Title: Along for the ride.

A little AU story, what if Reid found Gideon at the cabin at the beginning of season 3 before Gideon took off on his journey to find himself?

(*Contains spoilers for the beginning of season 3, as well as season 2).

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own any right to Criminal Minds, I guess that belongs to CBS and Jeff Davis (lucky man).

At Gideon's Cabin...

As Dr. Spencer Reid drove his old Volvo towards Jason Gideon's cabin, Reid worried about the Gideon's state of mind. After all, it was Gideon's decision to have the unsub meet with her and that led to both the deaths the suicidal girl as well as the unsub. He wants to be there for Gideon and help him like Gideon has help Reid in the past. Gideon did not show up at all on the Milwaukee case, even Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner and SSA Emily Prentiss came later, as well as was not answering his phone, and Reid knew that it was not like Gideon to do anything remotely like that. Something was definitely wrong, but Reid was going to find out what exactly was going on with Gideon, the man that Reid thought more highly than anyone, including his own biological father.

As Reid approaches the cabin, he sees that the lights are on, and wonders to himself 'I wonder how Gideon is feeling. He took Sarah's death hard. I know that he also feels guilty for Hotch's suspension, but he is like a father to me, so I need to know how he is doing. He needs support right now, and I will do my best to help him and his recovery through this.'

As Reid goes into the cabin, he sees Gideon writing the note he was going to leave Reid, because Gideon knows deep inside that it would be Reid that would come looking for him. Gideon feels like he has failed in every way possible, both professionally and emotionally. So Gideon has decided to leave the FBI and go on a personal soul search, for however long it may take.

'I wonder if it is Reid who has come up here,' Gideon wondered to himself. 'He would be the first and probably the only one to come up here to check up on me and see how I am.'

As Reid finally enters the cabin he sees Gideon at his desk, writing a note that was intended for Reid to find after Gideon had left.

"This may be imposing, but how are you doing," Reid finally asked Gideon.

"How do you think I'm doing?" Gideon asked.

"I know that you feel guilty, but it was not exactly your fault. There was no way to know what that girl was going to accompish there. Stastically there was a better chance that he would have killed her, not the other way around."

"But it's still MY fault, I told Hotch to let the Unsub go, but Hotch was the suspended for it. Just like it was my fault that Frank killed Sarah."

"You once said that the human element can be impossible to predict at times. So in saying that, you have proved your own theory correct."

"I'm lost, Spencer."

"I know, but you were there for me when I needed you, so I'm returning the favor."

"This time is different."

"How so?"

"It just is Spencer. I can't explain it right now, but I know it is."

"Try me."

"Well, for starters, I'm also partially to blame for what happened to you in Georgia, after all, I told Garcia to attach that virus warning to the mpegs, not really thinking of the possible consequences of that action. For God's sake, I almost got you killed."

"You did NOT almost get me killed. It took me awhile to convince myself that I myself was not to blame for splitting up or for following Tobias into the cornfield. Tobias was ultimately the one to blame, not you ro I or anyone else."

"I'm quitting the FBI before I get anyone else hurt or killed."

"Then where will you go?"

"I don't know Spencer."

"I'm going with you."

"I don't know how long I'll be gone."

"Well, I have never taken vacation time, as well as all of the sick time, plus I think that Hotch thinks I need some time off anyway."

Gideon sighed. He knew that Reid was being sincerely about taking time off in order to help Gideon in his soul search. But Gideon did not know how long this particular soul search was going to take, or if he should burden Reid even further with all of his emotional baggage.

Should I continue? Please let me know. Thank you all for the reviews, I love any and all comments.