Reno's shoulders sagged as he walked out of the testing room, the spring in his step put there simply out of habit. His throat was parched and his lips were tired from excessive whistling, but he had done it. He had finished the damned test with time to spare and, as his painfully throbbing left hand was persistently reminding him, in great detail. He had answered every question as best he could; at times simply putting down a bulleted list of everything Tseng had told him he had to remember and at other times writing page long paragraphs. Reno felt he deserved an award for all his effort but he had to admit, not dying would probably work just as well as any trophy.

Reno's step faltered slightly as his foot met a slick surface, his purchase on the ground held only by sheer persistence. Had Reno been paying attention to his surroundings instead of whimpering at his twitching, aching hand he probably would have noticed that the floor was covered in coffee and blood. Thin red eyebrows raised in confusion as the eyes below them scanned the hall, stopping to rest on the very out of place looking Tseng sitting just outside of the coffee and blood mixture. Reno quickly took in Tseng's appearance and in moments he knew that something was wrong; as if the unpleasant fluids on the floor weren't indication enough. Tseng had his arms wrapped around his knees, his face buried in the crook of one elbow. His dark hair which was normally perfect in every respect was disheveled, small wisps jutting out at delicate angles from his head as the elastic holder threatened to come out altogether as if protesting its wearer's sudden lack of professionalism. It didn't take a genius to know that Tseng had been crying, a good thing since Reno was not a genius by any stretch of the imagination. His hunched back shook gently with residual sobs, his breathing uneven and hitched.

Reno crossed the lake of caffeinated blood without any care for how much it splashed when his foot intruded on its stagnant state. He knelt down beside Tseng, his hands immediately reaching out to cradle the distraught man in his arms. They were almost allowed to do so, but at the last moment Reno remembered where they were and used all the self-control he had in his system to simply rest one hand on top of the work hardened hand that covered Tseng's elbow. Reno felt the undeniable urge to wrap his hands around the soft face hidden from view and force the dark wet eyes to look at him and the fear of Tseng being hurt because of his lack of respect for the carefully laid rules was the only thing that stopped him.

Reno had only seen Tseng cry a few times and the sight always brought out the protective emotions he had always felt for the battered angel huddled in front of him. He knew that the blood on the ground didn't belong to Tseng, his angel didn't cry over his own thin fluids after seeing them spilt so many times. The coffee belonged to Tseng though, its color and scent a unique mix that only Tseng could make. Reno assumed that there were probably other people in the world who could mix a good cup of coffee, but those people didn't count when compared to the beautiful creature seated before him. Reno felt a small bubble of worry blossom in his chest when Tseng didn't stir at his touch, the smallest of things were always noticed by Tseng and the fact that he didn't acknowledge Reno's presence made the red-head's shoulders tense. A frightened whisper accompanied by a small shake broke through the suddenly thin air of the hall, blue eyes silently willing Tseng's head to lift so that he could see those tear dampened eyes and figure out what was wrong. "Tseng?"

Tseng curled in on himself tighter, his fear and worry reminding him of when he was a teenager huddled in Reno's arms after a particularly frightening episode with one of their now gone demons. For a moment Tseng felt the powerful urge to laugh, already having identified Rodney as a wolfish beast intent of ripping him limb from limb despite the fact that the man had been easily overpowered by Tseng's physical skill. He was surprised that it had taken him this many years to figure out that not all demons fought with the same kind of fire. He could hear Reno's desperate desire to see him unfurl from the small ball he was curled into in the worry filled voice brushing across his skin and he lifted his head and turned it to the side, his somewhat damp eyelashes sticking together and blurring his vision. It was obvious to him that Reno was having a hard time restraining himself, the tightly curled hand covering his own trembled with the effort it took to keep it from roaming. Tseng sniffed and found that he was having just as much trouble refraining from burying his head in the crook of Reno's neck like he had so many years ago after that first freedom filled kiss. The memory of that one kiss that had marked the end of their innocence like a tombstone brought him back to his senses with a head clearing jolt. He sat up and wiped his eyes on the backs of his hands roughly, dragging the tears from his eyelashes without ceremony. Tseng took one deep shuddering breath and looked at Reno; his head leaned back against the wall as he took in the dye covered scars that caressed Reno's cheekbones almost delicately, framing the blue eyes filled with worry and passion that gazed at him expectantly. A small smile took hold of his lips as he realized just how little he cared about Rodney breaking through their ruse anymore, the sight of Reno's loving gaze throwing light on just how hopeless their situation had been even before Rodney had uncovered them. Was it better for them to live in synchronized fear for a few years when they could spend at least one night in complete and utter freedom?

