The Ghost I Have Become Caitlin MacFarland

Period 7th


Thud, Thud, Thud

The blood behind my ears.

Sirens, growing closer

piercing. screeching.

Doors slam. Thud.

It is over.

Glisten, drip, glisten, drip.

My mother's eyes are leaking

and my father's on his knees

both praying to

the gavel above.

It is working.

Slam, click

And it is dark.

Feeling myself wither

Crestfallen, Time slips through.

Why does it matter?

It is night.

Crackle, crack.

Stalking, creeping about

searching for a life

for I own none,

Hearing, listening, waiting, watching.

It is fake.

Chatter, whispers, laughter.

This is not

What I seek

This is false.

This is cruel

It is wrong.

Scribble, crinkle, scribble, crinkle.

The lives that are lead,

they are black.

Lies, gossip, jabbing words.

These are not what I seek.

It is beautiful.

Crackle, breath, blink.

They play, laugh, fight

How strange yet known.

Warming inside to

see them.

It is decided.

Open, rustle, shut.

I have a plan

to touch these children

with gifts.

I must, I need

It is enthralling.

Clink, scrape, patter

My possessions, now for them.

Indian heads, twine, pocket knife, watch, gum

dolls, all of love.

Elated to see them holding these.

It is guile.

Smash, crackling.

This must stop, this is wrong.

I must return to being a malevolent phantom.

I was a fantasy to them, not

human. My love not really tangible.

It is done.

Pour, rustle.

The connection, severed.

Pouring dirt over something once living.

My heart broken for their good.

Father says it's best.

It is white.


The snow falling softly

then ablaze

everyone there to see

including my children.

It is known.

Open, rustle.

Knowing it is wrong I

grab warmth for she who

is cold.

She shivers no more from winter's bite.

It is love.

Creek, exhale.

These feelings can

not be hidden

the love for my children grows

filling a place for my heart, never known.

It is fine.

Blink, clink, creek.

Winter melts to spring

that warms to summer

and my children feel pain

Over a decision of Maycomb

It is calm.

Blink, sniff.

The air no less bitter from

the decision spewed from racist hearts.

But all is normal once more.

They still walk by sometimes peaking for me.

It is dreamed.

Rustle, inhale.

I dreamed of a conversation

To touch my children with words

But I must not, can not.

But love will not subside.

It is said.

Shut, creek.

But love been said.

They peeped through the windows, gave greetings

on a fishing pole and wandered through our collards in search of me.

I gave them gifts, the love is known.

It is Halloween.

Scrape, rustle.

Something else creeps in the night

breaking in to places unwelcome.

An angry soul

yearning to infect others.

It is unforeseen.

Rustle, creek,

What is happening?

Why are they alone on a night as dark as black cloth?

Hearing a third set of foot steps, seeing a shadow

advancing upon my children.

It is puzzling.

Breath, creek, slam.

Are they friend or foe?

Something gleamed and I need

to act, even if it means

that I shall face my fear and come out.

It is swift.

Scuff, shuffle.

Yanking down a giant and

We fall. I extend toward my fallen knife and

plunge it into the heart of the beast.

Now only to attend the cry of pain heard in the dark.

It is bright.

Lift, groan.

Passing under the bright light carrying

my broken package.

Climbing, calling and then setting it down.

Watching everyone scramble.

It is saved.

Inhale, exhale, stop.

The face staring at me. So sweet and young

so round and full of life.

Staring through those eyes at me knowing

My love.