Sniff.. the last chapter T.T But fear not! A new idea of Brelice fiction is flowing into my mind~

Chapter 12

Alice nervously shifted around with her feet in the mass of leafs on the ground. Autumn. Not cold enough to wear thick clothes, and not warm enough to wear t-shirts. Her least favourite season.

It's only been three days after the… incident. Alice coughed awkwardly. But she'd taken off from work and stayed home to finish some things. The first thing she saw when she walked around town again was that autumn had showed himself a little more. Alice stuck her hands in her coat with a frown.

But she wasn't here to criticize the weather or climate or any of those things. She was here with a mission! Alice chuckled knowing how cheesy that sounded. She hoped he'd received it on time and would actually come. Tomorrow she had to have the project finished, and she was almost done with her story.

So yesterday afternoon she met Liam and practically ordered him to give Xerxes the small bundle of papers with no other note attached to it. He should get the message, right? So Alice was waiting in her front garden while toying around with the cat who was oddly fascinated with the leaves. Glen wasn't here, but she felt more comfortable outside then inside.

She leaned again the wooden fence on her porch and shuffled her foot around to amuse the cat. Cheshire was absolutely delighted to not only have this kind of attention of his beloved boss, but also that she'd actually make the leaves move. He went after them quickly to implant his claws into it with a happy purr.

Alice looked up when she heard a cough and smiled lightly when she saw Xerxes standing there, hands in his pockets, a plastic bag around his arm. She had a feeling she knew what was in there!

"Very subtle, forcing Liam to give it to me." He deadpanned. "He practically shoved it into my face. Really, couldn't you have sent it?"

"I had to make sure you'd read it, now didn't I?"

He smiled at her and sat down on the steps to her porch, holding the plastic bag out. Alice quickly took it and put it down on the porch.

"So what did you think?"

"Amusing." He answered, a tad of doubt in his voice. "But I didn't get the ending. Was it an open ending or was it just not finished?"

"Not finished."

"You have decided on an ending by now then? You can't submit it unfinished, I assume."

"Nah, I haven't decided on anything yet and yes, I can't submit it this way. Guess I'll have to write that part tonight."

"Any ideas?"

Alice smiled and shuffled her foot again for the cat, who happily mewled at her. Eventually Cheshire got more than bored of it and left to inspect the plastic bag. "Actually I wanted to know if you knew a good ending. The story is about you as well, you should have some influence on it."

Xerxes frowned and looked at his knees. "I don't have any original ideas."

"I thought the last one was rather... original. But you're the one that has to work it out in order to make it look believable on paper."

Alice closed her eyes, knowing that if she'd look at her friend she'd blush madly and her plan would be effectively destroyed because he'd bully her with it. Or not. She didn't know in which kind off mood he was at the moment.

"You mean…" she heard him ask, confused, but she almost wanted to snap at him he didn't have to sound so damn mischievous.

"I'm waiting." She spurred him on further and she heard him chuckle. She knew he would think it was funny. Maybe he expected it, seeing he's some alienated clown. Alice smiled and sneaked a peek just when he stood up and walked over to her.

"You're not going to go away and avoid me?" He asked when he was standing before her, looking at her seriously, with a hint of a smile on his lips.

"I wouldn't avoid you or something." She muttered. "I'm quite content with having you around. I just realized that three days too late… Sorry."

He gave her a happy smile that made her stomach tingle a little and couldn't help but smile back a little, unsure of her next move. That all didn't seem to matter much though, when he wasn't too slow with putting one hand on her neck and the other on her cheek. He pulled her towards her and Alice's eyes fluttered closed when his lips touched hers quick after. Putting her hand over the one covering her cheek she pressed a little harder and felt him smile.

She completely forgot she was in the middle of her garden where people could see them, and honestly she didn't really care either, because all she could focus on was Xerxes, and his scent, and his hands, and his lips. Normally she would've punched him for that one mood-killing joke he made when they broke for air, but Alice just didn't find any will to do so and instead gave him a glare before pulling him back for another round.


With a start Alice broke away from Xerxes and looked at the car which just parked on the driveway with wide eyes.

"Enjoying yourselves?"

Seeing Alice's panicked look when she locked eyes with her step father, Xerxes quickly released her out of his hold and apologetically smiled at Glen who eyed him with mild amusement.

"Eh, this isn't, why are you, I mean-" Alice took a deep breath, rubbing her hands on her cheeks to remove the blush.

"I'm home early because I thought you would feel lonely, seeing I worked the entire week. Guess I was wrong."

Xerxes snickered and it resulted into Alice punching his arm embarrassedly.

"But don't mind me, the guys have been demanding that I'd go out with them. Tonight's the perfect occasion."