All thoughts of mentioning Rodney's deal to Reno vanished as he stood and dragged Reno to his feet, plans for a future falling like shackles around their feet. If he told Reno then Reno would try and kill Rodney. If Reno killed Rodney then Shinra would kill Reno. If Shinra killed Reno then Tseng would try and kill Shinra and then someone would kill him. It was a vicious cycle of events that would only end with both of them dead. If Rodney kept his threat however, they would both be dead anyways. Tseng decided then and there, looking at Reno's confused and worried face, that he would rather have them both die trying to protect each other from Shinra's bullets than die trying to fight a losing battle. There was no escaping death and Tseng wasn't sure he wanted to try anymore. He pressed one finger to Reno's opened and ready to question lips with a sad smile. "Not here." He moved the finger to stroke across Reno's jaw line tenderly, wishing that the whole world could see just how much he loved him.

Reno found himself trembling at the small gesture despite Tseng's worrisome behavior. Tseng had set the rules about their physical contact and Reno had adhered to them no matter how much pain it caused him at times, but now Tseng was purposefully scraping his toes across those lines, skewing them and blurring them only a few feet away from a steadily whirring security camera that recorded every rebellious moment. Reno hoped to Gaia that no one was manning the screen for that particular camera, his fear mixed with the desire for Tseng to touch him in far more intimate ways. He felt Tseng's hand grab his wrist and gently drag him down the hall and he allowed himself to be led, his mouth shut and his eyes open to the dark haired wonder before him and nothing else. The constant press of death seemed to release its chokehold on them as they traversed the halls, the silent specter that had haunted them seeming overjoyed by their acceptance of his presence and rewarding them with an unchallenged assent to Tseng's quarters.

Tseng let recklessness fall around his shoulders like a warm jacket, his only thoughts for the beautiful man that was, for once, trailing behind him. He noticed with grim satisfaction that no one was around to challenge their brisk walk to his apartment and he smiled as he unlocked it with one hand, the other still holding fast to Reno's wrist. He wasn't afraid that Reno would leave, he was never afraid of that, what he was worried about was losing the contact for even a second and possibly coming to his godsdamned senses. If there was anything he didn't want right at that moment it was a visit from his fearful conscience. He pulled Reno inside his apartment and slammed the door shut behind them, both of them kicking off their shoes before Tseng dragged Reno to the couch and practically threw him into a sitting position. Tseng growled and set himself in Reno's lap, calloused hands pressing slim shoulders into the couch below him. Reno looked up at him with hopeful, lust-darkened eyes and Tseng felt all the blood in his body rush to his groin, his brain refusing to function as he momentarily forgot to breathe. Reno gulped audibly and curled his fingers in the front of Tseng's shirt warily, his hands shaking slightly. "Tseng?"

Tseng decided then and there that he would never get enough of Reno saying his name. He had several things he wanted to say at that moment, but none of the words would make it past his emotion clenched throat as he tried to keep from melting at the wonderfully beautiful expression on Reno's face, blue eyes silently willing him to finish what he started. He took a deep breath and forced words to come out of his mouth, his voice husky and strained. "Reno, I want you. Now. Here. I don't care what the rest of the world thinks about it. I just want you. I'm sick of waiting. If we keep waiting it will never happen. I want you to do the things to me you have wanted to do since we met."

Reno's breath hitched immediately, wonderfully dark fantasies playing out in his mind's eye. He smirked up at Tseng and began running his hands up and down the man's sides, his fingers drinking in the warmth below them. "You want me to do everything tonight? I don't think we have the energy for all that Tsengy." Reno chuckled at Tseng's dark blush and threaded his fingers in dark hair, bending the red face down to his so that he could taste the delicious mouth he had been denied for years. He ran his tongue across Tseng's lower lip before gently probing inside the warm cavern, his entire body shivering with delight when Tseng's tongue twined with his. His free hand began pushing off Tseng's jacket, the zipper in the front difficult to undo with only one hand. The fingers that dug into his shoulders were removed for only a moment while the jacket slid to the floor with a soundless flop, its wearer too concerned with the tongue plundering his mouth to care about the inevitable wrinkles it would acquire. Reno could have sworn he was in heaven as he carefully unknotted Tseng's tie and dropped it to the floor, his every sense filled with the man straddling his ever pressing erection.

