"Neji…How should I say this..."

"Spit it out Tenten."

This is it. She is going to say it! I knew it was going to come out some time and apparently the time has finally come!

We were in a green, sunny and spacious training field, Lee and Gai were no where in sight and the day was beautiful. Even my hair looked good this morning. The timing was perfect!

"ahh…" She was looking exactly to the side of my face. Maybe she is nervous. That is understandable. I mean, I would be too if I were in her position. But that would never happen because I am Neji Hyuga and Neji Hyuga doesn't involve himself in such petty things as love confessions.. even if I felt the same way about her as she does about me…if not stronger.

So I am perfectly content standing before her as she confesses to me…though some what impatient.

"Tenten, I don't really have all the time in world, you know?"

"Okay, right." she seemed flustered. "Well, this might sound a bit strange to you but…"

This is it! I envisioned this confession in so many different ways before, but what should I say now? Maybe I should stay sensible. After all I have the reputation of always being level-headed, which I need to maintain.

"Neji I love you."



"Tenten, we are ninja. We may die tomorrow without the chance of saying a single goodbye. We cannot engage in such relationships, especially since it might jeopardize our partnership."

No…No! I couldn't say that! It would hurt her feelings- discourage her. And, I didn't want that it to end like that anyway. So maybe…

"Neji, I love you."



"I would be lying…if I said I had no feelings for you."

"So you love me too?"

"Ofcourse! With the fire of a thousand flaming suns."

Okay. There way no way in the world I was saying something that cheesy.

"Neji, I love-mmph"

And then I swoop down and kiss her.

No. That would be completely against my personality and not to mention the thought of kissing her so suddenly scared me a little.

"Neji, I have the hots for you. Lets go behind that bush and make passionate love. What do you say?

"Why, of course Tenten! I was thinking the very same thing."

My lips involuntarily stretched at that and a few hoarse snickers broke out of my mouth.

"Neji- Hey! You ok? What's so funny?"

Augh! Way to ruin the movement.

Now she looked at me with concern- like I was some lunatic having inexplicable hysterics- which is probably what I looked like.

"Ahem..." I said, clearing my throat. "It's nothing. Just something stuck in my throat. Go on. What were you saying?"

"Naahh, its not important." She said, distracted. "I'll go get you some water."

"No! I am sure its important!" I said urgently grabbing her by the arm.


"Say it!" Oh god, this wasn't going according to plan at all!

"I was going to ask you-"


"I was going to ask you about your conditioner. You see, my conditioner doesn't really seem to work for my hair- my hair is so frizzy. I wanted to ask which one you use because your hair is always so pretty."

….She even had to go and call me pretty