Author's Note: Yeah, I haven't written Death Note lately, so I finally decided to sum up the willpower to write some BeyondxL. The couple totally makes sense, so shuddap. It's obviously yaoi if you can't tell. Thanks for reading. It's a little odd, a little different form my usual writing style, but still. I hope you enjoy.

"I love you."

Three words L absolutely refused to believe. Those three words. The only words that could seem to make his indifferent heart pound and accelerate, to make his expression falter for a moment. To make him fight to keep a scowl on his face, and occasionally, a smile.

He hated it. He hated those words. I love you? It was a way to worm into someone's heart, wasn't it? A way to break them?

Well the raven haired male wasn't going to fall for it. Never. That was what he vowed to himself. He vowed that he would never, never fall into that kind of trap. He had said it to himself as a child, and he was saying it now. Now that he was the world's greatest detective, that vow had to stay put in place.

It was harder then he thought.

Especially when someone had done it before. Especially when they had gotten close enough to him.

The detective should have known better then to let the boy get close to him. L should have known better then to answer the boy the first time he had talked to him. He should have walked away.

But he didn't. He didn't. He let the boy get closer and closer to him, until it had become a habit of his successor to sneak into his room at night. He shouldn't have let him stay inside of his room, or he should have stopped the hourly conversations they had. He should have known that something was going to happen with that innocent, yet sly smile the backup had on his face.

So the boy had gotten close enough. Close enough that when his lips touched the elder's, he didn't push him off. Close enough that when his hands dared to slide off the other's clothes, L only moaned with anticipation. He had never been touched like that. Never.

And now he was living with the consequences. It was already a few years later, and he was still living with the horrible consequences. The boy was dead, and he was still living with them. The pain and the guilt.

It didn't help that the last three words that escaped his mouth had been "I love you, Lawli-pop."

"I love you too, Beyond." He regretted those words. They weren't true, were they? They were a lie, weren't they? He couldn't possibly be telling the truth. He was L. L, the greatest detective in the world. L, the person working to solve the Kira case. L, who was so young and had already solved over a thousand cases. L, who didn't love anybody.

But he was L. He was still a human, no matter the case. L, the human.

Just because he was L, didn't mean he wasn't human.

And L loved Beyond. L Lawliet, the famous detective, the indifferent human being, loved Beyond. And there was nothing that could change that.

Author's note: It's short but... I don't know if I want to continue on with this. It's good as it is, yeah? I don't like it much, but still. Maybe I'll write another chapter if I get a lot of encouragement. I probably won't.