Disclaimer: Man of Action, not I, owns Generator Rex. I just love the show!

Info: Rex lives in a world where beings called Evos are hunted down, captured, and done who knows what to by the World Government of Providence. Rex, an Evo himself and one of the most powerful ones at that, has been hunted since the day he was born. Now fifteen years later, Rex lives in the last safe haven for evos: Kingdom Abysus , ruled by Rex's enchanting and enigmatic uncle, Van Kleiss. There Rex comes across Noah, a seemingly wayward human, and a forbidden tale of love and lust unfolds.

Warnings: AU; underaged sex and boy on boy in later chapters. I do warn you though that no M-rated material will happen before chapter three. Some kisses and hugs perhaps and maybe even some groping but nothing more until at least chapter 3. This chapter is just about how this universe's Kingdom Abyssus came to be, how this universe's Rex's parents disappeared, and about how this universe's Providence acts. Skip to next chapter if you're not interested.

Me: Hi, I'm Lan and I decided that there needs to be more Generator Rex fanfics so here it is.

Rex: What's this? *rips story out of my hand* A story about me? Well I am the greate-*reads next chapter* Whaaa! This is...this is! LANNNNN, I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!

Me: Sorry, but I have to go before an enraged Evo kills me.*uses personal nanites to grow wings and fly into the air* Oh, and in case I don't make it back alive: Here's the story! *tosses it to all of my eagerly awaiting fans(I wish)*

Rex: GET BACK HERE!*uses own personal nanites to grow a flying jetpack and chases after me*

Let the Adventure Begin!

"Come on! This way!" A 20-something year old man shouted, pushing past both trees and bushes alike. The lower hanging branches and the taller thorny bushes scratched red marks into the man's exposed cheeks and arms. One of which had a golden gauntlet hanging off the wrist instead of a hand. When the man reached a clearing in the wood and turned back to see if his comrades had caught up with him yet, the discordant hum of engines suffused the previously still night. Hatred clear in his eyes, the man whirled around, the bright full moon emphasizing the contrast between his long black hair and the white streaks that lay in it. One tiny, pinpricked needle thrusted out of each of the man's golden gauntlet's five fingers. The man gritted his teeth, moving to the side to let his two friends exit the woods and enter the clearing Their eyes too went wide with unsurpressed rage as they saw the approaching array of Providence Anti-Evo Aircraft (PAEA)-aircraft specifically designed by Providence to subdue and capture all Evos. The two people who now stood to the right of the white-streaked man were dressed in a similar fashion of torn blue jeans and a short-sleeved shirt. They, like the gauntleted man, had black hair, but without the white streaks or of the same length. The man of the duo had short wavy hair and a scar that passed all the way from his left eye to his jaw. It had a reddish sheen to it that gleamed in the moonlight in the same terrifying way that the man's one working cold, black eye did; the other one, the left one, held a milky opagueness that was frightening in its own right. The woman of the duo had shining raven-black hair that was thriced as long as the man with the gauntlet. It went all the way down to her knees. Her face, although scarless, held a myriad of wrinkles that were undoubtedly caused by constant worry and fear. A small bundle in her pale arms emitted a piercing shriek without end. The crying baby's eyes were closed in the effort of its cries and a tuft of black hair could be seen ontop of the nearly bald head. Even as the closest of the PAEAs landed, sending forth a torrent of armed and dangerous Providence soldiers from its massice bulk, the woman tried to assurance the infant and croon it into silence. The baby's crying only grew louder. When the Providence soldiers were almost three miles away, the gauntlet wearing man would have race forward if it wasn't from a curt shake of the head from the scarred man.

