival in Teirm with Brom and how he met the herbalist and the peculiar cat. He told her about Solembum's advice but didn't say anything about Angela's prophecy. Then he told her about his thoughts regarding the Vault of Souls.

"Do you know where this Rock of Kuthian is?" asked Nasuada.

"No. That's why we wanted to ask Solembum," replied Eragon. "Since he was the one who told me, perhaps he knows where to find it."

"Ah." Nasuada sighed. "Alas, I do not know exactly where they've gone. The only thing Angela told me was that she was going back to her old shop to retrieve a few scrolls of hers that she kept in there. She did not mention where this place is. I cannot help you, I'm sorry."

Eragon smiled. "It's okay. I think I have an inkling as to where that may be. Thank you, my Lady." He ended the spell and turned to Arya. "Looks like we have no choice but to go inside Teirm."

The city has certainly increased its security ever since Roran and the people of Carvahall breached its walls. The number of the Empire's soldiers roaming the city was doubled. At least tem men were stationed at each of the gates and the rest were standing at walls. No one would be allowed to enter the city without complete inspection of their faces and their belongings.

"I don't think we should go on, Eragon," Arya said as they walked towards one of the gates. She and Eragon have changed their appearance once again to the same faces they used when they entered Kuasta. "This is too dangerous. There are too many soldiers, they can easily overwhelm us."

"They won't be able to recognize us," said Eragon confidently. "And we won't give them any reason to doubt us. We just came here to look for Angela and Solembum. We'll leave immediately right after we see them."

Arya pressed her lips together and fell silent. She was feeling very uneasy and this rarely happens to her. One of the few times that she fell this was when Durza cornered her, Faolin, and Glenwig. It was never a good sign but she decided not to press it any further. She was surprised to realize that she trusted Eragon with all her life. If he thinks that everything will be alright, it will. Instead, she just opened her mind so that she would know if anyone within a mile radius would try to harm them.

When three of the consciousness that brushed Arya's mind cringed and held up barriers, Arya halted her footsteps and prepared herself for any kind of attack – may it be mental or physical. She clutched the pommel of the small dagger hidden underneath her skirt and Eragon, noticing her actions, stopped on his tracks as well.

"What's wrong?" Eragon asked Arya. People began to walk past them.

"There are spellcasters within the city," Arya whispered.

Eragon cursed. "How many are there?"

"Only three of them felt my presence but I know more of them are in there. Eragon, I really think we should go back –"

"Oi!" One of the gate guards shouted at them. "Keep moving, you're blocking the way!"

Eragon looked at Arya and his voice echoed I her head.

Trust me.

Arya sighed as they began to walk again. I do hope you know what you're doing, Eragon…

The guards stepped in front of them when they reached the gates. One of them was young, only a few years older than Eragon. It was clear that he was a new recruit and not yet skilled in fighting. Arya hoped that she wouldn't need to end the boy's life.

Standing in front of them, a much older soldier grabbed Eragon's jaw and twisted his face from side to side to look at his appearance. He did the same to Arya, his eyes lingering longer than necessary on her face and body. She heard Eragon grit his teeth.

"You don't look suspicious to me, you don't resemble any of those unlucky bastards over there," said the guard, jerking his head towards the bulletin board where Arya was sure, Eragon's face was posted. "You may enter."

They were about to pass the guards when someone shouted, "Stop! Don't let them pass!"

Arya's heart banged in her chest as she sensed the minds of five spellcasters heading their way. Eragon probably felt them as well so he pulled Brisingr out of its sheath and with one swift motion, killed two of the soldiers before they could react. Arya struck the young one on the back of his head just as he was about to reach for his spear. The boy fell on the ground, unconscious.

She then felt a hand tugging at her wrist and pulling her inside the city. Eragon almost dragged her behind a stone wall as the arrows flew passed them.

Reviewers were asking for some action so there you go. :))

Don't expect to much. Like I said, I semester ain't done yet. I have no idea when the next chapter will be posted. I'm sorry. *sob*