A/N (optional read, I ramble): Hello, this is going to be my 3rd BreakxAlice series! ^^ I kind of wanted to branch out a bit but… a certain Mad Hatter (Break) threw a couple of plot-educing candies at me. ^^;; So… this idea kind of answers the question: what would happen if Break was a vampire from the Night World series? (Night World is a series about vampires, werewolves, ect with human soul mates… very good, a little over a decade old, made in the 1990s.) I'm also throwing in a Break/Shalon lemon *///*… in the beginning to answer the request for one… kill two birds with one stone? *clears throat*… OOC in certain scenes…Anyway… ENJOY!!

Warning: Lemon/ OOC Shalon

The Night World... Love has never been so dangerous.

The Night World isn't a place. Its all around us. the creatures of the Night World are beautiful and deadly and irresistible to humans. Your best friend could be one. So could your crush. The laws of the Night World are very clear: humans must never learn that night world exists. And members of Night World must never fall in love with a human. Violate the laws and the consequences are terrifying. This is a story of what happens when the rules are broken... (1)

(Night World Characters will be explained eventually if not immediately after they are mentioned for the sake of those who have never read the series…)

Break slid the curtains shut, blocking out the non-life threatening, but none the less annoying light. The curtains were made of a heavy thick, deep blue material. They would be difficult for any normal person to close, but not to him, to him, they felt fragile. Everything felt fragile now-a-days. She soft rustle of silk behind him, alerted him to the presence of the girl behind him, he'd wistfully forgotten she was there. Forgotten their little agreement and was now… well...regretting it, a little. He turned around, making the trademark, Mad Hatter smile, glow upon his face, "You have the most wonderful timing, Lady Shalon…"

Shalon Reinsworth, a vampire, and a member of one of the four oldest vampire families. It was a legend that she was Hunter Redfern's niece, but Break had never truly found out. IF she was then that was truly amazing, Hunter Redfern was the second lamia, or born vampire, the son of Maya, the first and most terrible vampire. Today, Shalon was wearing a pale purple gown with white lace; the purple color accented the color of her eyes, a shifting purple-pink. And it matched her gold-orange hair nicely. Like all vampires, Break found Shalon to be beautiful, just as he had when he was human, and had learned too late that beauty… beauty often hides certain things. She smiled at him, showing her fangs, lust glittering in her eyes.

"I'm glad you've decided not to shut me out anymore…" Shalon purred, stepping gracefully to the bed, fingers already working at the buttons on the front of her dress. The outer layer fell down her body, pooling in a purple puddle on the floor. The gown underneath was pale yellow, a corset tightly wound around her middle, she turned, "Help me, lover?"

He almost said no, but walked over to her and loosened the strings, the corset too fell away. The dress underneath revealed a bit of her back, and once his fingers had brushed over that skin, it was as though he couldn't get enough of her. Shalon was elegant, deadly and so, so tempting. The yellow gown was soon on the floor with the other and they were both on the bed in a matter of seconds. He reached around her head and pulled out the pink ribbon. Her hair fell around her face. Break's lips, hungrily fastened themselves to Shalon's cream colored throat, while her hands tore and tore at his clothes. Should he be upset she was ruining his second-best clothes? He didn't really care.

Soon, the two of them were naked in his bed. His hands slid down over her body, it had been bare beneath the dress, he rolled over, pinning her beneath him. His lips moved down over her skin, sucking at the protruding, shape that was her collar bone sticking out slightly in thin skin. Then, he moved down to her perky breasts, it was hard to believe she had allowed herself to stop aging at sixteen. Lamia could stop aging whenever they wanted, and pick up again if they wanted, but they could never be younger again. Shalon had chosen sixteen, that was over fifty years ago… Break slid his tongue over a flushed pink nipple and around it for a moment or two, while his maker writhed beneath him. Then he switched to the other one, earning the same reaction as his hand slid between her legs.

Shalon chuckled as he pulled away and looked down at her, kneeling over her. His free hand slid down her body, down her leg, to her ankle. He lifted it up and kissed the top of her foot before removing her shoe. He did the same to her other leg, "My lady…" He basically growled, bringing his lips back to her own.

Break slip out his now damp fingers and wrapped them around his own self. Shalon's lips parted easily and her legs spread wider and wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer. He could feel her heat and knew his own was building in his stomach. "Xerxes…" Shalon gasped as he moved his mouth back down to her neck again, "My… Xerxes…."

He pushed, entering her and his whole body shuddered, it was deliciously good. Shalon giggled again and rolled over, so she was on top. She moved up and down and he helped, his hands resting on her hips. She leaned over and kissed him again, he heard a faint rattling. Shalon sat up, holding a colorfully wrapped candy in her hand; she popped it into her mouth.

Leaning back down, she slid her tongue into his mouth, along wit the candy. Sweet flavor and lustful bliss radiated through him as he and Shalon 'shared' the candy as she rode him. Meanwhile, the heat was building and building inside of his stomach, spreading to the base of his loins. He was about to loose himself, when a sharp snap brought nearly everything back into focus. Shalon had sat up, pulling the candy into her mouth and easily crunching it up. She licked her lips and smirked at him, grinding her hips faster then ever, making him groan wantonly. He choked down a yell as his mistress, his maker, screamed, orgasms moving through both their bodies. Break heard her contended sigh and felt her lift off of him. He was just coming down from a wave of pleasure and lust when his eyes landed on Shalon, she was standing at the door, fully dressed again. There was another vampire standing behind her in the open doorway, why hadn't he heard that? The new vampire was a little taller then him, his golden hair falling into his face, wine red and gold eyes glinting; of course, Break had never been her only creation. No… Shalon had made other vampires… other lovers… He hastily yanked on his pants, "Vincent…"

Vincent smirked and gave him a little wave, "Mr. Hatter…" He slid his arm around Shalon's waist, whom turned to glance at him, "Next week lover?" What choice would he have? Break nodded. Then, they were gone.

Break dressed, pulling on a fresh black shirt, a black over long coat and picked up a hat. Grasping his cane he too left the room, but headed in the opposite direction, down into the street. To Shalon… he would never be anything more then her lover-creation, her pet. He needed something else… he needed a drink. Little did he know... he was going to get his wish granted...

(1): An excerpt from the beginning of Night World

A/N: Sorry its short, I really want to make a long chapter... I'll try ^^