Tseng moaned lightly as Reno's tongue left his mouth, the slick muscle moving downwards to join the teeth nipping gently at his neck. He would have asked Reno to bite down harder but he knew that the tooth marks left behind would be hard to explain if he did. Reno's finger's trailed down his chest as his shirt was undone, every inch of newly exposed skin being graced with a tender kiss. His own finger's held tight to Reno's shoulders for support as he fought to hold up his swimming head. Soon his shirt was completely undone and Reno pulled it off his torso, their lips and tongue's embracing again as Tseng swayed forward. They moaned in unison and Tseng curled his hands in Reno's hair, daring the red-head to try and move away. He felt Reno's lips twitch upwards in a self-assured smirk and growled, his hips pressing down wantonly as Reno's fingers traced nonsensical paths up his chest. Reno whimpered and began hastily and haphazardly removing Tseng's belt, the buckle almost seeming like a foreign object to his lust-swamped brain.

Reno felt his eyes roll back in his head and was sure they would stay there permanently if Tseng didn't stop his attempts to ride him through their clothes. He could feel Tseng's fingers fumbling over the knot of his tie and the buttons on his shirt, his jacket already pulled off to join the growing pile of clothes on the floor. It seemed to take an eternity but finally his trembling fingers were able to slip Tseng's frustrating belt out of his pants, the thin leather successfully earning Reno's displeasure as Tseng pulled off his shirt. Reno broke away from the kiss to breathe, his head swimming from lack of oxygen and Tseng's hips snapped down again. Reno growled, his finger's digging into Tseng's buttocks to lift him away from his lap as the squirming body above him threatened to make a mess of his pants.

Tseng gave a rather unmanly yelp as Reno lifted them both into a standing position, strong legs wrapping around slim hips to rub their prominent erections together. He moaned, Reno's trembling steps adding more friction as he was carted off to the bedroom. Tseng gasped as Reno's teeth pinched his nipple, the treatment given to the sensitive bud only adding to the pleasure coursing through his veins. Reno slammed him back on the mattress as Tseng's eyes struggled to adjust to the sudden darkness of the bedroom where night had crept in without their notice. Reno hastily removed his pants and underwear, both pieces of fabric sliding off his legs in one sharp tug. Cool air hit Tseng's bouncing erection only seconds before Reno's warm breath, both sensations sending his body trembling. Tseng heard Reno chuckle darkly as his hand clenched around his rosy member, the straining skin flushed dark with excitement.

Reno moaned at the silky feel of Tseng's aching erection, the succulent flesh only inches away from his mouth before he consciously decided that he wanted to taste it. Another moan flooded his ears as his tongue darted across the tip, Tseng's entire body tensing under his hands as he let the smooth skin slide over his tongue like honey. Reno trailed his tongue across every bit of Tseng's delicious member that he could reach, the taste flooding his mouth and augmenting his own desire. Tseng whimpered and Reno watched his hands clench the sheets tightly as he finally sucked the tip past his lips, his hand moving to cradle swinging sacks gently in his palm. His head bobbed up and down slowly, the rhythm he set making Tseng's already thick flesh grow even harder. When he heard Tseng start to whimper his name like a mantra he picked up the pace, balls growing tight in his hand as he tried to suckle more of the chokingly large member. Just as he managed to swallow Tseng to the hilt a whimpering cry echoed through the room and he felt thick liquid slide down the back of his throat. He quickly pulled the member out, desperate to taste some of the creamy substance on his tongue as it shot out in thick ropes. Reno sighed with happiness as he looked up at Tseng's face while he lapped up the last of the delicious juices, words failing his rubbed raw throat as he tried to tell Tseng just how beautiful he was spread across the sheets with pleasure etched into his face.

Tseng panted harshly as he came down from his high, Reno's kisses to his still twitching member gentle reminders of just who had brought him to completion. Reno shed the last of his clothes before crawling up to cup his face in his hands, blue eyes practically glowing with desire. Tseng felt despair gnaw at his heart as he felt Reno's fingers trail over his face and thread into his hair, the thought of Reno never being able to touch him so intimately after the night was over shoving a lump in his throat that refused to budge as he choked on it. Reno took the few salty tears he shed as ones of bliss and smiled softly as he bent down and kissed them away, his warm lips only making Tseng want to cry harder. Tseng sat up and wrapped his arms around the lover and friend whose time he knew was limited in the world and buried his head in a good as dead shoulder, all they had done and planned to do only fixing their tombstones into more solid ground. Reno nuzzled the top of his head gently and stroked a soothing hand up and down his back, thin fingers brushing doubt and fear to the back of Tseng's mind as he gulped hard to try and dislodge the hard lump in his throat.

