It was the last day of school which made me happy, The boys were talking about planning a Halo 3 weekend and something else but I really wasn't paying attention. Jarred will probably spend his summer with Kim except when he has patrol. Collin and I will probably find something to do that doesn't involve Halo and Imprints or anything like that.

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about me. My name is Brady Uley, I'm sixteen. I have chin length black hair. Really dark brown almost black eyes. I'm really muscular. Well all if the guys are. I'm about six-four.

Anyway back to what I was doing. Me and Collin were walking in the wood when we heard someone crying. We ran to the sound and found a very small girl. No older than fifteen laying on the ground bloody and beating. I couldn't speak because I was too shocked. Collin ran over and picked her up.

"Let's take her to my house. We'll see what Sam says about it. I wonder who did it?" I said as I ran through the woods.

"I don't know man buts it's bad. She won't stop bleeding. Come on Brady! Run faster man!" Collin yelled and I pushed myself further. I saw my house and burst through the door.

"SAM!! I need you now man!" I yelled as I ran in the living room. Sam came rushing down the stairs, When he saw the girl he had a horrified look on his face.

"What happened Brady?" Sam asked.

"Me and Collin were walking through the woods when we found her. She was crying but by the time we got to her she passed out. We need to help her!" I said and he nodded.

"Emily? Can you come here and clean her up? I'll take her to the guest room!" Sam said and Emily came through the living room door. When she saw the girl she had tears in her eyes. She nodded and ran upstairs. Sam took the girl from me and took her upstairs. Me and Collin were sitting in the living room waiting.

Sam and Emily came down and he looked at us and sighed. I wonder what's on his mind.

"She has Cullen's scent all over her. It's the mind readers scent. We need to have a talk with them. But first we need to wait till she wakes up so we know exactly what happened" Sam said and we nodded. Now all we had to do is wait. But for how long?

It has been two days and she still hasn't waken up. We had informed the guys about her and what happened. Let's just say they were pissed that the leeches would do something like that to someone so small. We were all sitting in my house when we heard a moan of pain from up stairs. We ran up and saw her awake.

When she looked in my eyes I knew I imprinted on her. Won't nothing holding me here but her. It was like a million little cables connecting me to her. It's a good feeling. The other day I didn't really get to look at her because I was too worried about what happened to her. She had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen, They were an electric blue. Knee length black hair but blood red tips. She had a slight tan. Full kissable lips. She was about five foot. She had a body any model would want. She was a little muscular but not by much.

"Where am I? Who are you people?" the girl said in a very bell like voice. Emily rushed to her side and sat down. She took her hands in hers and looked her in the eye.

"I'm Emily. That's Sam, Brady and Collin. You are at our house. Brady and Collin found you when they were walking through the woods. What happened? Who did this to you?" Emily asked. I was waiting to hear what the girl had to say but when I looked at her I saw that she was crying.

"I don't remember everything but I was out by a fountain when I heard someone coming up behind me. I smelt him before I saw him but he had gold eyes. I never came across a vampire with gold eyes before. But he started beating me. Why? I don't know. All I remember is him running away and then hearing two people coming then I passed out" she said and sighed. She closed her eyes then opened them again and looked at me.

"Thanks for finding me. I'm sure he would have come back to finish what he started. I have a bite mark on my foot where he bit me. Um, I'm sure you'd want to know how I know about leeches huh?" she asked and we nodded. I walked over to the bed and sat at her feet while Collin and Sam sat on the floor.

"Well, My name is Izzy Essence Swan and well I'm a Pixie. You know like Tinkerbell? Well I can change to human size but I'm still short. I have wings and magic. In my Pixie form I'm about the size of a finger. Sometimes I can take vampire powers. But that's if I really want them. Any questions?" Izzy asked and we looked shocked.

I don't think either one of us has ever came across a Pixie before. I didn't think anything besides vampires and werewolves existed. But maybe I'm wrong.

"Hey! How come you ain't turning into a vampire if he bit you?" Collin asked

"Vampire venom don't do anything to me. I can also make it where it won't kill a werewolf either. Maybe I could do it on you?" Izzy asked and once again we were shocked "So what you're saying is. You can make it where vampire venom won't kill us? That's awesome. But you can try it when you finish healing. Alright?" Sam asked and she sighed but agreed. She was about to fall asleep she popped her head up and her eyes were wide.