"No, Van. I'll take care of them. I need you to take Vanessa and my son out of here to that forest," his voice was gruff and his jaw was set as he left Van and Vanessa, running almost nonstop. However, before he was completely swallowed up by the shadow formed by the moon's light, he looked back at Vanessa with a rueful expression in his eyes and an unspoken final good bye on his lips. Clenching his teeth together, he continued his mad dash to the soldiers even as they raised their laser pistols into the air at his and the others' locations. Right before the first shots were fired, the entire left side of the man's body, splitting right down the middle of his scalp to the middle of the bridge of his nose to his crotch, became a convulsing mess of metallic and girthy tentacles, each with foot long spikes all over the ends and edges. Several tentacles were kept on the ground at all times in order to act as makeshift feet. With one swing, the half man/half metal plant thing shielded the oncoming attacks and, with a roar, propelled several projectiles of his own -the metal spikes- at his enemies. Several of them were speared right through their gullet while others were decapitated, their heads impaled ontop of the thorn's razor-sharp tip. Vanessa reflexively reached out for the man's silhouette that grew increasing smaller and smaller. She couldn't stop herself from moving forward slightly as the desire to join in the fight and help the man she loved almost overtook her.

"Vanessa, we must leave David be. He made his choice and now we must do the same. If we stay here, all of us will be taken, including your son." Van's voice was gentle, but it couldn't hide the urgentcy in its message. Snapping herself out of her revelry and nodding once, Vanessa closed her eyes, scrunching up her forehead in concentration as she did so. In the next moment, her already long hair grew several more feet and twisted together into eight sharp, metallic points, each acting as a seven foot leg. Opening her hazelnut eyes, Vanessa transmogrified her right arm into a giant, metal version of it before offering it to Van. Once his needle-like claws had dug into her giganto-arm, her spiderlike hair-legs bunched up and leaped. Vanessa's metallic hair-legs gleamed coal-black in hte moonlight before they jumped. They propelled her several miles into the air, above Providence aircraft as well, and landed about a hundred miles away from the ongoing fight, behind the deadly Providence troops and the lone David. Waiting for Van to declaw himself from her, Vanessa transformed back to her normal self. Her arm and hair went back to their respective normal sizes and their own normal components: pale skin and warm flesh for the arm; pitch-black hair for the hair. She made sure to do this as quickly as possible since Providence was able to somehow Track Evos by their elevated bioenergies, which were stimulated when an Evo activated its nanites. David had sacrificed his life so that she and their child could escape. She wasn't about to just throw that away so carelessly. After getting ues to the ground again after richocheting through air and space, the trio continued thier journey running with a seemingly endless supply of energy. The infant was silent. He had cried throughout the whole escape, but once they had landed on solid ground, the baby finally quieted down. Drowsy and spent from screaming for several hours straight, the child was sound asleep. Van, Vanessa, and the baby were all safe. For now.

Van, Vanessa, and the baby were silently resting in a small alcove under the roots of a great tree whose roots seemed to magically have closed off their entrance and, therefore, closed off anyway someone could easily find them. They were tired, having run all day and night for two days straight without any more than five minute breaks in between. Despite their lack of stamina, though, Van and Vanessa knew that they would have to continue on shortly if they hoped to avoid any minions of Providence that happened to skulking in the woods. With a heavy sigh and a look of agreement from Vanessa, Van swiftly activated his nanites, unleashing the needle-like claws in the process, and dug his claws into one of the thick roots of the tree. The moment he touched it, he manipulated the nanites in the trees, causing the roots to move aside and reveal the trio's hiding place. Deactivating his nanites as soon as the entryway was clear, he and Vanessa crawled out from under the tree as fast as possible. Once Vanessa was on the outside, she reached under the tree and carefully lifted the infant out and safely into her arms. She was thankful to whatever god or goddess there was that the child had woken up was still asleep from its third nap since waking up yesterday.

Craddling the infant in comforting arms, Vanessa led the way out of the immediate area and toward -after Van checked the compass- a westward direction. They both knew that Providence must have already picked up the spike in bioenergies coming from the area they were just at and although they might not have guessed who the bioenergies belonged to, Providence would still send at least a small fleet to apprehend an Evo. Van and Vanessa just hoped that they would get far enough away before any Providence agents -old and new- found them.