Reno breathed deeply to capture the intoxicating scent of the dark hair beneath his nose, his entire body simply feeling alive as he cradled Tseng against his chest. The fingers he trailed over Tseng's trembling skin remembered just how frail he could still be no matter how hard his abused body had been pushed. Reno felt as if he was holding warm glass, the scars crisscrossing Tseng's back feeling like delicate cracks in a glass figurine that had been dropped more often than it needed to be, yet it had managed to stay blessedly intact despite the jarring trips to the ground. He could feel a few salty tears soaking into his skin and for some reason they made him happy, because he had caused them. Emotions were difficult for Tseng and the fact that he was clinging to Reno so desperately now, his slim frame trembling and his limbs twined around Reno's body as if he wished to be enveloped in it made Reno's heart swell to bursting. Reno threaded his fingers into Tseng's hair and nuzzled against his ear, whispering words he hadn't had the chance to repeat in years. "I love you Tseng."

Tseng thought he had his composure back, his body still trembling as he worked to contain the horrifying thoughts that told him he would have to watch as Reno died, images of a bullet torn yet still strikingly beautiful body lying cold on the floor making his head swim as breath became harder and harder to force past the lump in his throat and into his lungs. He had thought he had his composure back; the lump was finally being battled back into the bottle where he stoppered up his emotions. Then Reno whispered into his ear, the gentle words that spoke volumes ripping away any chance at winning the fight with his emotions. The ever swelling lump in his throat burst out in a sob as he choked out the words he wanted to say. "I love you too Reno."

Reno pulled Tseng's wet face away from his chest, the tears leaking from dark eyes now impossible to hide. He placed a gentle kiss on every part of Tseng's face he could, whispering "I love you," after every tender caress his lips lavished upon Tseng's skin. Tseng sniffled quietly, his eyes shut tight as he tried to dry them. Reno chuckled and rubbed his thumbs over twitching eyelids, the happy smile on his face unable to leave. "Open your eyes Tseng."

Tseng took one last deep breath, his sobbing making it hard to force the air into his lungs. He let it out slowly as he opened his eyes, his blurry vision flooded with vibrant red and soft blue darkened to an almost green with emotions Tseng could tell were reserved for him and him alone. Briefly he was allowed to wonder if his own eyes mirrored the unbridled passion in Reno's, but he doubted it as slim fingers traced across his cheek lovingly to wipe away residual moisture from sorrowfully happy tears. If there were such emotions in him as what Reno seemed to radiate then he wasn't sure he could ever express them properly. He knew he felt the same things for Reno as the red-head felt for him, but guilt significantly diminished their intensity as he tried not to think about how beautiful Reno would manage to look spread eagle on President Shinra's carpeted floor, his own blood pooling around him and staining the pristine white carpet a bright red.

Reno cupped Tseng's still damp face, dark eyes looking guilty as they selfishly drank in all the love Reno had to offer. Reno's pulse beat wildly through his veins, his every nerve ending on fire as he drowned in the dark pools he wanted to swim in forever. The dark eyes shimmered with unspeakable love and need as Reno bent down to slip his mouth over delicately puffed lips he had consumed with such fervor before. He couldn't help but moan at the contact, Tseng's whimpering shiver making the instinct to bend the man over and ravish him almost overwhelming. Reno managed to restrain himself, his limbs shaking with the effort to keep his lust at bay as he stroked Tseng's face softly. Tseng pressed into him, well toned arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him closer as their tongues twined together in a slow and sensual dance that made Reno's aggravatingly insistent erection even more distressed. He did his best to be gentle with his treasure, pressing the abused body against the mattress as if he truly was the glass figurine Reno imagined him to be.

Tseng moaned as Reno's trembling hand ran up his thigh, fingers reverently tracing over each scar. He didn't deserve the gentle attentions being showered upon him and he knew it, but no matter how unworthy he felt of the loving caresses that brought his body to life he had no intentions of reprimanding his selfish need to have Reno love him. He whimpered as Reno's tongue brushed over his open and hungry lips, his tongue darting out to invite Reno's back inside.

Reno accepted the invitation with a moan of his own, his entire body trembling with restrained need as Tseng wordlessly begged to be ravaged, his hips bucking upwards to press their weeping erections together. It was getting harder and harder for Reno to keep his hips from snapping forward to plunge him into Tseng's deliciously warm body as his trembling fingers pulled Tseng's wonderfully smooth buttocks apart to allow one slim digit to dance around the tight ring of pink muscle buried within. Tseng moaned and Reno trailed his lips over the neck Tseng offered him as his body arched off the bed, his finger still tracing and prodding at the warm entrance he wanted to pound into so badly.

