AN:Obviously this is my first story, so please don't flame. I will, however, take constructive critisism. Thank you! :D

It had been a hectic couple of months. For instance, they had discovered several Everafters who had gone into hiding years ago. The most important was an Everafter under the alias of Michael Buckley. Sabrina didn't know which character he was, but he was thriving. Over time he had actually interviewed several members of the Grimm family, mainly Sabrina, and pieced together several books about their adventures. His eighth was soon to come out. Sure, it took a lot of time, effort, and forged documents to get this far, but the books were good, the Grimms and family friends/enemies were accurately portrayed, and for the most part Sabrina (she was the only on who read them- parents/grandparents being too old, Puck being allergic, and Sabrina intercepting Daphne because of some specific content) enjoyed them. She was mainly just relieved not to be written as a jerk (though she was sometimes)—Michael Buckley got her and wrote the way she would. But there was shocking news—he had signed a movie contract. The Sisters Grimm was hitting the cinemas.