-Victoire Weasley-

2 Years Out

Vic pulled Teddy's arm as she ran down the streets of Paris. This was always her favorite place to visit while with her grandparents. It was her favorite place on Earth, now she was here with Teddy to show him everything.

"How could you possibly be running this fast in those heels?" Teddy asked her, speed walking to keep up with her quick pace.

"First of all: I'm not running, I'm walking briskly," she corrected. "And second, I want you to see it!"

"I'm pretty sure that alley way you speak of will still be there if we walk at a normal, human pace."

"You don't understand," she felt like pouting. "This isn't just any alley way! It's my favorite. The way the light hits it when the sun is setting…" could she ever explain to him what this meant to her? "We have to get there at the perfect time!"

She switched her camera bag over to her left arm as Teddy closed in on her right.

"Is this the place you told me about, Love?" He whispered. Victoire always seemed to get butterflies fluttering near her navel when he called her that. While she let the trembling settle in her stomach, she had a chance to acknowledge where she was. They had made it to the one place she wanted to be.

"Now go sit on that step right there," she instructed him, ignoring his attempted kiss and pushing him to a stranger's back stoop. "The lighting is absolutely perfect right there."

"I couldn't agree with you more darling," Teddy teased as his girlfriend pulled her camera out of her bag and began taking test shots. "Is it really necessary to get this many pictures of just me? I mean there aren't even this many of the city itself."

"It is perfectly acceptable to have this many pictures of you," she flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder and crouched for the next shot. "You're just so damn cute. Now smile nicely. I have enough shots of you making faces."

Teddy laughed lightly and did as she told. "Ok try leaning against that wall over there. I want to get the sunset perfectly." She was looking at him only through the lens.

She made him move to almost every stoop and corner and door they could find in the alleyway, capturing every angle of the sunset shining around the buildings. Victoire set up her tripod at points to get pictures of the two of them together.

While Vic replaced the lens to fit the newest position she was placing her boyfriend, Teddy jumped at his chance. He pulled a small box out of his inside pocket, replacing it into his left hand pocket and leaned against the ivy covered wall innocently as he had been asked to do countless times today.

"Great job," the blonde smiled as Teddy changed his hair to a shade of gold that contrasted against the leaves perfectly.

She raised the camera to her face and snapped two shots when he did it. He pulled the box out and opened it as she snapped the photo. Inside was a gold diamond ring waiting for her hand.

For the first time in her nineteen years of being alive, Victoire had no reaction to this. She slowly lowered the camera from her face and looked to the boy in front of her who just smirked and shrugged. "Do you like this pose?" he broke the silence and lowered to one knee. "Or is this one better?"

Vic brought her camera back to her face and took Teddy's picture once again before putting the camera back on its tripod and running to his arms.

"Victoire Gabrielle Weasley, will you do me the honors of becoming my wife?"

She nodded and kissed her fiancée with more passion then ever thought possible.

"I still haven't gotten an answer Missy."

"Yes, Theodore Remus Lupin, I will marry you." The smile was plastered to her face eternally and it would surely take Healers to remove it from shining there.

Teddy slipped the ring on her left ringer finger and kissed her. "Good, because it would have been awkward if you had said no."

702 Words

A/N: I have worked far too long on this chapter of 2 Years Out. This story takes place two years after Victoire has graduated and they have been dating for nearly 5 years.

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