When the finger finally slipped inside him Tseng groaned, his hand reaching down to wrap around Reno's cock while the red-head was sufficiently distracted by the velvety feel of his previously untouched insides. Tseng couldn't help but grin at the surprised groan that his hand pulled from Reno's throat. Reno bucked into his hand, his limbs trembling as he tried to restrain himself. Tseng didn't want restraint; he wanted Reno to pound into him as hard as he could until the obvious need in the member that thrust into his hand was sated. He was so fixated on making Reno's resolve break that he didn't realize a second finger had been slipped inside him until the digits curled and stroked a spot inside him that made his entire body spasm in pleasure. Reno chuckled in his ear, the sound adding to the spine tingling pleasure as the fingers curled again. He mewled and arched; his entire body desperate for the release he had been gifted with once already. Tseng gasped and pulled Reno closer, his body shuddering as his prostate was stroked again. "Please Reno!"

Reno groaned as Tseng whimpered and begged in his ear, the desperate pleas making his own need grow. At Tseng's insistence he settled himself in front of the entrance he had spent so long stretching and preparing, hoping that he had done enough to prevent the pain he had heard so much about. Tseng bucked upwards and Reno was suddenly engulfed by the velvety skin he had dreamed of. He buried himself to the hilt, his desire feeding on Tseng's whimpering groan. Reno panted harshly as he waited for Tseng to adjust to the intense stretching his insides were undergoing. Shaking fingers brushed black hair out of a sweaty awe-filled face and Reno layered more kisses over the flushed skin cupped between his hands.

Tseng returned the gesture, his fingers twining through red-hair as his lips brushed over salty sweet skin before finally closing over tender lips. Tseng pushed his hips upwards as he resumed whispering quiet pleas against the lips he craved. Reno groaned and gave in to the desire flooding his system, his hips snapping back and forth and plunging him in and out of Tseng's moist cavern. Tseng groaned loudly and wrapped his legs around Reno's waist, his hips bucking upwards and driving Reno deeper into him. His prostate was stroked with each thrust and the room echoed with the sounds of slapping flesh, unhindered passionate moans, and frantic breathing. Tseng's entire mind was filled with only Reno and how wonderfully intoxicating his every movement was. Reno's loving blue eyes danced in and out of his vision with every harsh thrust, the sweetness radiating from the deep blue orbs making him want to cry as his orgasm edged closer. Reno began to move faster and Tseng realized that even though his mind was completely blank his mouth was issuing whimpering demands for more of anything Reno could give him.

Reno was operating purely on pleasure-filled instinct, his every movement orchestrated by the desires of his body. His hips snapped forward of their own accord, only changing pace when Tseng begged them to. His fingers danced over heated flesh as his mouth roamed the parts of Tseng's body it could reach without interrupting the constant motion going on below. His sight was speckled with white as his climax drew nearer, the pleasure coiling in his stomach driving thought from his brain as he guided them both to completion, his fingers wrapping around Tseng's member to milk out the delicious seed he had feasted on earlier. When the creamy substance splashed through his fingers and over his chest he felt his entire body shudder with his release, the white spots in his eyes growing to blur his vision completely as he groaned Tseng's name.

When Reno's vision cleared he found himself panting and shaking on top of Tseng, his sated member still embedded inside the body he was clinging to desperately. Tseng had his fingers laced in his hair and was panting just as harshly as he was. Reno couldn't help but give a small chuckle as he realized that he had blacked out from the sensory overload, the sound raw and breathy as it tumbled gracelessly from his lips. He picked himself up off of Tseng's warm body and removed his slick member from it, his own fluids leaking out to christen the sheets. His tired body rolled to Tseng's side and lay still, panting harshly as Tseng wrapped trembling limbs around him. Reno wrapped his arms around Tseng with a quiet murmur. "Tseng, that was amazing."

Tseng smiled and planted a soft kiss on Reno's chest, the waves of pleasure he was riding on beginning to die down. His eyelids began to flutter as exhaustion hit him like a brick, his entire body suddenly feeling incredibly heavy. "I love you Reno."

Reno smiled as he watched the ceiling draw in and out of focus above him. "I love you too Tseng."

Tseng nuzzled his head into the crook of Reno's shoulder with a happy sigh. He was easily falling asleep nestled in the comforting arms of his dedicated lover, the thoughts that normally chased him into sleep lying dormant as if to allow him the time to cherish the last night he had with the only person he had ever loved.

When Tseng woke Reno was still holding him, his arms just as warm and reassuring as they had been when he fell asleep. Tseng smiled and simply let his body rest against his living pillow, the alarm clock that normally woke him sleeping silently on the nightstand. He could read the red numbers that glared at him from over Reno's shoulder, their glow letting him know just how upset the alarm clock was that he had woken up without its help. Tseng was content to lie exactly where he was even as his bladder protested loudly against the notion of staying beside Reno. He ignored the ever insistent demands of his bladder for as long as he could, wishing that he could stay wrapped in soft, warm arms forever. Finally he could wait no longer and extricated himself from Reno's side with a sad sigh, his somewhat sore body missing the warmth lost at the motion. He walked stiff legged to the bathroom adjacent his bedroom, the relief he sought quickly found.