"Wait. Do you have any honey? That always helps me heal faster than just lying here." Izzy said and emily smiled and nodded then ran downstairs.

A few minutes later she came up with a bottle of honey and gave it to her. She ate it and then a white light was surrounding her. It was so bright we couldn't see her. When it died down Izzy was standing there. She had on a white knee length summer dress with white flip flops and he hair was up in a bun and her wings were out. They were a light blue with white, blood red and black in them. She looked absolutely amazing.

"Wow! You look so beautiful Izzy!" we all said and she blushed a little bit. She muttered a quiet thanks and looked at me.

"Brady? I know what that pull is that I feel to you. So you don't need to explain it to me. I except what you are and that you've imprinted on me. It's all good!" Izzy said and I looked shocked. All of a sudden I heard a squeal and I looked up to see her jumping up and down clapping her hands. We laughed at her and she pouted.

"I have a question. What are we going to do about that vampire? We can't let him get away with what he's done. He could do it to someone else. A human. I mean not that I'm not human but I can survive. They can't turn people into vampires. It's not right. Those people have lives to live. They ain't going to take them away. Animal drinker or not they could slip and you all know I'm right!" Izzy said and we looked at her shocked. She was a little angry and excited. I understand the angry part, That's directed to the vampires but the excitement? I have no clue. But it was cute.

"You're right Izzy. We need to do something. They can't get away with it. But let's give them a couple days and let them make it seem we're not going to do anything. Then we'll call a meeting with them but you'll have to be there" Sam said and looked at her. She looked like she was thinking hard about something and her forehead had wrinkles. I walked over and smoothed them out. She looked up and smiled a wide smile at me and I smiled back.

"Alright Sam, I'd like to see the look on his face when he realized I survived his attack. I can't help but think he was stupid. Couldn't he smell that I wasn't human? Whatever" Izzy said and we chuckled at her she giggled.

"Izzy? Where's your parents at?" Emily asked as she walked till she was in front of her.

"They got killed fifteen years ago by vampires. I wish I could've at least had the chance to say goodbye and that I loved them. My whole pixie family died that night!" Izzy said and she had purple tears sliding down her face. She whimpered and I pulled her into a hug. Twenty minutes went by and she finally stopped crying. She looked at me and muttered a thanks. She buried her head in my chest and sighed.

"Hey Izzy? Do you want to take a walk with me to the beach? You know and talk? To get to know each other?" I asked and she looked up at me with a big beautiful smile and nodded her head. She started jumping up and down squealing and clapping her hands together. She was just too cute!!

We walked downstairs and saw the pack sitting around the living room. I hadn't even heard them come in. They looked up when me and Izzy came in. They looked at me then at her then the arm I had over her shoulders and smiled.

"Guys, This is Izzy. She's umm well.. I'll let her tell you. Izzy, These are Paul, Jarred, Jacob, Leah, Seth, Embry and Quil. You already know the other two" I said and sat on the couch and pulled Izzy to sit beside me. She started bouncing and giggling.

"Yes. As you know. I'm Izzy Essence Swan and I'm a pixie!!!" Izzy said and they looked just as shocked as we did when she told us.

"Oh my god. Can you really be that tiny like tinker bell?" Paul asked and she nodded and in a matter of seconds she was really really tiny. She was flying around the room. She went over and landed on Sam shoulder and he didn't even know.

"Hello Sam, How are you?" Izzy asked and Sam jumped two feet in the air and screamed a little bit. She was rolling around laughing.

"Don't do that Izzy. It ain't right!" Sam said and he pouted a little and we laughed again.

"Aww. I'm sorry Sam, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to make you scream like a girl." Izzy said and giggled.

She turned back to her human size and was sitting beside me. They looked at her in amazement.

"Well guys we're going to the beach. We'll see you later." I said and grabbed her hand and walked out the door.


When we got to the beach we sat there staring at each other. She was so beautiful. I could just star at her all day. I haven't even known her but a few hours and I already love her.

I'm glad I finally imprinted. I can't wait to see what that bloodsucker says when he sees her. I know he won't be happy that she's alive but he ain't going to hurt her anymore. I can't believe he did that to her. I got knocked back from my thoughts when she placed her hand in mine.

