Hermione was ill. Ill being the operative word, as in Hermione's eyes she was suffering through no more than the average muggle cold, whereas in the eyes of her two overly attentive lovers she was on her death bed. Struggling to hold in a raspy cough, Hermione choked, the strangled noise awaking said lovers as they simultaneously awoke. In any other scenario Hermione would have been glad to garner such quick attention from her boys within seconds of them waking up in lieu of the usual fifteen minutes it took them to come to consciousness, however now was not one of those times.

Drat...and here I was thinking that they'd finally fallen asleep and stopped worrying! Hermione grumped, and shifted uncomfortably as she felt smooth fingers brush back her bangs, reaching for her forehead.

"Blaise I'm fine!" she retorted, though quickly leaned forward, pressing her fist to her mouth as she coughed deeply, a sickly wheeze following closely after as she attempted to breathe. Raising a skeptic brow, the sun kissed Italian ignored Hermione's pleas and instead placed the back of his hand lightly upon her forehead.

"Good grief Bella, you're burning up!" He exclaimed as a pair of icy grey optics locked onto Hermione's flushed face.

"Mione you said that you were o-kay" an anxious voice snarled, as the platinum blonde curled around her, tensing as his calves came into contact with her icy toes. "Jesus Mione your body is colder than the great lake in January! That's it we're going to St. Mungo's-"

"-No!" Hermione interjected, shifting uncomfortably as she eyed her fair haired lover. "It's a cold; I used to get them all the time back home. It's very common for muggles to get ill like this and..."

"And what Hermione?" Draco sneered, tugging her frigid body closer to his and firmly sandwiching her between himself and Italian lover in a vain attempt to heat her chilled flesh.

"And...You're overreacting!" Hermione squeaked, sniffling as she burrowed closely into the warmth of Blaise's chest, ignoring the way he too shivered upon contact with her chilled body.

"Overreacting! Overreacting?" Draco hissed, looking to Blaise for moral support before rounding on his stubborn witch. "Hermione /you/ were the one who nearly passed out during your run today, /you/ were the one who refused to eat dinner with Blaise's family and I tonight because the food upset your stomach, and /you/ are the one who is now in the process of coughing up a lung and giving Blaise and I hypothermia from your touch. Explain to me how our concern is an overreaction!"

Wary of her lover's temper, Hermione sent a pleading look up at Blaise before rolling onto her stomach and burrowing her face in a pillow, her body raked with wheezy coughs once again. "Draco I'm just a little sick. Trust me, it could be worse," she reasoned, noting that her lover wasn't convinced. Turning back to the pillow, Hermione released a low groan, submitting once again to another violent coughing fit.

"I...I.." at a loss for words, Draco sent a helpless glance over to Blaise, who had proceeded to slowly stroke Hermione's bare back, tracing gentle patterns into her skin with his index finger as she fought for control over her breathing. How could he be so calm? Shaking with barely controlled fear, Draco stilled as he felt Blaise's hand on his shoulder. Gazing down at his two lovers, Draco paused as he noted that Hermione's coughing had ceased, and she was now on the verge of once again falling asleep.

"She said that sleep will help her love, don't worry about her. Hermione is a smart witch, she would know if it was serious enough to go to St. Mungo's Blaise murmured, stroking her wavy hair gingerly. "I just wish that I knew more about muggle sicknesses. This 'cold' of hers is frustrating," he sighed, gently lacing his fingers with those of his blonde lover, sensing his unease.

"I know I just...she plays hero too much you know. Always doing stuff for us and others and never asking things in return. It's my fault she's like this...I begged her to come to my quiditch match the other day even though the weather was dreadful, she came straight from work and wasn't wearing enough warm clothing and-"

"-Draco she also forgot to close the window the other afternoon when she fell asleep. The cold from outside could have easily sickened her as well," Blaise reasoned.

"Remind me to spell bound all the windows shut," Draco growled, running a fingertip over his princess' flushed cheek. How her face managed to be so warm while her body was chilled was a mystery to Draco, however he was determined to make her as comfortable as possible. Seeing his Hermione, so strong and fiery, reduced to a simpering sickly mess upset him on many levels. It was a well known fact that Draco's parents had not been the most loving people, and in response, Draco too was extremely protective of his emotions. However, the two figures beside him evaded his guarded facade, and managed to weave themselves so tightly into his heart that it was painful to see either of them hurt. Curling tighter against Hermione, Draco brushed back her hair and pressed a chaste kiss to her burning cheek.

"She'll be okay Draco," Blaise crooned, half asleep himself as he burrowed further into his pillow, Hermione's fragrant hair a reassuring comfort as he snuggled into her neck.

"She better be," Draco growled, pulling the cream coloured duvet closer around their bodies. "Because if she's not better by tomorrow I'm stunning her myself and hauling her to St. Mungo's myself. Chivalry be damned."

Smiling secretly into her pillow, Hermione released a wheezy sigh as she curled into the body heat of her two lovers. If Draco was reacting this badly to her cold, he would have an outright fit when she began having morning sickness...