Reno woke up confused and somewhat scared, the warm spot beside him quickly growing cold as his tired hands searched it over curiously. He sat up and scanned the room with an almost frantic air when the woosh of water running from a faucet assaulted his eardrums. His sigh of relief mingled with the noise as he stumbled to his feet and staggered sleepily to Tseng's bathroom. Tseng had left the door open and Reno couldn't help but giggle as he scanned Tseng's body. His rear was completely coated in dried cum and his chest had a similar coating of the same substance. Reno noticed that he really wasn't much better off, his own chest a sticky mess that crumbled under his hand. He smirked as Tseng gave him an odd look, confusion mixing with happiness and bashfulness as he realized that he was being examined. "Mornin' Tsengy-poo."

"Good morning Reno." Tseng blushed as Reno's eyes roamed his body without restraint, the amusement dancing in the somewhat sleepy blue orbs contagious. He chuckled and shook his head in confusion. "What?"

Reno grinned and stalked to the counter that Tseng leaned on. He pressed him against it and grabbed Tseng's ass in one hand, his other trailing over the cum spattered chest in front of him. "You are a complete mess this mornin'."

Tseng looked down and realized for the first time that morning that he was indeed a complete mess. His body was coated in dried sweat and semen and his hair stuck out at odd angles that defied gravity. He blushed even deeper and poked an accusatory finger into Reno's equally messy chest. "It's your fault I'm a total mess!"

Reno chuckled and nuzzled his face into Tseng's neck, inhaling deeply as he planted an apologetic kiss there. "Wanna get cleaned up?"

Tseng gave a small nod and let Reno drag him into the tub. Cold water sprayed down on his back as Reno turned the shower on without waiting for the water to warm up and he gave a surprised gasp at the sudden discomfort. Reno shivered against him and quickly adjusted the water temperature, the warm spray feeling divine as it chased away the chills that the cold water had left behind.

Reno had to admit that he probably should have warmed up the water before turning on the shower but the need to see Tseng dripping and wet in his arms was far more insistent than the need for warmth. He squirted some soap into his hand before setting another kiss on Tseng's neck. He ran his soapy hand over Tseng's chest and smiled as Tseng did the same to his back. There was very little that was sexual about their shower, every now and again they shared a kiss as they scrubbed each other clean beneath the soothing warm spray of water that tumbled over their bodies and cleared away the evidence of the night before. Reno was a little sad to see his seed run off of Tseng's body in a soapy river, but he knew he could always replace it with a fresh coat of the substance later. He kissed along Tseng's neck as he ran his fingers through soaped up locks of dark hair. "Do we have to show up today Tsengy?"

Tseng sighed heavily and finished washing his hair on his own, leaving Reno's hands free to do as they please. "You know the answer to that question Reno."

Reno pouted and ran his hands over Tseng's chest tenderly, wiping away excess soap suds. They had this conversation every time Reno spent the night, though they usually had it in the living room or the kitchen instead of the shower. "I hoped the answer would be different today."

Tseng turned around and wrapped his arms around Reno's neck, pressing a gentle kiss onto pouting lips. "Unfortunately the answer is going to be the same as it was the last time you asked. The same thing goes for all the other questions you ask every morning. Yes, we have to go to work today. No, you can't pretend you're sick and stay home. Yes, I will make you tea since you like it better than coffee. No, you can't have potato chips for breakfast. Yes, you have to wear the tie its company protocol."

Reno's pout deepened and he gave a dejected sigh. "I knew you'd say that."

Tseng gave Reno another kiss and turned off the water. Reno held him in place as he tried to step out of the tub to dry off and Tseng raised an eyebrow at the odd behavior. A playful smirk crossed Reno's lips and he pressed their dripping bodies together. "Would the answers change if I made it worth your while?"

Tseng fought the urge to whimper at the contact, Reno's slick and very erect member pressing against his own. "You know why we have to go to work Reno. What happens if we don't show up?"

Reno ran his hands over Tseng's body, carefully watching the dark haired man's face for any signs of weakness when he passed over sensitive skin. "People get jealous."

Tseng gave a nervous chuckle as Reno's fingers glided over his skin. "And what happens when people get jealous?"

"They come shoot us." Reno's playful tone didn't change as he leaned forward to run his tongue across Tseng's jaw. "Ya know Tsengy, I don't think I'd mind getting shot if it means I get more time with you."

