(A/N: I actually wrote this story last week, but I was saving it for today. Enjoy!)

Mother's Day

It's Mother's Day. Diana spends the day with Gabe, talking and laughing. They look at pictures of Gabe growing up—from a picture of the day he was born to images of empty couches that only Diana sees Gabe in.

It is the perfect day, full of the amazing mother/son moments Diana lives for.

If only it weren't all fake.

It's Mother's Day. Dan sits and listens to his wife talk to their dead son. He should probably interfere—remind Diana that their son isn't here anymore, show her how the pictures of him are really just empty, blank backgrounds.

He doesn't, though. How could he possibly tell her that when she's so happy?

If only Dan had enough courage to at least remind Diana about their daughter.

It's Mother's Day. Natalie doesn't even bother trying anymore. She hasn't acknowledged the holiday since fifth grade, when it was obvious that her mother preferred Gabe's (non-existent) card to the piano piece Natalie had been practicing for ages for her mom. This year, Natalie leaves for Henry's house so she won't have to hear Diana laughing with Gabe over some story that never really happened.

When Natalie gets to Henry's house, she breaks down in tears even though she doesn't want to. Henry holds her and says he knows how she feels, even though of course he doesn't.

If only Diana would spend some time with her alive child on Mother's Day.

(A/N: Reviews are love!)