Alice looked at him dumbfounded before she caught on. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, you two can spent the night here. I'll stay at Peter's tonight. Just don't do any things I wouldn't do."

"What?" Alice shrieked. "What the hell do you think you are implying?" Alice still had her hands on her cheeks and she positively felt them burning. This sucked!

"I think he means we might have intercourse tonight, pumpkin." He was quickly reduced to a fleeing white blur because Alice decided she had to hit him multiple times for not only the nickname, but also for saying such a thing out loud with no shame, to the step father of his… err… girlfriend… she supposed.

And if she would've listened closely, she heard Glen murmur something about young love and kids these days after he put his stuff away in the house. Alice had gotten her revenge on Xerxes and walked into the house with the ever remaining blush on her cheeks. He followed her soon after with a sneaky smile.

The rest of the month went by normally. For other people then. Alice had been thoroughly embarrassed after a slap on her behind at work ("before you strangle me, I want to say you have the best ass in the world, wifey!"), which was followed with a chase from Alice's side. She couldn't leave the few heated make out sessions out either, and discovered her dear boy… friend (Alice fiddled with her fingers) loved to do these on particular places, such as in the park or in the back rooms of the ice cream shop. Of course he'd love to show affection to her in front of Glen as well, but seeing her step father didn't particularly mind, she started to mind less as well. Next to that Sharon demanded juicy details while all they did was just kissing and she had to hear Oz shamelessly teaching her sex-ed. (Why did everything thought of that so quickly?)

All in all, a normal week for other people. Alice wondered how much more blood could raise to her cheeks.

"What are you thinking about~"

"Anything but what you're thinking about."

"Too bad." Xerxes grinned and petted her head, which was positioned on his chest. Alice sighed and tried to focus on the movie they were watching, but it was hard with him so close. She ought to be used to his now.

"Don't you think it's weird Glen took later shifts?" He asked, but with the amused tone in it, Alice already knew he knew. Glen was terrified he walked in on them, and she could imagine how horrible it would be if you walked in on your (step)daughter and her boyfriend. Yeah, she totally understood him.

Thus, Alice ignored the question and continued focusing on the television. "You're ignoring me~"

"I'm trying to concentrate." Alice replied smartly, burying her hands in his shirt childishly. He snickered amused.

"Don't tell me you haven't watched this movie ten times already. There's a reason it was next to the television and not stacked up somewhere." Darn it.

Giving in, Alice sat up and moved for the remote control, pausing the movie. "It was your idea to watch a movie. If you don't want to, you shouldn't have proposed it!"

"I did want to, but I grew tired of it!"

Alice's mouth twitched as she wanted to throw out he was acting like a woman on her period. But he'd prove her wrong so she just kept quiet. "I'm gonna get snacks." Alice announced, jumping of the couch and perfectly dodging his grabbing hand at her waist. Ha!

Waiting for the magnetron to be finished with the popcorn, Alice sat on the kitchen table and stared at it with a smile. Now she could brag about being in love as much as she wanted to Sharon and seeing she already had her fill, Sharon was going to listen to her as well!

"Did you pause the movie?" Xerxes shook his head and Alice pouted. "You're gonna miss Edward's confession to Jane!"

"Honestly Alice, I rather wait for the popcorn with you than watch a minute more of the theatrical drama that calls itself Jane Eyre."

"You culture bastard! It's a lovely movie. You'll have to watch it more often if you're intending on being here."

"Let's make a compromise, I'll mesmerize the movie if you become my lovely wifey!"

"Quit with the wifey thing!" Alice immediately responded out of reflex. "And take it one thing at a time will you. I don't think I'm ready to have you around everywhere yet."

"Aw? At least come and live with me? I'll kick Liam out~"

"Nah-ah, it's not the deadline yet." Alice smirked evilly.

"Why did I ever come up with that fifty-two rule." He whined and Alice smirked. In order to have a little payback at him, she'd put a rule for a few things, such as living together and… ahem… sex. Though the last one failed because of him. But the living together, she could refuse! Alice felt strangely powerful.

"I'll just have to seduce you into coming for slumber parties then~" He suggested and she rolled her eyes at him; but she couldn't say she minded. He grinned at her and moved over to her to kiss her, completely ignoring the ting of the magnetron.

"The movie," Alice said when he broke with her to reposition and he smirked.

"According to Jane's happy sighs, they're probably kissing. I say we should follow their example~"

"Only if you finish the movie." Alice pushed him away and jumped of the table to get a bowl for the popcorn, filling it, and returning to the couch, pulling her unwilling boyfriend with her. To give him at least a bit of what he wanted, Alice settled against his chest when they were both seated again, hearing him making an approving sound. She smiled contently at that.

Cheeeesy :3

R&R! :D