Tseng gave a shudder of a very different kind as he remembered what was in store for them if Rodney had his way. He pulled away from Reno's warm embrace and stepped out of the tub. "Don't say things like that."

Reno frowned and followed Tseng out of the tub, grabbing a towel so that he could dry off. "It's true."

Tseng felt a few tears prick at his eyes and he whipped around to give Reno a piercing glare. "No it's not. You don't want to be shot Reno."

Reno blinked hard at the angry glare he was getting, realizing that he had stepped on a very delicate nerve. They dried off in silence, the cloak of death that had removed itself from their shoulders for a few brief hours of paradise settling back over them. Reno couldn't understand why Tseng had gotten so emotional over his words, but he felt it was something he needed to address. He watched Tseng make coffee while he cradled a cup of tea in his hands, somewhat confused by the sudden change in atmosphere. "Tseng?"

"Yes?" Tseng was still trying to block out the dreadful mental images of a dead Reno.

"I meant it you know." Reno watched Tseng's back stiffen as the man turned around to reprimand him. He held his hand up to stop the angry words he knew would flow out of Tseng's mouth, determined to say what was on his mind. "I won't ever throw away my life on something that it doesn't need to be wasted on, but I will willingly die if it means giving you even a few more moments to live."

Tseng felt a few tears prick at his eyes and he hastily wiped them away. "Reno, I don't want you to die trying to protect me."

"Whether you like it or not I'm going to do everything in my power to do just that." Reno cupped Tseng's hands in his own, gripping the shaking fingers tightly. "I love you Tseng and there's not a damn thing anyone can do to keep me from trying to protect you." Reno bent forward and placed a tender kiss on Tseng's lips as if he were sealing a pact with the man by doing so.

Tseng felt guilt tear at his insides as he kissed Reno back, the knowledge that neither of them would be able to escape death that night weighing down his shoulders. He pulled away and gave Reno a reassuring smile. "I love you Reno but if we have anymore heartwarming moments this morning I might go to work with a smile. Then everyone would know something was going on."

Reno laughed and happily finished his tea. He watched as Tseng sipped at his coffee, glad that the momentary awkwardness that had passed between them was gone. They spent the rest of their time before they had to report to Veld talking about small things of little or no consequence. When they reported to Veld with the other Turks Reno was fairly sure he could see a ghost of a smile still playing at the corners of Tseng's lips, but he wasn't sure if he saw it there because he wanted to see it or because it was actually there. He left for his routine patrol with the others positively beaming with happiness because, for once, he would be going on patrol without Rodney hanging around to shoot him dirty looks.

Tseng followed Rodney to the testing area in silence, his back straight and his hands clasped together behind him. He made no mention of what was supposed to happen the night before or what had happened instead, waiting for Rodney to break the silence with the hopes that the man had forgotten. He had no such luck, however, as Rodney turned around and glared at him with red eyes just before they reached the testing area. His voice was laced with annoyance and anger as he practically spat his words at Tseng. "You didn't show."

"No, I did not." Tseng kept his own voice even as he watched Rodney's hands ball into angry fists. "I suggest you don't attack me again, it would be very difficult to take your test with a broken hand."

Rodney's face turned a very unattractive shade of red, his anger difficult to contain now that he had the cause of it standing in front of him. "You know what I'm going to do, right?"

"I do." Tseng nodded, his face still expressionless as he evenly met Rodney's bloodshot gaze.

"And you're okay with watching Reno get shot?" Rodney sneered, his voice full of scorn. He didn't wait for Tseng to answer, the lack of emotion showing on Tseng's face giving him even more reason to be angry as he stalked to the testing room, his body trembling with suppressed rage.

Tseng inhaled deeply and took his place outside the door, his body surprisingly relaxed now that he had sealed his fate.

Reno was practically bouncing with excitement and nerves as he waited to be called into President Shinra's office, his eyes darting around the room to land on each face that looked between him and Rodney with worry. He stood near Tseng but far enough away for it to be considered a friendly distance. He hated waiting and it showed in his face, the impatience etched there alongside his happy smile. They had had an amazing patrol today and some of the Turks had complimented him for his good work, something they usually refrained from doing since he had a big enough ego as it was. When the door to the office finally opened and he, Rodney, and Tseng were beckoned inside he nearly sprinted through the doorway. He only refrained from running straight into the office by making sure he matched each of his steps evenly with Tseng's, the other man's footfalls steady and sure as they made to stand in front of President Shinra's desk.

