So guys, sorry I haven't been updating that much recently. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't have any tragical thing or any good excuse for not updating recently. Just, I don't really feel like it, sorry guys!

Anyway! I don't think anyone told my mind that it was on hiatus, cause I've been getting lots of ideas for stories, practically everywhere I go. And since I can't (read don't want to) write there, I wanted to put this challenge list instead. So here it is! Have fun! ^^ E-mail me if you have any questions ok?

Title (Title is changeable)

Warning: Mentions of abuse and Slash!

Category: Harry Potter


Pairing: Don't really care, has to be male ^^

- Harry has been working in his uncles factory since his parents died.

- He runs away when he was 10

- Runs into (Put name here) while he was pick-pocketing (Harry is around 13-15)

- (Put name here again) adopts him

- (Put name here) doesn't know Harry is Lord Potter

- Takes Harry to castle where he/she works at

- Then its all yours ^^

Note: This story has to be slash, if your stuck or anything feel free to ask me for ideas. Good luck!