So here is the background:

Sully and Brennan had a bit longer relationship, they broke up when Erin was 1 and a half. The little girl was raised by her father firstly in New York and later in a small village in Michigan.

Sully died in a car accident (yes everyone dies in a car accidents, I have no fantasy so that's what happened to Sully as well. at least I didn't kill him in some painful way).

Sully and Brennan knew each other before Brennan met Booth. The only person who knew about Brennan's daughter was Angela.

That's probably all you have to know. Oh and Erin is 4 years old.


thanks, hope you like it


How can one phone call change your life? That's not the question you should ask Brennan right now. She was sitting nervous, she is not a person to be nervous, she is usually calm, self confident but now, now it's hard, it's different.

She watched Sweets thru the glass how she talked to the little girl, he was the first one to know, the first one who got to know about Erin Allison Brennan. She didn't know what to do and despite all her doubts she knew Sweets is a good psychologist, a good person and she could say , after all this time ...... a good friend.

The little girl, exactly a little Brennan, a thoughtful girl with big eyes, the only thing what she got from her father, beautiful blue eyes was sitting there with a little teddy in her hand, holding it close like she was afraid that they will take her teddy away from her like they took away her daddy.

Temperance wanted to hug her so closely, she wanted to be there for her because she knew exactly how it feels and then the guilt filled her body, her heart. She did exactly what her parents had done to her, she left her baby.

She thought it was a good choice, her chaotic job, she never was at home and Sully was a great father she knew he was better parent than she is, she loved those moments when she played with her daughter during her free time but she would never imagine she will ever have to do this full time job.

While she was dreaming, someone came and touched her hands "Mommy? Are we going home now?"

"Dr, Lance said you are taking me home" the little Brennan hugged her mother.

How can someone so little be stronger than her? How can heart so easily win?

Sweets waved at her and smiled a little, she waved back and thanked him. She looked at her asleep daughter, took her to the car and watched her falling asleep in her bed.

"what are you dreaming about my little princess? where are you flying?"

She hold her closer to her and felt asleep next to her.