"What are you thinking so hard about Brady?" My Izzy asked me.

"I'm just thinking what that bloodsucker will think when he sees you. You know Izzy, he won't hurt you again. You know that right?" I asked and she nodded and smiled a brilliant smile that could knock someone off their feet and I couldn't help but smile back.

"He probably thinks I'm dead or something. I mean I would have died if you guys hadn't of found me and gave me honey. I would've died. That's the only way I can really survive. Honey keeps my energy up and I forgot what else my grandmother said it helps with. I miss my family so much!" Izzy said and I pulled her into my side. She snuggled into me and looked up and smiled.

"Tell me about yourself Izzy and about your family" I said and she sighed and nodded.

"Well. I'm 15. I like shopping. Painting. Making things. I'll show some things I've made later but I had three brothers and two sisters. Their names were Aiden, Michael and Keith and my sisters names were Ashley she was older than me. She was 17 then there was Kayla. She was 16. Michael was 19 and Aiden and Keith were twins but you couldn't really tell. They were the same age. They were 12. I miss them so much. Even though they played pranks all the time. We used to prank the other family members when they weren't looking. I'm glad I got to spend what little time I had with them before those nasty leeches killed them!" Izzy said. She had tears running down her face. It hurt me to see her like this. But I know I can't do anything for her but be there for her.

"Tell me about yourself Brady" Izzy said.

"Well. I'm 16. Sam is my blood brother. The others are like brothers but they don't come close like me and Sam. We always have fun together. Our parents left when Sam was old enough to take care of me. He was the first one to phase. It was hard on him. Then it was Jarred then Paul, Then Embry. Then Jacob. Then Quil, Then me. The last ones were Leah, Collin and Seth. I like to go cliff diving. Playing video games and other stuff. There's not really anything to do around here" I said. I looked down and she smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Well, we better get back. I bet dinners ready" I said and chuckled when she giggled at me.

We walked home holding hands and it felt so right. I love her so much it hurts and it wasn't even a whole day yet. I'm glad she accepts me being what I am. When we got there they were just sitting down. Emily had fixed a plate for Izzy and the girls were in the living room talking. That was until we heard what Izzy had said and Sam jumped up and went running in there with me right behind him.

"You know Emily. I can get rid of those scars if you want. It won't hurt. You'll just feel a little sting and it would be over within two hours" Izzy said in her tinkling bell like voice.

"Oh my god. Can you really? Please do it. I don't like Sam feeling guilty because of it." Emily said. She had tears in her eyes from whenever Sam would look at her you could see the guilt. Izzy looked at Sam and sighed.

"Sam. You should know it's not your fault. You were new at this and don't say I don't know anything because I have the power to see what someone most regrets and she doesn't hate you for it and it's not because of the imprinting. You need to get over the guilt and be happy you didn't kill her. Now if I feel the guilt coming from you I will knee you where no boy should be kneed. Am I clear?" Izzy asked and Sam visibly gulped and nodded. We laughed at him and Izzy turned to us and glared.

"You all should stop laughing. Would you want to be kneed in the most private area? I didn't think so!" Izzy said and huffed. She sat down and we looked at each other and paled. I heard giggling and looked back to see Emily, Kim and Izzy giggling at us. I walked over to Izzy and started tickling her. Then all of a sudden she popped into her tiny pixie form and hid somewhere.

"Hey where did Izzy go?" Paul asked.

"I don't know. Izzy? Come out now!" Emily said and Izzy walked downstairs in human form wearing black and red plaid baggy sleep pants and a black tank top. She had her hair in a messy bun and she had white ankle socks on.

"Can we watch a movie?" Izzy asked and I smiled and nodded.

I put in "Pineapple Express" We started watching the movie and halfway through Emily got up and got us some popcorn but brung Izzy a bottle of honey. They were looking at her weirdly but when she explained what it does they understood. After we watched that Sam put in scary movie. Izzy was laughing so hard she fell off the couch then we started laughing at her. When she heard us laughing at her she pouted and crossed her arms and huffed. I picked her up and sat her on my lap and kissed her head. She looked up and smiled at me and I smiled back.

Two hours later she was asleep against my chest and I started to doze off. I kissed her forehead and went to sleep. Dreaming of my wonderful imprint. My Izzy!!!