Vanessa, Van, and the baby ran across a terrain of boulders and desiccated trees, underbrush, and other vegetation. Providence troops were right behind them and closing in. The deep throbbing of the PAEAs mixed with the high-pitched whines of the baby to create a medley of almost deafening noises. Before long the Evo trio was surrounded on all sides by PAEA's and troops alike. There was nowhere that they could run to as an escape. When the dust stirred from the landed PAEAs' huge rotary blades finally settled, a rather large figure dressed in a white bio suit emerged. The suit covered every portion of his plump body with a clear, plastic face mask. His whole body was sealed away from the nanite particles in the air and in the earth. There was a little microphone that was inside the mask and just in front of his mouth. Van and Vanessa's eyes glared in anger and utter loathing as the man walked forward. Several soldiers continuously moved with him, five on every side.

"Van Kleiss, Vanessa Kleiss, it's about time that you stopped playing this little game of yours. David is already back in protective custody and getting the help that he needs. Soon you will join him and then we can finally talk about what needs to be done to-I mean for young Rex there," the man in white's voice was elegant with mock sincerity. Vanessa gripped the baby Rex tighter at the man of white's mention of him.

"White Knight, I will NEVER let you get Rex! Argh!" Van extracted his claws and stabbed them into the ground he was standing on, activating and controlling the nanites in the dirt. Towers of trees and ropes of vines ripped out of the earth and headed straight toward White Knight. White Knight just smiled slightly before whistling, a sound amplified by the microphone into a piercing slice through the air. A mesh of metallic tentacles whipped through the space above and in front of White Knight, effectively shielding the heinous man. The tangle of convulsing, metal growths turned into a dark-haired man. There was an eldritch device attached to the right side of his face with a one-eyed goggle over his only working eye: the right eye. The goggle glowed red with electricity and power. Tubes led from it and were buried deep into his brain, sending a blue-ish liquid into and out of David's skull constantly. Neither Vanessa nor Van could say that they were surprised to see that it was David who saved White Knight. They knew well enough what Providence's real goal was. To capture and control all Evos.

"Damn you, White Knight!" Vanessa's scream of pure, unadulterated hatred overpowered even Rex's glass shattering cries! This was why Van, Vanessa, and David had left Providence. Even though they themselves allowed such horrid mind rape to continue under their watch, they couldn't/wouldn't stay after they found out what White Knight's thoughts were on young Rex.

"So uncouth. Please watch your language. There's a child present," White Knight smirked. Vanessa had to visibly calm herself down for fear of accidentally hurting Rex by squeezing him in anger. "David, please take your son away from that 'unstable' woman. She clearly can't take care of children properly." With a swoosh of the air, David had turned into his Evo state: left side all tumultuous metal tentacles while the side with the one-eyed goggle was still human. In the next second he smacked down on the ground with his tentacles and propelled himself toward Vanessa with the force of a train traveling fifty miles per hour. Van, his claws still in the ground, conjured up several wide and thick trees to slow down David's path, but each one of them were ripped apart by David's tentacles before he hit them. David kept tearing up any trees Van put in his way and didn't slow down.

"Damn! Vanessa you need to leave this place. I can't stop Dav-" Vanessa pulled Van's arms out of the ground.

"Take care of Rex. I'll take care of David and Providence. When I'm done I want you to use your powers to make you, Rex, and this whole area escape for good from Providence's radar. Can you promise me that?" Vanessa handed her son over to Van who looked absolutely flummoxed.