Tseng's mind was surprisingly clear as he watched Rodney shoot scathing glances at him while they entered the office, his lips twitching upwards in a smirk as if he was proud of getting both Tseng and Reno killed. Even though the gunshots hadn't rang out yet, Tseng knew he was a dead man. Tseng was required to be in the office while the decision was made since he had trained the two, his handiwork evident in their success or failure. He watched as President Shinra steepled his fingers and looked them all over, his eyes resting on Reno for a few moments longer than Rodney. When he spoke Tseng felt the desire to stand in front of Reno to keep him from hearing the echoing ring of his death sentence, but he remained where he stood.

President Shinra's voice rang loud and clear throughout his large office, the sound seeming to drain any emotion it came into contact with. "As you both know I can only hire one of you. Since your test scores were nearly the same, I need to hear from each of you why I shouldn't hire the other. I don't care about why I should hire you; I've already got the test scores and reports from other Turks telling me why I should hire you. I need to know why your fellow trainee isn't worthy of holding a position within this company." President Shinra brushed a hand out, inviting the two to start talking at their leisure.

Tseng shivered as Rodney stepped forward, an evil smile on his lips as he gave Tseng a piercing glare. He knew that this was what would happen, he knew that Shinra would ask for them to turn in their fellow comrades and say anything they could think of to get the other person fired. When he had been asked to name wrongdoings his comrades had made he had done so without even caring about what happened to them. His only thought had been that if he was hired he would get the chance to see Reno. He didn't know what Rodney had to look forward to if he was hired, but whatever it was it had driven Rodney to sign the death sentence of two people. He couldn't manage to think any less of Rodney for doing so; he had done the exact same thing. "Sir, Reno is unfit to be a Turk as his loyalty lies with Tseng and not the company."

Reno blinked in surprise as Shinra asked them to discredit each other, the speed with which Rodney rose to the plate making his heart sink. He could feel President Shinra's eyes on him as he questioned Rodney about his statement. "What makes you think he is loyal to Tseng?"

Rodney gave Tseng one last glare before letting the words that would kill him drop from his lips like poison. "They're lovers sir."

Shinra sighed and rummaged in his desk for a moment, that moment giving Tseng just enough time to stand in front of Reno before the gun appeared in Shinra's hand. Tseng watched the bullet race towards him with a small sigh as he felt Reno's hands on his back try to push him out of the way. He stood his ground and concentrated on the feel of those hands as the bullet collided with his forehead. Tseng didn't even feel the bullet pierce his skin as it crashed through his skull and ripped through his brain, his final thoughts the memory of Reno's soft lips pressing against his own.

Reno watched Tseng's jarring trip to the ground in horror, blood pouring from the large hole in his forehead as he seemed to shatter before his eyes. Reno screamed and dived to the ground after him, the bullet that ripped through his side passed through him without being felt. He held Tseng's face between his hands, his voice shaking as he tried to make the glassy dark orbs drown him again as he watched Tseng's blood pool onto the ground and stain the pristine white carpet a bright red. Another bullet pierced his side but he ignored it, his only thoughts for the beautiful creature lying broken in his hands, bits of skull scattered on the floor like broken glass. Reno wiped blood from the face that he had kissed so tenderly that morning, tears falling from his eyes to try and rinse clean the crimson stains that marred perfect features. He begged Tseng to wake up, to give him just one more kiss, but the unfeeling body in his hands couldn't answer his despairing cries. He felt cold metal press against the back of his head but he didn't care, the barrel of the gun unimportant compared to the shattered face Reno had tried so hard to keep intact for years. He didn't register the fact that he was milliseconds away from dying as he let out one last scream for Tseng, unable to finish the sorrow-filled sound as a bullet ripped through his brain and threw him on top of his beloved Tseng who waited for him just outside the realm of the living with a warm smile and comforting arms.

Rodney stood in shock as Reno's final scream echoed through the room, the sound mingling with the gentle drip of blood onto the carpeted floor. Shinra wiped his gun carefully, stowing it inside his jacket before nudging one of the still warm corpses with his foot. When he was sure that the two were dead he turned to Rodney, a sickeningly kind smile plastered to his face. He reached out a hand that had taken the lives of countless Turks and Rodney numbly reached out to accept it, his mouth still agape with shock as he tried to comprehend the fact that he was responsible for the deaths of two people. President Shinra shook his hand and a new sound sliced through Rodney's mind like a knife as it echoed over the steady dripping coming from the corpses at his side. "Welcome to Shinra."

Author's Note: I told you you'd hate me for how this ended.

Thankyou to anyone and everyone who read, reviewed, favorited, alerted this story or all of the above. I appreciate all the support everyone has given me and I am well prepared for the many shovel whacks and other forms of abuse you will undoubtedly want to give me for such a horribly depressing ending.

Sorry to make you sad;

Love Vietta