Disclaimer: I don't own Criminal Minds, any of their characters, or Starbucks (but I can dream right?)


As the morning alarm rings out 6:45 AM, Dr. Spencer Reid, thinks 'not again! This is gonna be the third time I've been late to work in a month. Hotch is definitely going to kill me this time, or they will think that something has happened to me yet again. I remember what happened the last time, when Morgan broke down the door to find me the shower, boy that was extremely embarrassing, so I need to be time today. No time to make any coffee, so I guess I'll have to stop on the way and pick up some. The BAU pot looked rancid yesterday, and I doubt it has been cleaned out yet.'

But unfortunately Reid missed his train only by about a minute, so he decided to stop at the Starbucks about a block away from the train station.

But as the boy genius entered and turned to order his usual coffee and 7 sugars, he heard a loud voice boom from behind him, yelling out,


"ALL YOUR MONEY, JEWELS, VALUABLES, GIMME THEM NOW!!!" the rather nervous-looking robber bellows.

Why me? Reid asked himself This is REALLY becoming ridiculous. I bet this never happens to the others.


What, teacher, teacher? Is THAT what i must appear to this man? Okay that does it.

Reid had had enough, so as the robber turned, Reid disarmed the gunman using all the techniques that Morgan had taught him. Luckily Reid had his gun and handcuffs, so it was easy to subdue the gunman until the local police arrived. The police officers arrived, got their statements, and then proceded to leave.

Oh great, now I'm REALLY going to be late and Hotch and the others will have my hide for this one, how am I supposed to explain this one? Reid thought to himself.

It was about 11 am before Reid finally arrived back at the BAU.

Then Aaron Hotchner said, "Well we HAD a case, but it seems that someone was busy and has already solved it so we aren't needed today."

Reid simply blushed and went about his business.

"And what case was that?" Emily Prentiss spoke.

"Well we had a serial robber who was also murdering his victims around the DC area, but it seems like Reid already got the Unsub in this case, so we got the rest of the day off, with the exception of Reid." Then Reid shrunk back into his chair, his face as red as Garcia's hair.

"Oh Pretty Boy, you really ARE a hero!" Derek Morgan said to half-mockingly Reid.

Then Penelope Garcia brings in a new coffee pot. "The old was disgusting so I threw out the old one brought a new one. And you're so very welcome Reid. We know how much you love your coffee with your sugar"

"NOW you tell me," Reid replied, still blushing.

"I know how much you love your coffee with your sugar, so I got a new one."

"All I wanted was a cup of coffee for god's sake!"

"Remind me to never get in the way between you a cup of coffee then," Prentiss teased.

"I'm NEVER going to get another coffee again without you guys."

"Yeah and pigs really DO fly, my boy wonder" Garcia retorted.

A/N I hope you like my little crackfic. I wanted to have Reid be the hero for once, so he's a little OOC. Digital brownies for all who review.