"B-but, he'll need you. I'll deal with this, you g-"

"No. We both know that you are the only one who can hide this place from Providence, not me. We both remember what our plan was if Providence ever reached this place. And since David is now only a puppet, it has to be me. Good-bye and leave here with Rex. Providence must never get there greedy hands on him." David busted through the last remaining trees and landed with a loud boom several feet in front of Vanessa and Van. "Go!" Vanessa yelled as she turned her hair into eight metal legs, both of her arms into gigantic metal ones, and her feet into a duo of laser cannons, both of which were aimed at David's calmly advancing figure. Gritting his teeth in forced resignation, Van promised her that he will do his best to fulfill her wish and, using his one normal arm to keep Rex safely against his broad chest, stabbed down into the earth again. A huge vine rose from out under the rough dirt and lifter Van and the baby into the night sky. David, noticing the change in situation, was about to propel himself up after them. The moment he was in the air, Vanessa smacked David's body right out of the air and through several PAEAs that were flying toward the fleeing Van. David's body skidded on the dry ground once he landed on it, left side part first. The ripped through PAEAs plummeted to the ground, exploding almost upon impact. Several PAEAs that had yet to rise and the large crowd of soldiers around them were destroyed in the destructive explosions. Vanessa smiled in satisfaction and continued to ensure that no one would be around to hinder Van's escape by blasting the soldiers behind and in front of her with her cannon-feet: one for each direction. She didn't see the corpse of White Knight anywhere.

Already Van was just a dot in the sky connected to the enormous vine that was embedded into the dirt by Vanessa. She couldn't allow anyone to either get too close -for fear of the vine breaking and Van and her son being plummeted to their deaths- or too far -for fear that they would capture Van and her son. She was trapped there: unable to either leave or let her enemies leave. She knew that this was her end and she wasn't planning to go without a fight. She saw a quickly approaching David with the remnants of the Providence grouped behind him. Knowing what she had to do, she focused all of her energy in elongating and strengthening her nanites. She knew that doing this with all of her different forms (metal-arms, hair-legs, and cannon-feet) at once was extremely dangerous and could lead to complete annihilation of the Evo and the surrounding area. She just hoped that her body would hold out until David and the others were close enough.

Right before David and the remaining Providence agents were upon her, her body contorted and imploded into itself. The resulting hole that resulted dragged in the soldiers and, after ripping out the ground he had dug his tentacles into, David. Soon the hole in space grew to be three miles in width and length. Van's vine was already sucked into the black hole and the rest of it was quickly being pulled in. When the last part was devoured no one was on it. After several more minutes of growing and devouring, the hole sucked itself in, leaving only the crater and barren landscape left as evidence.

Van Kleiss jumped off of his vine the moment he felt it get sucked from right under his feet. Luckily, he was close enough to the ground that he was able to shield the baby and himself from harm. His feet landed in a dry meadow of dead grass. By the time his feet touched the ground, he knew that Vanessa did that but he still had to know for sure. He stuck his still extracted claws into the ground. Untold miles away in a newly made crater, several vines ripped out of the earth and formed into a perfect copy of him except for the roots that connected him with the soil. The copy walked to the top of the crater, its roots moving with it. The close was clear or whether the close was empty. Nothing except for the broken dried husks of trees and rocks were in the immediate area. The real Van pulled his claws out of the earth, causing the copy to disintegrate into mulch. Sighing over the realization that Vanessa was gone forever, Van stopped a moment to rearrange Rex on his hip before focusing all of his power into his claws and ripping them into the earth. The whole area shuddered with the force of his might, fueled by his emotions: anger; hate; sorrow. The whole dried terrain was torn away from its foundations overlooking a chasm and sent the whole area, with him and Rex on it, spiraling away into the abyss. As he fell away into nowhere, he promised something to himself: I will build a kingdom for Evos and use them to crush Providence into nothing! As he thought this the faces of Vanessa, David, and White Knight flashed before his eyes. the last image feeling him with an insatiable loathing.

Don't worry the next chapter will actually concern Rex and Noah. This was just one of those "setting the mood" chapters. I promise to not write something this boring again(at least not in this story). Thanks to everyone who actually read this whole thing and please PM/review me any and all spelling errors. Have a good day!